Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Summertime Summertime
do u realize how relaxing it is to be away from school? summer break has come upon the students of UCSD, and i am very happy. being on summer break has made me lazy, and has made me not do anything that is related to being productive other than working...meaning that i have been laggin on updating this thing. i was really burned out from school, especially with finals, so i havent felt like being productive. but really nothing has happened within the last week, other than finals, and some friends graduating from high school and college. congrats to all u who graduated, and good luck w/ whatever u do w/ yourself.

another side effect of the school year ending are peeps leaving daygo to head back home. a few minutes ago, i was driving in La Jolla, and Steph Ng saw me pass by her, as she was going to the gas station to fill up before she headed back home to the bay area. she called me up, on my cell and told me that she had seen me pass by, and also said bye to me for the summer. so sad so sad...w/ friends leaving for the 3 months break, and other friends leaving to start their lives away from UCSD. i wonder what it will be like to leave this place to start my own life. another side-effect of the college student's summer break is that it's somewhat hard to catch up w/ old high school friends cuz they have their own things going on in their own lives that no longer involves you. i dunno...i remember when i graduated from high school 2 short years ago, as we were getting ready to walk across the graduation stage, a bunch of my friends and i made promises with each other to keep in touch and to get together every once in awhile, just like old times. too bad it doesnt work that way. no one is at fault for not keeping those promises, it's just the way that life after high school (aka college) life works. dont get me wrong, i still keep in touch with a few of my hs friends (including my best friend Chie), but i still think about the promises that we made to keep in touch with each other, and wonder how it would be if we all actually kept our promises.

random ramblings: hmm, i really like summer break, its been way too long since last summer...i wanna go to magic mountain, prolly gonna go sometime in july...the countdown is on for a very special day days left: 23...boba is good, especially from "my" (green) tea house...i seriously need to get a tan, especially on my legs, u need blinders to see my legs, or else you'll go blind from the brightness, thats how white they are...i guess thats all for now, im gonna get back to work for the next half hour til im off...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

A letter from a credit card company
i received this letter today from a credit card company i had signed up with during an APSA grad banquet fundraiser...

Dear Jeff D. Green
Thank you for your recent application for a credit card account. We regret we are unable to approve your request at this time. The reason(s) for our decision are:
Not a full-time student at an accredited 4-year college or university

As a result of our decision, any balance transfer requests included with your credit application will not be processed.
Thank you for your interest in our credit card program.

M. Maxwell
Department Manager

wassup with that? i dunno about you..but the last time i checked UCSD was on the list of the nation's top 10 colleges. and i am definitely a full time student, especially since i'm taking 17 units this quarter. sorry i don't go to stanford or something!!! dumas credit card companies...making excuses so they wont have to give me credit. ah well...i dont need em

want some randomness? thought so...anyways...2 finals down (physics & ochem lab), 2 more to go (ethnic studies & genetics) and then i'm done for the year!!!...i forgot to post this, but i got a position for OASIS Summer Bridge as a Resource Counselor for the summer, not the position that i originally wanted, but i'm still happy with the position cuz i get to move out for almost 6 weeks...have i ever mentioned that i hate aol? well i do...i think my level of stress anxiety has gone down a lil bit to a straight 3, especially since i just knocked out 2 of my finals...good luck all...

i think its time for me to get back to studying...although i should be going to sleep since i only got like 3 hrs of sleep last night...ah well, stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, June 09, 2001

Levels of finals anxiety...by Stephanie Aguon
level 1-"ha..i have finals"
level 2-"hmm...i should study..."
level 3-"they're not gonna be that bad..."
level 4-"shit, I have finals"
level 5-"I'm gonna get crapped on!"

hmm...i think im somewhere between 3 and 4...

Thursday, June 07, 2001

i find out if i get it today...wish me luck

Tuesday, June 05, 2001

random ramblings are cool...especially in the process of procrastination =)
study break
i dont wanna study anymore!!! ack...finals are next week...and i need to know stuff...but i dont know stuff...and i dont wanna learn anymore stuff. it's 2:30 in the morning...i just wanna sleep, but i really need to kick it into gear if i dont want this quarter to end up like last quarter. i really need to get away from studying @ home...too many distractions...tv, internet, phone (anywhere i go...the phone will be there, cuz i always have my cell on me). maybe i should discover clics, ive been there, but never studied there...and geisel is too quiet. i just cant wait til next thursday, when i turn in my final final of the year...and i'll be on summer break....well not for that long, cuz im taking summer school. i am such a procrastinator...i dont wanna do anymore freakin work!!! why cant it be summer already??? just skip the finals, and go straight to summer...too bad it doesnt work that way. i still gotta survive this week. there's one high point at the end of the week...and thats rex navarette (the filipino comedian). i cant wait to see him...he's sooooooooooooooo funny...i saw him last year, and he had me crackin up the whole 2 hours that he performed. im trying to get my friend Rosanna to come and see him, if she does, then that'll be cool. but other than that...im gonna be a nerd this weekend...and do nothing but study, and go to review sessions. im already starting the process of being a nerd this week by doing some precramming studying. i hope i absorb all this stuff. will i be able to do it??? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages!!!

Monday, June 04, 2001

ok...something happened to my last 2 or 3 blogs...so im republishing em now...enjoy. im off to study physics now. lots of fun. yay. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2001

Prom Night
did you know that tonight is prom night at my high school? well, yeah...it is. and i was supposed to go. a good friend of mine didnt have a date to prom, and asked if i wanted to go. at first i was gonna go. but then i realized that i promised to support Mayrin as she put on SEAfest, so i told my friend that i had made other plans. i kinda felt bad that i did that, but either way i woulda went, i woulda let one at least one of my friends down. but since ive been spending so much money lately on grad banquet and semi-formal, i made the most economical decision on my part, and decided to help support Mayrin. but then i found out later that SEAfest was cancelled...and when i went back to my friend to see if she had found a date, i found out that she did. oh well...im pretty sure she's having fun.

so what did i do instead of prom and SEAfest? well...i went to the Asian American Repertoire Theatre with Mayrin, Chris, Steph N, Reggie, Sonnier, Angeline, Darrell, Armando, and Christy and Alvin from SDSU. they performed "Sisters in Bondage: A Night of One Acts." it was pretty cool, and shall i say...intersting. we then went to Tea Station for some boba. i had some chocolate milk tea boba...never had that before, and it was pretty good...tasted kinda like a thinner nestle quik w/ boba balls in it. after steph dropped me off at my car @ UCSD...i picked up my friend Joan and went to Friday's. Jack Daniel's wings are good i tell ya...try them!!! funny thing....we saw Ben and Emmeline from SDSU there. weird seeing them there, since they live so far away. after we left Friday's, we didnt feel like going home, so we went to seal beach in la jolla, and just chilled there for a lil while. there were some crazy people there...a couple making out amongst the seals, drunk people tormenting the seals...very interesting. i had a good time...question is...would i have had more fun at prom? i dunno. i prolly woulda felt a lil bit old, cuz its been 2 years since i had my own prom. other than that, im sure i would have had fun...but tonight, i had fun, but for much less money than i woulda spent at prom.

random thoughts: 10th week coming up, am i ready for finals???...i cant wait til summer, im tired of school...i am taking summer school though (bio 2)...i find out about summer bridge this thursday, i hope i get it!!!...i wanna go on a road trip, hopefully to the bay area(you'll show me around right steph?), chris wants to leave this time zone, we'll see wassup...it doesnt feel good when you hit your funny bone in your knee on a desk like i just did...ok enough of my random ramblings, im going to bed. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)