Thursday, December 30, 2004

a year ago today
it was the pretty much the end of 2003. is pretty much the end of 2004, only new year's eve left, and then 2005. how did this year go by so fast? it seems like each year goes faster and faster, never seeming to slow down. so many things happened this year both good and bad...but i must say that 2004 was much better for me personally than 2003. normally this blog entry (the final one of the year) would be my year in review blog, but that will have to be saved for my first blog entry of 2005, because i want to go clean my room up a little bit and get ready to go to vegas to meet up with the roomies (sans Marvin). i want my room to be somewhat clean for the new year, so it's good to go when i get back from vegas. so for now i shall wish you all a happy and safe new year, see ya in 2005! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Sunday, December 19, 2004

2004 American Football Conference Western Division Champions!!!

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =D

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

so my roommate got me sick. i hate being sick...who doesnt. but since i'm sick, i decided to call in sick at work. so for today, i'm gonna be a lazy bum and just sleep my sickness away. sucks that i have to use my paid time off (which is a combo of vacation and sick time). it's not like college days where i could just ditch school when i felt like it. but then again, if i were still in college and i were sick right now, it would be in the middle of finals...which definitely is not a good thing. well..imma go back to my warm bed with a cup of hot tea. germs watch out...stay tuned we'll be back after these messages =/

Thursday, December 02, 2004

it's soooooooofa king cold!!!
that's all, bedtime! gotta get up to work tomorrow. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

as you may have noticed...
i have not been blogging too much. nothing really has been going on in my life. i just do the work thing, and come home and hang out with a few friends and repeat. sometimes i wonder if i will stick to this routine, or change. lately i've been thinking about what i do and if i want to stay with it, or go back to what i originally planned for myself, and become a teacher. personally, that is a goal that i have for myself, but is it financially viable for me? i have rent to pay, a car to pay for, bills, and starting in january, my undergraduate student loans. if i were to go back to school for my credential, i wont have an income to pay for my bills, and to add to that, i wont have calvet to pay for tuition because the money that i am making at my current job disqualifies me for consideration. at the same time, i see the changes that are being made within my company and how stricter they are becoming in terms of getting the results that my job requires. this job is definitely not something i had planned on doing, and i am not sure if i can continue working here for the rest of my life. don't get me wrong, i like many of the people that i work with, and it is not too hard of a job, but is it me? time will tell where i end up. crossroads...

thanksgiving is on thursday, and i'm heading to Las Vegas tomorrow morning. my friend Ana is accompanying me for the trip, since she can't go home to Oakland. i figured that since she would be down here by herself, why not bring her along. besides, company is always nice on a long road trip. i'm getting a rental car because i dont wanna put miles on my car. btw...people who throw rocks at moving cars suck! no further comment on that =x

well, enough of my random entries will be off and on since i am not in school anymore, and i dont need to procrastinate by blogging here. hopefully my loyal and adoring fans will continue reading...and if not, oh well...happy thanksgiving...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages %=)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Stupid Cingular/AT&T!
just got my bill, and it's for $767!!! i have never gone over my bill on any of my cellphones that i have ever had, and now this?!??!!?!? so it looks like they stopped crediting me for any of my minutes as paid or free nights & weekends on october 12, and just charged me $.40 a minute i used until the end of my billing cycle. i guess that means i will be paying them a happy phone call tomorrow morning....i wish their system wasnt down, i would call them right now (which i did when i saw my bill)

election day...bush is leading...why? enough said...

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

insert vegas post here
ok, so last weekend I went to vegas w/ Rosanna, Shelby, MarkChelle, Gee, and Kris to celebrate Nem's 21st birthday. wow, can't believe that she's reached legality...carziness! we left at 4am in the buttcrack of morning on friday morning in 2 separate cars. then headed over to riverside to pick up Shelby's brother's van. from there we went journeyed towards vegas...but not before stopping a couple of times, the first to put more air in the tires cuz we were too fat, especially w/ 8 people and their bags in a 7 person van...and the next stop in Baker to see the world's largest exciting! got to vegas around 10am and checked into Excalibur. for the rest of the day we just lazed around and ate, while Nem dropped the kids off at the pool...TWICE!!! at night we headed to Studio 54@ MGM for the evening.
the next day, i hung out w/ my mom while the others played and shopped. after that, i went back to the room to meet up w/ some of the others. we then headed out to walk the strip.
the next day, we checked out and they dropped me off at my mom's house while they chilled w/ Kris's parents. after that, headed back to SD.

it was fun...not quite the vegas experience i was expecting...especially w/ the half nekkid dude @ 54, but still quite fun. next vegas trip w/ year's eve. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Thursday, October 14, 2004

last day of the week
so i took tomorrow off of work. why you may ask? well, i'm heading to las vegas! gonna celebrate carzy Nem's 21st birthday...yup she's getting to be an old fart. so since they want to leave at...*insert face of disgust here* at 4am in the buttcrack of morning, i decided to take tomorrow first day off from that place (other than weekends) since i started working there. i'm quite first mini-vacation pretty much all year. i didnt even get to enjoy a vacation after i graduated from college, especially since my lovely civic was stolen the night i graduated. after that happened, i worried about finding a job to be able to finance a new car. once i got the job, i never took time to take a break from it all, since i didnt have any days in which i could have taken off...until now. next goal...take a real vacation and go to hawaii! anybody want to go w/ me? i hope to go around spring break or beginning of summer next year. who's down? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, September 30, 2004

so i figure that it's time for another post
after all, it is the end of the month and i havent blogged since like the middle of the month. how many of you have missed my random ramblings? eh...prolly not too many, but oh well. so what is new with yours truly? nothing really, just the same ol stuff. work, home, work, home...and i'm gaining weight. doing the same ol routine and not being too physically active adds poundage to my physique, and that is definitely not a good thing. i seriously want to start going to the gym, but the routine of going to work, and then going home has become common place to me, and im not feeling much like deviating from it...but i should...and i will, just lead me the way to the nearest 24 hour fitness, so i can sign up.
in other news, we got a new roommate to replace mr. abanilla, who left at the end of august. mr. Marvin Tarroja is the newest member of the Cord Lane household...a huge load off of all our backs. we were worried that we wouldnt fill that room, or that we would get some random person move in. so now the only thing to worry about is finding a new washer and getting our oven fixed.

so i have been watching the san diego padres all season long, and they have been doing really well this whole season. theyve had their first winning season in like 5 years...that's a good thing...sucky though that despite all the winning they have been doing, they havent done enough, and chances are that they will not be going to the playoffs. they had a chance, but they lost to sf they dont have too much more of a chance. let's hope that next year they will do better.

friday is tomorrow...meaning the weekend is just about here!!! i may actually go back to ucsd tomorrow to see the fall fest @ rimac...dilated peoples and jimmy eats world are performing. let's just hope they accept my id card, after all i did graduate...they dont swipe the cards, and there is no date on the card, so i should be alright right? right! well...i must prepare for bed and watch fresh prince of bel's friday tomorrow! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

i'm back once again
so i haven't updated in i havent been doing too much of this summer. but as always, nothing has been happening. well...i take that back, we did have an end of summer/house rewarming bbq get together this past saturday. pretty good turn out as a buncha ucsd, hs, and work folk showed up to join in on the festivities. good meat, good drinks, good people, good times.

