Saturday, June 28, 2003

movies seen so far this summer
The Italian Job

Finding Nemo

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

more to come as the summer goes by...

so tonight i watched Charlie's Angels with Ellen Mae who i went to high school with, and now we go to ucsd together. we've been friends since i was a sophomore and she was a freshman (maybe longer), but we never really hung out til tonight. i had a lot of fun chillin w/ her...and we had a good time catching up with each other. i even introduced her to the 2 story Target store @ mission, and she got to experience the cart escalator (yep, she was amazed). i'm glad we got the chance to hang out with each other. i hope we do it again sometime soon. catching up with old friends is always nice. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messsages =)

Friday, June 27, 2003

lazy summer
nothing's really been going on...just been chilin w/ random peeps over the last week. saw The Italian Job on saturday, and Finding Nemo on tuesday. chilled with Chris, Steph, and Armando at mando, steph, dave, and mikey's pad in mira mesa last night til 5 this morning. we were just talking about random things...always fun. i've also started working out @ rimac...trying to get in shape for the's a value too, for $25 for the whole summer...i'm gonna take advantage of that place this summer. other than that, i've just been chillin, restin, and relaxin...nothing too strenuous. my 22nd birthday is coming up in a lil over 2 weeks...hmm what to do? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, June 20, 2003

1st week of summer
so far my 1st week off has been pretty eventful and uneventful. there have been graduations and parties, and random trips to disneyland and pasadena. twas quite fun...but these past 3 days have been pretty quiet and full of nothing. wanna see pics of what i've done? click here or below the picture on the side. right now i'm bored...kinda miss having people around, since most of em went home...oh well, i'll manage. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Sunday, June 15, 2003

on another note...June 15, 2003
Happy 39th birthday to my brother Eric...I know you're not around to celebrate it with the rest of us...but I know you're up there looking down at us as we celebrate your day for you 0=)
class of 2003
congratulations to all the graduates who graduated today, and in the last month from college and high school. hard to believe that i was supposed to be graduating today/this year...but instead i chose to stay for 5 years. it feels a lil bit weird, considering that ~1/2 of the people i entered college with have now graduated, while i'm still hangin around waiting another year to get my degree. in a way it feel good cuz i'm taking my time, and not rushing (too much) to get done...but in another way, it feels bad...well not really bad...just awkward knowing that i am one of the oldest undergraduates @ ucsd and that while many of the people i entered with are continuing on with their lives, i will be spending another year in classrooms at ucsd as an undergraduate. eh...i'll get over it...just 1 more year til i'm out. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, June 13, 2003

have i mentioned that i'm more school, lots of chill time ahead of me. i finished finals yesterday at 4:45pm with adolescent psychology being my last one. i came home, took a short nap, went out for a couple of hours, then came back home and passed out for over 10 hours. damn it felt good to sleep, after spending all those long hours at CLICS. although i spent all that time studying, im not so sure how i did on all of my finals. i'm actually afraid that all the hard work spent studying may have been all for nothing. i dunno, just a feeling i guess...i hope that's all it is, a feeling...not reality. ah well, my 4th year at UCSD is officially over, and u know what that means....1 more year til im outta here!!! the agenda for this summer? big bum jeff! and then summer bridge one more time...this time as an ATC. i figured that its time for me to take on the position at summer bridge that i've always wanted...well since i went through the program myself. look out 1st years, i'm gonna be transitioning u to ucsd *evil laugh*...ah well, it's not like i haven't been doing that for the past 3 years now. ok...enough bloggin im gonna go out and enjoy my summer. congrats to all u graduates out there, i'm proud of u...i'm next! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

i just caught Kristina reading my blog while studying here at clics...and i didnt tell her to read it!!! instead of studying, she chose to read MY blog! wow...people do actually read my blog! i feel especial! my brain hurts!!! ok...i should study more, before i dont want to anymore...too late!!! I DONT WANNA STUDY ANYMORE!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

fried brain anyone?
for the past 3 nights, i have been pulling all-nighters @ CLICS, a library here @ ucsd. right now, as i speak, im coming to u live from clics after spending another nice night with my books, notebooks, and laptop. the only reason why i leave is because the parking ticket guy starts ticketing at 8am in the area that im parked at, and i dont wanna move my car and walk back here. on this day, i have been here @ CLICS since 6pm yesterday. this set of finals are the worst set of finals that i have ever been through here at ucsd. ( took me 7 times to correctly type ucsd in that last sentence...thats how fried my brain is). all this time studying, and im not sure how ready i am for my many things to know, not too much time to do em in. not to mention the fact that Professor Espiritu is hogging all our time by giving us a paper and a final. i just cant wait til 6:01 pm thurs evening, cuz thats when i'll be done!!! parking guy is coming soon...i think im gonna go home, and catch a few hours of sleep, before repeating the process i've been going through since saturday. FINALS BEGIN TOMORROW!!! *insert sinister music here* stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=/

Friday, June 06, 2003

let's try this again
i blogged something yesterday, but it didn't get published. but yeah...i'm gonna die a horribly slow painful death over the next week. finals are next week, and i got a paper due on monday for ethnic studies 183, my social psyc and ethnic studies 183 (yeah i know, i have a final and a paper for this class) finals on wednesday, and my cog sci and adolescent psyc finals on thursday. that translates into 4 finals in a 30 hour time span. yep...i'm gonna die. i just cant wait til 6pm next thursday...then i'll be DONE!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/