so lately, i've been going to church a lot. i guess it's not that i'm gonna be this devout catholic who reads the bible on a nightly or semi-nightly basis. i guess, it just feels good to go back to church and take in all of the Godliness of the whole thing. this used to be a regular thing for me...mind you not by choice, but because my mom made me. but i guess, despite being "forced" to go, i liked it inside...and i guess for awhile, i forgot about that aspect. so i started going to church again when i moved out on my own. not because i was forced to go, but because it was my choice...and i must admit, it feels good to go back and soak it all in. it's also a good thing to see people that i havent seen in awhile, some of whom were in my early CCD classes that i took in elementary school. needless to say, i'm enjoying coming back to church.

work is work...nothing's changed there...although it's nice to expand my networks by meeting new people around the department each day. i'm glad i've been able to break my shell to meet these new people. it's also interesting to see the new people go through what i went through 2 months ago in training. one of the newbies went to mira mesa high school, and graduated a year before me. he's one of those people who i would see, but didn't know on a personal basis...but he's on my work i'll prolly get to know him a bit better.

speaking of work...time to sleep, so i can get up to go to work tomorrow. i'm getting old, and becoming more of an adult! sleeping early used to be unheard it's a way of life. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Friday, September 03, 2004

It's September already?!?!?!?!!
wow...this year is moving by really fast. i havent really updated this thing in awhile, cuz really nothing has been going on. My daily routine consists of waking up at 7am, showering, getting dressed, going to work, come home, try to do the errands that i needed to do that day, fix/eat dinner, relax, iron for the next day, go to sleep, repeat. i feel so adult for some reason. but now in addition to all that i do in a day, lately we have been looking for a new roommate cuz Armando moved out last weekend, so i've been trying to move along the process to find a #4 for the house. other than that, it's been normal routine.

so rumor has it that UCSD is starting school in a couple of weeks. it feels kinda weird that i am not getting ready to go back to school as has been my normal routine around this time for the past 18 years. this year's opening day of school will not be one that i will be celebrating since i have graduated from college. part of me misses the routine of getting ready for school, reuniting w/ friends i havent seen in 3 months, welcome week festivities, and even the first day of school where it's just a kickback day of intros and expectations. but alas...none of that will be had by me, since i am a working man w/ a degree. speaking of which...where's my diploma??? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Happy 23rd Birthday to the bestest friend in the whole wide world...Chie! She's such an old dork =p

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

amazing race
ok ok...i'm not really one to watch reality shows other than mtv's real world...but i have to admit that i am hooked on amazing race. the way they build it up and the tasks that they have to perform make for a good story line that i wanna follow. i really like the midget and her cousin, but they got eliminated tonight. so now my next favorite is chip and kim, the "token" black people on the show. they got first place tonight. i just want the dating people...the ones who helped to eliminate the get eliminated.
another show that i watch, but not quite as interested in is big brother... i dont really know the story line as well cuz there are like 3 shows a week, and i cant/dont watch em all. but the game play on that show is pretty interesting, as well as the drama thats going on.
work is cool...i, along with the rest of my department are getting paid to go to the del mar horse races tomorrow. we still have to work 1/2 day, but after that...we're going to the races. my work is paying for the ticket, food, and drinks. i must say that i'm lucky to have landed this job. ok...i think i've updated this thing enough for energy is going away. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
i really think i should update this thing
and i know i said that i would, but i just dont have the energy to do it right now. its not that im energy drained, cuz its not really that. i just dont feel like sitting here typing out every thing that has been going on in my life lately. dont worry, i'm still gonna update this thing every now and then, i just wont really be updating much about my least not this week (unless i find the energy to). i will say though that i am enjoying living on my own, although it's weird to visit home. it's also weird to know that home will also be up for sale starting tomorrow. 10 years in that place...ahh the memories. well, time to make new memories...away from home. stay tuned we'll be back after these messages =T

Thursday, August 12, 2004

too tired
and too lazy to update this and other activities here at my new abode are zapping my energy...but have no fear, i will have a real update soon...i foresee myself updating this thing by this weekend...i hope. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

part of me misses summer bridge...that is all. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, August 01, 2004

so tired
been moving in to my new place all day. uhaul sucks...they put me on the waiting list for a truck, and said they would call to lemme know my status. by 330, i was wondering what was going on, so i called their number...was on hold for way over an hour. went over to the uhaul on camino ruiz and miralani, waited in a long line, and when i finally got to the front, the guy was being a jerk by saying that he couldnt find my name, he then asked for my confirmation #, but i had forgotten that at he told me to come back. so i went home to get it, and came back. almost didnt get a truck, cuz my rsvp was lost in the system somewhere and they didnt have any trucks for me. but since the 2nd guy was the manager, he hooked it up and gave me a truck. many thanks to EllenMae & Mohan who helped me pack and haul my crap over to my new home. k...i'm gonna shower and sleep tired. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages ++

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

in this coming weekend to my new humble abode just ~6 blocks away from here.  i'm pretty excited bout moving, but im not excited about moving.  lemme explain...i'm looking forward to moving out on my own, but i dont wanna do the actual physical moving that is involved.  in a way, i kinda screwed myself by waiting til today to reserve a u-haul for saturday.  i'm on the waiting list for one, so hopefully one becomes available on saturday afternoon.  i dont really have all that much to transport over that is heavy...just my bed, dresser, and big screen tv that my dad is giving me....but i still need a u-haul to move it.  i'm so much of a mover procrastinator that i havent even really started packing.  i really dont need to pack and move all my stuff right away, cuz i can always come back and get the rest of it anytime i want.  point is...i dont wanna move my stuff!  i'm kinda also gonna miss my room...i've lived here for 10 years...kinda hard not to get bittersweet about it.  oh well...i'm finally moving out on my own.  stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, July 17, 2004

sofa king hot
my room is like an oven, and has been that way all day...actually its been that way all week...thankfully i havent really felt it this week cuz ive been in an air conditioned building at work.  despite that, id rather have spent my time at the beach...but oh well, i'm making money.  speaking of which, i got my first paycheck yesterday!  woohoo, i really needed the money.  but hey, anybody wanna go to the beach w/ me?  the weather is perfect for it...lemme know.  but i can only go after 5pm m-f and on weekends cuz of work, so yeah...let's go...
sorry for the last post i made...of course it was my bday and i was soooo out of it.   it was a really fun night, thanks to all of you who celebrated w/ me.  i definitely paid for it the next day while i was at work.  i was feeling the effects of my bday...and my co-trainees knew it.  ah well, you only turn 23 once right?  so i'm supposed to be in vegas this weekend, but was forced to change the trip to a different weekend, cuz pretty much everybody who was supposed to go backed out.  sorry Aldrin for cancelling it so suddenly on you, i'll make it up to you when we go....he was the only person who could go out of the 4 others who were supposed to go.  i really wanna go w/ a bunch of friends, so if anybody wants to go...lemme know...
im off in the search of cool and an ice cream the title says, it's sofa king hot!  stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, July 12, 2004

so buzzed right now

li habent been this buzed in a long timed. thank yo for all who you came out;. mon asked me to blg while while i was tsyill buzzed and stuffs. if i am not readabled to you to read, its becaused i have alcohalo in myh sysletem. dont alaugh at me, cuz it was yount u who boughht me beverages and stuffs. ok...stay tuned...we'll be back aftgetr these messages. thank you to you who came oput and wished me a happy birftday. stay tuned...we'llb e backl after these messages =-)
do you smell that???
yes, that is the smell of an old fart. i am now 23 yrs old as of today...meaning one thing, my mother gave birth to me 23 yrs ago, making today my birthday. for some reason, i do not feel any older and i definitely did not look forward to turning another year older. 22 was a nice age for me...last year of college, i was a academic transition counselor to 6 great guys, which was a major goal for me throughout my ucsd career, i dealt with love life issues, and of course, i graduated from ucsd...i was quite content with that age. but with 23 comes a whole lot more in terms of entering the real world. graduating college as a 22 year old means entering the workforce as a 23 year old. also, i will be moving out at the end of this month for the first time in my life (unless u count the 4 summer bridges i was a part of). basically, i really have to become an adult. yeah yeah, i became an adult @ age 18, but i just prolonged non-adult life for an extra 5 years as i proceeded through college life, and now i am faced with the reality of life. but that is a part of growing up. thank you everybody for your birthday wishes...they really put a smile on my face. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

working man
started at my new job yesterday. it seems like a cool place to work. been doing a lot of training stuff and get to know you stuff. was in the classroom pretty much all day (pretty boring, but i guess necessary). the benefits are pretty nice too. still cant believe that im out of school, and actually working! i will also be moving out at the end of the month. moving in w/ Chris, and Mikey (who i am also working with in the same team). crazy stuff i tells ya. stay tuned....oh wait, did i mention someone's birthday is coming up on monday? i wonder whose it is....we'll be back after these messages ;)

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Happy 24th Birthday to Rosanna!!!! you's an old fart!!!

Monday, June 28, 2004

nothing to really say
but hi! this is a boring post to keep my faithful readers entertained with something from me.

went to oasis today for a visit, and to pick up a summer bridge application for my cousin. i also drove by argo hall. both were sharp reminders that i will not be a part of summer bridge this year. i really wish i had gotten hired as a senior staff member for this year, but i guess it wasnt meant to be. its just weird for me to think that this will be the first summer bridge in 5 years that i will not be an active participant of. i will most likely be visiting the program (especially if my cousin Antonio gets in).

i have 385 miles on my new car...its been fun driving it, and it is definitely honoring the memory of my civic si. lojack was installed in it today, if somebody plans on taking it like they took my last car, i will know about it ;)

exactly 2 weeks until i turn 23!!! *ahem*july 12*ahem* *hint**hint* gas cards, best buy cards, and aeropostale and american eagle stuffs would be greatly appreciated *wink**wink*

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages

Thursday, June 24, 2004

i am now the proud owner of a 2004 ______________ ____________!!! oops, my fingers wont let me reveal the identity of my new car. i guess if u wanna know, u gotta see it in person. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

i got the job!!! they called me this morning to tell me that they're "excited to have [me] aboard as a member of homecomings financial". i start @ 830am on July 6, and i have to go through a month of training. i'm gonna get paid nicely, and good benefits (although the benefits wont kick in til sept 1). yeah yeah, its not a teaching job like ive been wanting, but whatever will pay the bills right? next thing on my agenda...get my car! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

*crosses fingers*
i really hope i get this job that i applied for! was interviewed for the 2nd time today. it seems like a really cool place to work, and the pay and benefits are really nice! homecomings financial...i will be waiting for a call from you real soon! also looking forward to getting my new car to replace my recently stolen honda civic...i hope to get it sometime this week...that is if insurance comes through with their check. wanna do some math? ok here it goes...the value of my car comes out to be $14750 (not bad, i paid $16700 4 1/2 years ago)...the deductable is $250, bringing the total to $14500...i owed $ the total amount of money i'm getting from this is $13325. not bad. if i had sold my car, i'd be lucky if i could get $11000. it pays to get your car stolen, but i wouldnt recommend it...too many headaches, and stress...add to that the other stuff (like pikachu, my mp3 cd player, and cds) getting stolen sucking up the wazoo! but the car that i'm gonna get to replace my 2000 civic si (the best civic ever made) will definitely honor the memory of my beloved automobile. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, June 18, 2004

quick update
still waiting on insurance to see how much theyre gonna give me for my car...then i'm gonna get a new car! what kind of car am i gonna get you ask? well...thats for me to know and for you to find out. let's just say that i already know what i'm gonna get and its a car that suits me and would make my old car proud, but i won't share it here, not just yet.

did u feel the earthquake on tuesday? i did...during my job interview for homecomings financial! well, it must have been a good interview, cuz i got a callback, and will have a 2nd interview tomorrow!

went to disneyland yesterday w/ Mari, Steph, and Ian since my annual pass expires today. it was fun...just remember, it's all about the "rule of 3's!"

i actually uploaded some pics! wanna see em? click here, here, here, and here

that's all...imma go do something else...i've been at the comp for too long. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Sunday, June 13, 2004

March 4, 2000-June 13, 2004
Happy graduation to me...someone stole my car! went to noel's grad party last night, and when i got back, it was gone! this morning, the police department found it stripped down to the frame in downtown san diego on juniper street. it was a professional operation. i really loved that car, it was the first car that i ever bought on my own. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =(

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Farewell UCSD
The Regents of the University of California, Acting Chancellor Marsha Chandler, and the 2004 Graduating Class of John Muir College at The University of California, San Diego announce that Jeff Davis Green III is a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Human Development with a minor in Ethnic Studies. This degree was conferred upon him at the Thurgood Marshall College Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, June twelfth, Two-Thousand and Four at Eight-thirty in the morning, North Campus Recreation Area (RIMAC Field).

Stay Tuned...we'll be back after these messages =D

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

major case of senioritis is in effect
and that means i have not done anything that involves studying, reviewing, reading, or academic-ing since class ended on friday. had my first final today in sign language...not too bad, but whatever cuz it's p/ up is tep 109, my teaching pe class, which apparently will be a 2 hour long test. eh...whatever, i'm so through with school! what's i had an interview with geico yesterday, and will have another with homecomings financial (same place where Mikey works) this coming friday right before p-grad. i make my final appearance @ ucsd this saturday @ 830am on RIMAC field. look out real world, jeff green is on his way, and he's taking no prisoners! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Sunday, June 06, 2004

i cracked up when when i saw this commercial for starbucks at adam's going away/graduation party tonight...i hadnt seen it til now, even though a lot of peeps have been talking bout it.

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, June 03, 2004

graduating is so fricken expensive!
i have spent so much money on this process. $20 for apsa grad banquet, $100 for pictures, $70 for announcements, $60 for cap and gown (with an extra tassel and a ucsd stole), $20 for KP p-grad among other things. but i figure what the hell...i'll only graduate from college once right?
so i havent updated this thing in a while cuz i have been busy with the graduation hoopla. this week is my final week of instruction ever @ ucsd, and as i write this, there are only 9 days left until i step onto rimac field to bid my final adieu to this university. the fact that i'm graduating did not hit me until i participated in APSA's grad banquet this past saturday. before then, i was just whatever about graduating, but when the ceremony was going on, i was suddenly hit with a rush of memories and the realization that my time here is just about over. when the graduates were each called up, i had to pause a bit to take a deep breath before they put the sash around my shoulders. that moment was too surreal for me...after participating in so many grad banquets in the past, i couldnt believe that that moment was my own. grad banquet was great...i had a lot of fun, and jill was a great date! but the night cannot be explained in words.
in addition to ending my time in apsa, i also ended my time with the summer bridge program after being a part of it in some way or another since 1999. i found out that i was not hired to be senior staff for summer bridge 2004, so i finished up my duties. i had my final one-on-ones with my students from intersuite 450, and cleaned out my office. it's weird that i have untethered myself from my 2 main anchors here at ucsd, to find my way elsewhere.
today was the ethnic studies reception, and i was presented with a graduation stole from the department. who woulda thought that i would be honored by the ethnic studies department 5 years ago when i hated the ethnic studies classes i was taking? another surreal moment.
next week is KP's p-grad...more last minute memories and reminisces amongst friends...and then i'm out.

so what will you be doing on saturday june 12, 2004? i know what i will be doing. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S

Thursday, May 27, 2004

dashed entry
-haven't blogged in awhile
-been getting ready to graduate
-my last sungod last friday...the clipse, goldfinger, and busta rhymes nicely buzzed
-worked a lot this past weekend
-best friend Chie's grad party was on sat
-Alfred's 23rd birthday
-worked on APSA senior surprise ;)
-last Intersuite 450 meeting =/
-more senior surprise stuff
-mini-interview to see about getting a summer bridge senior staff position
-last summer bridge '03 get-together
-last kaibigang pilipino meeting
-more senior surprise craziness
-last broomball game
-i need a haircut
-can't wait for APSA grad banquet...Jill is my date =)
-all people's celebration @ the CCC nominated for something
-k...i'm done
-stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Monday, May 17, 2004

lazy bum
that's me! i skipped my 10am sign class this morning, and just slept in. it doesnt really matter that i ditched since there was a sub anyways. we had a sub on fri in that same class, and it was just a big waste of time. i had wanted to be somewhat productive today, but instead i just sat around on my lazy ass and watched tv and played video games. oh well...i'm a graduating senior, i have that right and that privilege. =p

congrats to my best friend Chie for graduating from SDSU this past weekend, as well as a lot of other people who did the same. i'm next! less than a month, and i will be a certified unemployed college graduate. as for tonight, it's going to be my last board meeting for apsa. so bittersweet, but it's time to pass the reigns on to the youngins. getting old! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Sunday, May 16, 2004

so i also did a quiz
it's been awhile since i took one of these, but since i am graduating from ucsd in less than a month, i figure why not?

I scored a 64% on the "How UCSD Are You?" Quizie! What about you?

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, May 14, 2004

so i decided to do a survey thing

1. Copy this whole list into your [journal].
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Whatever you don't bold is false.

01. When I was younger, I made some bad decisions
02. I don't watch much TV these days
03. I love broccoli
04. I love sleeping
05. I have loads of books
06. I once slept in a toilet
07. I love playing video games (mostly)
08. I adore marijuana
09. I watch ER
10. I watch 'One Tree Hill'
11. I like sharks
12. I love spiders, I think they're adorable, especially the ones with bright colors on their backs
13. I was born without hair and I still have no hair
14. I like George W. Bush
15. People are cool
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year
17. I have a Toyota and a pool
18. I have a lot to learn especially w/ females
19. I carry my knife everywhere with myself
20. I'm really, really smart
22. I have a secret don't we all?
23. I hate rain
24. I drink health juice
25. Punk rock rules
26. I hate Bill Gates
27. I love Vietnamese food
28. I would hate to be famous
29. I am not a morning person
30. I have semi-long hair
31. I have short hair
32. I have potential ???
33. I'm pure Afghan
34. My legs are two different sizes.
35. I have a twin
36. I wear those long ass socks
37. I can roll my tongue
38. I like the way that I look uhh...
39. I'm obsessed w/Italian food
40. I know how to French braid
41. I can be pessimistic or optimistic whenever I want
42. I have a lot of mood swings i'm not female =p
43. I skateboard/snowboard
44. I think that skateboarders are HOT
45. I'm in a band
46. I have talent ;) ivan tulay
47. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have
48. I think that I'm popular
49. I am currently single
50. I can't swim
51. My favorite color is either blue, red, or white
52. I practically live in sweatshirts
53. I love to shop
54. I would classify myself as either punk or goth
55. I would classify myself as ghetto only
56. I'm a prep, shop at abercombie, and ADMIT IT
57. I'm obsessed with my xanga blog. eh...when i'm bored
58. I don't hate anyone I just say I do
59. I know how to square dance
60. I have a unibrow
61. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mom
62. I have a cell phone
63. I believe in God
64. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
65. I know how to play the tuba
66. I need coffee to live.
67. I have had a girlfriend before
68. I've rejected someone before
69. I currently like someone kinda
70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life
71. I want to have kids when I get older
72. I have changed a diaper before
73. I've called the cops on a friend before
74. I bite my nails sometimes
75. I am a member of the Hilary Duff fan club
76. I'm not allergic to anything
77. I love broadway plays, and have been to at least 3
78. I have no idea who the 38th president was and im in AP US History :/
79. I plan on seeing Mary Kate and Ashley's new movie
80. I am completely shy around the opposite sex
81. I'm online 24/7 when im home
82. I have at least 25 away messages saved
83. I have tried alcohol or drugs at a party
84. I loved Rush Hour the movie?
85. I've read all of the Harry Potter trilogy its actually a…5ology
86. If I were a dwarf, I would be Dopey
87. When I was a kid I played with G.I. Joes
88. I don't mind country music
89. i would die for my friends ONLY if it were something worth dying for
90. I think that Juicy Fruit is the best type of gum
91. I watch soap operas whenever I can
92. I'm obsessive and paranoid and extremely jumpy
93. I would love to be Demi Moore because Ashton Kutcher's a major hottie, i dont swing that way
94. I love the Beatles.. they're classic
95. I love to have sex... ;) who doesn't?
96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy...
97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
98. I have to fart at 5 times a day who doesn't?
99. I want this damned thing to be over!
100. I'm happy.

ok i was bored...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Thursday, May 13, 2004

so no one told me that they were #20000, so i have no idea who was the lucky person...oh well, the blog will go on! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

is the number of visitors to my site as i write this. who will be #20000? if you are, sign the tagboard so at least i know who u are. now i must sleep so i can take my car in tomorrow @ 8am to get the throttle body replaced for free. blah to 8am, whoever invented that god awful time should get a good kicking in the ass. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, May 10, 2004

pcc is over
meaning that i will prolly never perform on a stage again, unless u count grad banquet which is coming up in 2 weeks. it just reminds me that this stage of my life, the college part, is just about over. the saturday show was better and shorter than the friday show. it would have been better if my parents didnt get into a big fight over something stupid right after the was really embarassing...but whatever, it's over. i just hope that next month when i graduate, the same thing wont happen again.

oh's monday afternoon, and i'm done w/ class. im just gonna chill a bit before i head off to quite possibly my last apsa board meeting. the new officers were elected last week, and they have to do im thinking that tonight will be a transition meeting. such bittersweetness. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =(dunno how to feel right now)

Saturday, May 08, 2004

day 1
of my final pcc is 2 is coming up. all in all it has been a great night, including meeting up w/ my ATC jesson and taking a legacy pic w/ him and mohan. more later, must sleep now. the story's coming...the story's coming...the story's coming together! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, May 07, 2004

1 year
it's been 1 year since the world lost you big bro. you are definitely missed =(

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

this is frustrating!!!
maybe i should just stop caring...maybe i should just move on. how did i get so attached and so affected by this? i always just end up getting hurt in the end. too bad i cant just take off my feelings as easilly as i take my shoes off. what to do? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=/

Sunday, May 02, 2004

yes...i will be performing, so go! it's this coming fri and sat!!! email

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Happy 20th Birthday to Ning! You're no longer a teenager, but thats ok, you know what i think of ya ;) =p

Thursday, April 22, 2004

random =)ing
so for tep 109 (my teaching PE class) we have to go to an elementary school to observe a classroom teacher instructing PE. this past monday i went back to my old elementary school, Hickman Elemantary School here in Mira Mesa to talk to my 3rd grade teacher, Miss Fuhrman, about setting something up so i can observe. she was glad to see had been 14 years since i was last a student in her class. so when i get there, her students were in an assembly so she and i sat and talked for about 15 minutes to catch up on life's randomness. we then went to pick up her class. thats when it started...her kids started asking me all sorts of questions. my original intention of staying for a few minutes to catch up w/ miss fuhrman and schedule an observation visit turned into an hourlong Q&A session.

so today Ian and i went back to do our observation. and as we were walking to the room...we heard a few voices saying "hi mr. green!" and "he's back! he's back! mr. green came back!" now...this was @ 8am in the morning, and for those of you who know me know that i am definitely not a morning person, and it takes a lot to get a smile out of me at that god-awful hour of the morning in which i refuse to be awake for anything. but those kids remembering me and being excited at seeing me put a big smile on my face ( 8AM in the fricken morning!) stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =D

Sunday, April 18, 2004

so tired...
so very very tired. too many things hitting me from so many directions. this is supposed to be my chill quarter. why is drama popping up everywhere i turn? geez...7 more weeks til im outta here, but it feels like it will take longer to resolve the issues. it will prolly calm down by the time i get out, but still...i just wanna enjoy my final quarter in peace. i just wanna sleep...and then graduate. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Monday, April 12, 2004

Happy 22nd Birthday to Ellenmae Lim! Yes, she's as old as me now...but not for long =p If you didnt go to her party this past weekend, then you missed out on the craziness!
random gripe
so i was having a conversation tonight w/ a friend about the padres vs. giants game that she went to after i had read her online journal. since i'm a padres fan, i just happened to say "boo to the giants." thats when she got mad by saying that she doesnt wanna hear it, she heard enough of it at the game by the other fans, and that since the game was over i shouldnt talk about it anymore. i was basically expressing my opinion about the giants, like anybody would who does not like another team. she took this to be an attack on her and got pissed. ok, for one, this was not an attack on no point did i say "you suck cuz you like the giants" or something like that...i was saying that i do not like a certain team, in a conversation in which 2 friend who like 2 different teams would have. ok...yes the game was over, but its not like i was talking about this game 6 months from now when there is no baseball...or just brought it out of the blue. she promptly signed off after she felt like i was attacking her. am i out of line for expressing my opinion about a baseball team during a convo about baseball? i think not...but i could be wrong. what do u think? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Saturday, April 10, 2004

since i was sick and plain ol lazy, i havent updated in over a week. and just cuz im still lazy (and blogger just erased an entry that i had just written), i'm just gonna give highlights of this past week

-was sick, but got better
-pcc practice
-fusion 2004...mad props to masa & 220 for a great of the best fusions i ever went to
-dropped ethnic studies 128...15 page paper for my last qtr @ ucsd? no thanks
-pcc script practice
-work @ oasis
-passport to asia
-students first! dominated the asucsd elections this past week, too bad Harish didnt win presidency
-1 year anniversary of Eric's stroke
-flew to las vegas to take my mom to get elbow surgery
-visited eric's family
-flew back in time for Dorkyjanet's dinner thing @ San Tong Palace (see Aldrin's blog to see part of what we ate
-got boba w/ chris, nikh, benji, and dorkyjanet after dinner

tis all for now. gonna chill for the rest of the night so i can get up tomorrow to go to pcc practice. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, April 02, 2004

damnit i'm sick! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, March 28, 2004

this break...the last part of it
beware, long entry
so yeah, this weekend marks the end of spring break. what did i do? well, as i had mentioned in the past few blogs, i went to the N*E*R*D* concert downtown last night w/ my friend from high school Jennifer. the concert started @ midnight, so jen and i decide to get downtown a lil early to eat and check out the clubs before the concert. we leave mira mesa around 9pm and get downtown about 15-20 min later. once we get there, we werent expecting there to be that many people down there, and thus expected to get a parking space. wrong! after driving around for 10-15 min looking for parking on the street, we conceded that there was no parking, and decided to park at a cheap lot. we found one for $7 for the night. we pay the attendent (more on this later) and park and walk around downtown. we ate @ Sammy's Woodfired Pizza, and then went to E. St Alley for about 45 min (yeah we wanted to go back there after the concert since they're open til 4am). so we get in line for the concert @ 1130ish, which by that time is a block long. so slowly we move forward to get into the club where the concert was taking place. we finally get in, and wait for the concert to start. the concert was about 15 min late in getting started...but finally Black Eyed Peas took the stage. it was a good set...they played for over an hour, and played many of their well known songs...i was a bit disappointed that they didnt play "joints and jams" but i'll get over it. around 130am, they finish their set and the stage peeps get the stage ready for N*E*R*D*. you would think that they had this getting ready for the next act thing down, since this was the 2nd concert of the night...but it took 45 min for them to get everything ready and for N*E*R*D* to take the stage. they also had a good set, in which they played all their songs...especially lapdance, which was their closing song.

so the concert ended around 330. Jen & I leave the club with a good feeling after the concert, and was gonna go back to e st to catch the after party...but jen was getting tired, so we decided not to go back, and just go home instead. we get back to the parking lot to find that my car WAS NOT THERE! we saw a tow truck towing out a car, and like 3 other people standing there in disbelief. a group of 4 guys came running to catch the tow truck before he left w/ their car. apparently the lot closes @ 2am, something which the attendent neglected to tell us. in fact, there were signs that led us into the lot saying that there was event parking, and the attendent even said that we can park there all night. oh yes, there was a small sign that was posted by the pay machines, but since we paid the attendent, we had no need to go by the pay machines (and thus see the microscopic sign). there were no other signs that said what time the lot closed. so my car got towed away. the tow guy said that we could pick up the car after 8am. so out of luck at 330am, i called my dad to share the bad news, and to get him to pick us up. after taking jen home (well to her sister's friend's house where her sister was staying the night, so she could get her sister's keys since jen left hers in my car), i got home @ 445am.

today, i went to pick up my car. guess how much it cost me. it cost me $235!!! apparently, if i had picked it up tomorrow, it would be $20 cheaper...cuz of the weekend fee, but since school starts tomorrow, i need my car today. i found out that 11 other cars had been towed (the most they had ever towed from 1 lot in a single night). i'm gonna call them up tomorrow to complain about what happened. hopefully my $$$ will be refunded...$235 is a lot, especially for a college student!

ok...enough about all final quarter begins tomorrow @ 10am. 11 more weeks, and i'm outta here. i still have a lot to take care of between now and then. gotta get prepared to enter fully into the real world. speaking of real world...anybody need a house/apartmentmate? lemme know, cuz im moving out this summer. the real world waits for no one! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S

Friday, March 26, 2004

just got back
from disneyland not too long ago. 2nd time this week that i went. at first i didnt feel like going...basically cuz i didnt feel like getting out of bed this morning, plus i had a lot of stuff on my mind, but im glad i went. met up w/ Soozan @ UCSD then drove up to disneyland and met up w/ Biggunz Ian. went to california adventure for half the day where we went to 7 attractions, had a massive lunch and funnel cake, then went to disneyland where we went to 7 more attractions (including the new snow white live action show)...towards the later part of the night, we met up w/ a couple of biggunz's friends. it was a good trip there, and a very useful use of my annual pass. good times to get my mind off of other things...well sorta =/

got my grades too...let's say i'm satisfied w/ my grades, but i wish 1 particular grade were slightly higher...oh well...i'm done w/ my major and onto chillin for my final quarter @ UCSD....that is after i go to the N*E*R*D* concert this weekend. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

this isnt the end!!!
i've worked too hard on this to let it end like's time for a new strategy. the "friends" strategy will be my approach...let's see if it yields the results that i wish for. yes i'm being vague about this...but this is not something that i wish to share. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Saturday, March 20, 2004

ENOUGH SAID!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O

Friday, March 19, 2004

how sweet it is
to be done with finals...i just finished my last final for my last winter quarter @ ucsd. for once, i wasnt feeling stressed out about was really laid back. i only wish that the finals were earlier in the week so i could have officially started my spring break early. oh well, its not like i was really studying this week. my major final was done on monday, and all i had left were my tagalog and sign language finals. so i unofficially began my spring break on monday night, with the stupid technicality of the "easy" finals yesterday and today. so what do i have planned and finalized? well...i'm definitely going to the N*E*R*D* concert next saturday, and i'm gonna visit SDSU to check out their TEP program....and there are a few things that i have in mind, but not sure if it will go through. pretty much, i'm just gonna chill for a bit and not really do any thing too stressful. if anybody wants to do anything this next week, i'm always down...just as long as it wont cost much $$$. as for tonight, i'm gonna party hop and check out birthday parites and end of the qtr parties. no more school, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!!! =p LET SPRING BREAK COMMENCE! stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, March 15, 2004

feels good
to know that i officially finished my human development major. i turned in my hdp 150 final today and now im totally finished with all the classes that i ever have to take for that major. i have 2 more finals left on thurs and fri, but they arent too major. tagalog is on thurs, which i'm slightly worried about cuz my tagalog isnt all that great...but i think i should be alright cuz im taking it pass/no pass...i know i know, i should want to strive for the best in that class cuz its tagalog and i should wanna learn it, and it does count for my minor...but at this point, im not really caring too much about it...i just wanna be over with it so my spring break can begin. the other final i have is for sign language, which also isnt too bad cuz all i'm doing in that is watching a video and asking multiple choice questions about i'm pretty much just chillin the rest of the week. dont be jealous of me and my easy finals...i've already served my punishment for 5 years and have had my fair share of all nighters, i think its time for me to chill. as for spring break which is upcoming...i was supposed to be going to vegas w/ Aldrin and others, but i dunno if that's gonna go down anymore...i unexpectedly spent over $200 on new tires for my car last week, so i dunno if im able to fund such a i figure that i'm just gonna stay in town, maybe go to disneyland w/ my annual pass. one of my favorite music groups N*E*R*D* along with Black Eyed Peas are coming to town on March 27 @ the 4th & B i think i might go to see them. im also looking forward to spending some time w/ someone cool =) as for right gonna go do some non-studying by watching tv. should i study later? hmm...we'll see. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, March 12, 2004

on another note...
today is the last day of winter quarter, meaning today is hand clap day for professors. it also marks the end of my final winter quarter @ ucsd, and the end of classes for both my major and minor. i am for the most part done with college, except for those pesky finals and the 1 ge class i have to take in the spring. mark your calendars...3 months from today is my graduation (830am, June 12 @ Rimac field...yes i'm walking with Marshall college), and 4 months til i turn 23...time is going by really fast! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Happy 21st Birthday to Brian (on the 10th), 20th Birthday to Mizuki (yesterday), and 23rd Birthday to Joanne (today)! you guys are old now...especially Joanne, who's fricken old!!!! =p

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

ok...overanalization...never mind that last post...just randomly thinking, i found out first hand. =)

Monday, March 08, 2004

random thought
just a thought...why do people who im close to tend to include me in their good new last? i found out some good news about someone by reading someone else's xanga. she xangaed about it right after she found out...that was about an hour ago. and as of right now, i haven't heard anything officially. i thought we were very close, and would think that i would be one of the first to find out about it (at least before her, not that she should be at the bottom of the list), especially with the background that we have. i dunno...maybe i'm just overanalyzing it, but it does bother me. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Thursday, March 04, 2004

is some mighty tasty stuff, especially the flavored ones...ok that was random. i will update y'all about what's been going on in my life, including the start of pcc 2k4, talent show, tagalog presentation, and the upcoming revelle semi-formal that i will be attending this coming saturday. but for now, i need to research atkin's diet stuff for my presentation in hdp 150 this coming monday. but for now i shall go finish my oatmeal and this research. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

from a high to a low
February 24, 2004

Dear Jeff Green III,

Thank you for applying to Teach For America. We greatly appreciate the time and
energy you have devoted to this effort. We regret to inform you that based on our
review of your application materials we are unable to invite you to interview.

We received almost 9,000 applications to Teach For America this deadline and
although we are unable to provide individualized feedback explaining admissions
decisions to each applicant, we can assure you that decisions are made as
judiciously and thoroughly as possible and that each application is read carefully.
While we would like to accommodate all interested applicants, it is not possible for
to interview all of the individuals that apply to our program.

We encourage you to pursue your demonstrated interest in expanding opportunities for
children and effecting social change. For those interested in pursuing other ways
to make a difference, we have posted a list of resources to consider on our website
at Although this
list is by no means comprehensive, we do hope that it will serve as a useful
reference guide to help you explore other
ways to contribute to this effort.

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


Teach For America Admissions

my first rejection from a postgrad opportunity...and its not even the end of winter quarter. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Test Date: 01/24/2004



Examination: 120 CSET Science Subtest III: Biology/Life Scienc
Status: Pass


Single Subject Assessments for Teaching and CSET examinations were developed
specifically for use in teacher credentialing. To preclude the use of Single
Subject Assessments for Teaching and CSET scores for purposes other than
credentialing (e.g., employment, assignment), scores of passing candidates are not


Note: Internet scores are unofficial and are not a substitute for an official score
report. Your official score report, which has been mailed to you, contains more
detailed diagnostic information about your performance.

so i passed the test! i didnt think i would pass it, but i did. i am now qualified to learn how to become a biology teacher. aint life grand? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

officially declared
that i'm graduating! i registered today after my sign language class, and it is official, i'm outta here in june (if my degree check goes through).

in other news...certain persons make me =) even after a month of =)'s im still enjoying
=)ing...will elaborate later cuz it's time to sleep. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, February 13, 2004

Friday the 13th
so today is the taboo day...the day in which scary things are supposed to happen...a day that was made famous by the movie of the same name. nothing major to report so far of anything scary that happened. i guess the only things that i know that are scary thats happening today are my 2 quizzes (tagalog and sign), but they should be ok. i guess im a lil bit frustrated with getting it, but im getting it slowly. i feel like im falling behind while others are moving super fast. i really wanna learn it and do well in the class. im taking this class pass/no pass...but this class is different cuz i wanna do well. the reason why i took it pass/no pass is cuz i dont want this class to bring down my already low GPA. but i wanna learn this stuff, and i wanna know how to carry on a somewhat decent conversation. i also wanna make ginang nacu proud, just cuz she's pretty cool. i knew her only in passing before i took this class, but i feel she's like an "auntie" to me, even though she doesnt want us to call or refer to her as that. i just dont wanna let her (or my filipino half) down.

speaking of classes....i registered for classes for the very last time this (yesterday) morning. its weird to think that i will never register for another ucsd class again. I'M GRADUATING! now if only i knew what i was gonna do with myself after June 12, well as other matters of the family that shall be mentioned at a later time, but not now.

so today (yesterday), Ellen-Mae and i went to fashion valley to buy something cool for someone cool =) and yeah...i dunno what i was gonna say...oh yeah i remember now...i think its cool how we keep in touch and chill more than we did before when she was with her ex. we've known each other since high school days, but never really hung out or talked that much cuz of the ex-factor. but now we hang out more, and she's a pretty good friend, and we've gotten to know things about each other that we wouldnt have expected. she even (re)joined APSA, increasing the representation of mira mesa high in APSA. i mentioned it to her, and she agreed. im glad we are able to talk more and help each other out with other aspects of our lives. she even helped me pick out that cool thing for that cool person...yep i got a girl's opinion, and hopefully "MeanButt" works to my advantage...she knows what im talking about ;)

ok...that whole last paragraph was random, but yeah i dont tired of studying for going to bed. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, February 07, 2004

nothing really to talk about
but i just felt like blogging. i should be working on my hdp 150 midterm, but im not...hey, at least i started on the thing. more apsa talent show tryouts tomorrow, i can do some hw during the down time (hopefully). it feels good not doing anything APSA related for the past few days. i had mentioned before that last week, i did something almost everyday that was APSA related. so im kinda glad that i didnt go to APAAC today, even though i know its one of the better conferences that APSA goes to each year. i just wanted to do my own thing today...which i did...i went to the Pilipino library and museum downtown today. it was for my tagalog, but it was cool to go there and check out the pilipino artifacts and read a lil bit about the national heroes and key figures in pilipino history. i think tonight imma go watch You Got Served and kinda chill a bit, since i have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn for tryouts. ah well, its all good...i love talent show, it's what originally sucked me into APSA and how me and my ex got together...or at least started the process of getting together. this will be my last talent show as an undergrad, so im gonna soak it all in and enjoy it. it will be a great show...i think you should come out and see it.

UCSD APSA 9th Annual Talent Show
APIs in Motion (AIM)
Sun, Feb 29th, 2004
7p @ PC Ballroom
Tickets: $6 pre-sale, $10 at the door

yes a shameless plug...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

the nipple seen round the world
did u see it? this was the topic of the day. yeah it "was an accident" but we all know it wasnt...even janet says that it was a last minute adjustment to the that i say...HOT DAMN! *the editorial of this post does not necessarily reflect the opinion of this blogger...ok maybe it does* but i'm not the only one who said that...even females said that too, so repeat after me...HOT DAMN! ok, i'm gonna go now before i get slapped. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
no homework
i have no homework to do tonight...but for some reason i feel like i should be there's a void, and i should be doing something to fill it. i do have some stuff to do for later in the week, like a midterm for sign language, and several quizzes for that class, but there's not really any studying needed for it. i also have a take home midterm for hdp 150 that is being assigned on fri and due on mon. it's not gonna be that hard, but i will not be going to the APAAC Conference @ UCI this saturday that APSA will be going to because of it, and also since i have to be at round 2 of APSA talent show tryouts all day on sunday. speaking of APSA stuffs...i returned from my hiatus from board last week, and i feel like i took on too much my first week back...cuz almost everyday last week i did something APSA related, leading up to saturday w/ tryouts and the APSA retreat. i felt somewhat overwhelmed and tired by the time i got to retreat, which is why i only stayed there for an hour. im definitely gonna watch myself in terms of being too heavily involved in APSA. contrary to popular belief, i do have a life outside of APSA...and i am trying to graduate. but no matter what, i will always be there for APSA. alright...i think im gonna go do a lil bit of reading so i can feel somewhat productive. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, January 31, 2004

APSA Talent Show Tryouts
sitting here waiting for acts to try out for the talent show...and Ibsen is sitting next to me trying to send me "norcal" music. she's saying that i dont update this thing much any more, so this post is dedicated to her. right now she is standing in front of us on mohan's skateboard and wiggling back and forth. mizuki just climbed up on a table, but as she was attempting to table dance for us, she fell and tried to play it off like nobody noticed...but i noticed. Ian is sitting way at the end of the room doing his tagalog homework, which is what i should be doing right now. Mohan is grubbin on price center crap, Brian is passed out...Serey is bored looking, Joseph is doing his dance routine since i'm playing Aaliyah's "Try Again" on my computer as i type this... and Edsel is...well...Edsel is doing i dunno what. damn...i woke up too damn early to come here, 730am so i can get here by 8...what makes it worse is that i was up til 530ish...ah well, fun was had last night. ok...imma try to do some tagalog hw before the next act comes in to tryout. ehh...never mind, the next act just showed up. stay tuned...we'll be back ater these messages =p

Monday, January 26, 2004

so i took the cset test yesterday...a test that will determine my qualifications to teach a certain this case, biology. i dont think i did very well, a lot of the questions were very confusing to me. i admit that i should have studied a little bit more, but once again, it went down to proper motivation. i did not feel motivated to study much for this test...not that i didnt study cuz i did, i just didnt study a lot. but i dunno...i feel like a high school senior all over again, and my motivation is slipping. i still wanna teach, but im thinking now that i wanna teach history, since i have a lot of experience with it...i mean i am an ethnic studies minor (which deals with history) i think i may be better suited to teach that, and try to get students to think critically about things theyve been brainwashed to believe. Teach for America apps are due in 2 1/2 weeks...must get working on what i have left to do for me, i shall get this app in...i am motivated to at least try for it...we shall see where my teaching path will take me. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l

Thursday, January 22, 2004

happy 24th birthday to the other jeff...jeff baker who is on the other side of the world in suhh are an old fart! =p

Monday, January 19, 2004

moving on
ive accepted it...time to move on. she went back up north, and i guess we just decided just to be friends. yeah im confused about the whole issue, but i guess its time to move on. no more dwelling on it...i should be thinking about other things. must do well in school so i can graduate...must get accepted into grad schools/programs...then i will think about a very solitary part of my love life. yes it sucks...but hopefully i will survive. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

tired of feeling this way
ive had a lot on my mind lately. been thinking about my future, and what to do next after i graduate from ucsd. ive decided NOT to apply to ucla, for the simple reason that i'm not motivated enough to apply there...i guess its because the deadline just came upon me, right after the holidays...that and i guess i did not find out enough info for myself to be fully interested and excited about going there. i feel bad cuz the letters of recommendation i got for there are all going to waste. but no worries...i will apply to other schools, especially since their deadlines arent until may. but i have also been considering trying out Teach for America to see how that is. in addition, i'm kinda worrying about taking the cset on jan 24. i've been reviewing a few things for it...but still, i'm not fully motivated about taking it either.

work is another issue on my mind. i was not picked up by macy's to work there...i wanted to work there for a few months to make a few extra bucks, but their budget would not accomodate me working as of this coming friday, i will be back to working 1 job...being an ATC...which is also endangered by cutbacks by the governator.

adding to all this...i still got the whole LDR issue on my mind. i still like her...and apparently she still likes me (we went out on sunday night after i got off work, and it was confirmed by our mutual friend that she still likes me)...but still, its weighing heavily on my mind. i know i should worry about other things, but i dunno, this is still on my mind. am i stupid for liking someone who lives so far away from me? how did i start liking someone so fast? i guess i fell into the trap that haunts everybody who is single and willing to mingle. but damn it, i do like her. somebody slap me! =p

but i guess life could be worse. my friend Rachelle from high school lost her father today when his truck fell off the coronado bridge. i remember seeing him around whenever i would visit their house during high school, before they moved to san marcos. we didnt talk much, but i do remember having a little chat with him when she had her debut party in her side yard for her 18th birthday. my condolences to the Casinio family for their loss. =(

ok...think happy thoughts...kinda hard to do that when so many things are weighing heavily on my mind right now. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, January 11, 2004

the next morning
and i feel like shit...time for work...another shit factor

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
ok...maybe i should stop being so damn vague
but i wanna put this onto something so i can at least remember....and since i do not have a journal, i might as well use this place as my place to remember my life. fuck it, who cares if anyone reads this, i need a place to talk, and this will be it...

so for the past week or so, i have been seeing someone. the way it started out was not the way i would normally do things. well...when we first met, it was in october at friendship games. it was a quick introduction by a mutual friend...and i didnt think anything of it...i pretty much doubted that i would see her again since she lives up in norcal. so i continue on with life...and then one day she comes down to visit with our mutual friend. we meet up, and just chill with a bunch of people. the next day, she ims me and we chat online for awhile, and agree to have lunch together the next day. lunch happens, and we enjoy each others company. i then go to class, thinking "wow, what a cool person!" we meet up later that night, cuz i wasnt feeling my grad school applications. we chill, and we talk about random things. and i guess, we find out that we have feelings for each other. the week goes on, and we continue to see each other...and apparently we grow to like each other more (at least i do). the way i usually am is that i am careful about who knows what is going on in my love life. but yeah, some people start seeing us together. so yeah, things seem great and happy...only problem is, she's heading back north soon...and distance is a factor. I HATE LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS! but for some reason, i was willing to experiment with one. however, as we talked about it, and what to do next, i saw that an LDR is not what she could handle. so basically, after a long talk for the most part...ended. i wasnt exactly too happy about this...but what else could i do? we're still friends (i think)...but the feelings are still there on both sides (so she says). i just wanna be happy damnit! so once again, i must move on with my fuckin sucks!

i cant believe i just typed this all out...but i dunno...i tend to hold things in. and make it seem like everything is normal, and i prolly woulda held this all in if i didnt type it out. sometimes i wish i had an ATC to talk things through...damn, why do i have to be the ATC? where's my ATC when i need him? damn it jesson, come back to sd! =p

ok...enough of this, im heading to sleep forreals. stay tuned..we'll be back after these messages =/
i just love...
the way that life has a funny and great way of turning around and kicking you right in the nuts, right as it was seeming great. to what am i refering to? 2 things...for 1 of them, see the =( things in the 2003 year in review (no...nobody died, and it has nothing to do with school)...let's just say that things have a funny way of repeating themselves year after year. the other thing deals with my plans for work. am i feeling sorry for myself? i gonna do anything about it? prolly just gonna go to sleep now cuz life fuckin sucks right about now! GOOD NIGHT! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, January 04, 2004

the last day of my last winter break at ucsd
is today. guess who had work today? yup, me. worked 1045-730. opened and closed macys. what a way to spend the last day of my break. oh starts again tomorrow. i need 1 more week. another week and a half til ucla apps are due. do i still wanna go? 3 weeks til cset. am i ready? i just need to get through the month of january, and i should be ok. taking a leave of absence from apsa board for the month of january. must prepare myself for my future. what does my future hold? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
angeli is now 1 year older...meaning she's OLD and 23! just thought i would share that w/ you, and say happy birthday too =p

Thursday, January 01, 2004

2003 2004...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)