Wednesday, December 31, 2003

2003 year in review
so as 2004 comes in in like 5 hours, i think its time for me to give a brief review of the 2003 that just passed. being the optimist that i am, i will start with the bad stuff, and end with the good stuff. (note...much of this review comes from my archives, so if you want more detail, check the archives)

the =( stuffs
- the explosion of the space shuttle columbia
-single awareness day (aka valentine's day)...meaning my love life has sucked this year
-the first of my C's in my major (ehh...all the C's ive gotten in my major have been this year)
-the iraq war
-my brother eric's stroke
-students first getting screwed @ ucsd
-my brother eric's death 1 month after his stroke
-missing out on kp pilipino cultural celebration because of the funeral
-family bickering after eric's death
-catching up with school after the funeral (ie, 6 all nighters @ clics during spring qtr finals)
-somebody hitting my car while it was parked
-got sick in vegas
-missing jeff baker's going away party
-the death of joy de la cruz
-san diego on fire
-the death of one of my 2nd grade teachers (Mrs. Beverly Trust)
-30 1/2 hours straight being awake during fall qtr finals (2 papers=23 pages total, due 5 hours apart)

the =) stuffs
-dave n busters virgin no more
-the discovery of rei do gado
-my preuss school students
-APSA talent show
-APSA undergrad vs grad sports day, where the undergrads dominated (the next one will be the last time the undergrads win =p)
-pcc practices, and the community i felt while i practiced with them
-knight rider coming back on tv =)
-spring break in las vegas (last time eric and i spoke, & chillin w/ friends there)
-APSA Grad Banquet
-disneyland annual pass
-boogie boarding all summer
-san diego county del mar fair
-turning 22
-intersuite 450 (summer bridge 2003)
-the failure of prop 54
-friendship games (nuclear boobs, gay's island, dick's last resort, nutwood, siemens =p)
-finding a $5 bill @ regents parking
-APSA High School Conference
-bay area virgin no more
-a full family thanksgiving
-making money once again (through work...summer bridge & macy's)

as you can see, 2003 has been full of ups and downs. im sure there were just glad that 2003 is over, because even though ive had more ups than downs, the downs seriously outweighed the ups. im just hoping the 2004 will be a much better year than 2003 has been...of course it will, im graduating!!! this just about summarizes 2003. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages < l =)

Monday, December 29, 2003

Home Alone
for the next 5 dad went to las vegas for the week. i couldnt go, cuz i have work @ macys. so yeah, i have the place all to myself. who wants to party? as for new years...i have no idea whats going on. gimme ideas people...maybe i'll go to richard's thing @ his place...we shall see. other than that, hopefully some fun will come out of this week, since this is the last week that i have off before school starts again. yes, it is my last winter break of my undergraduate career @ sad, i guess. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

Monday, December 22, 2003

hmm...should i blog?
i dunno...only if the demand for this blog is high enough...comment over there to lemme know if i should blog. yeah yeah, this is a shameless attempt to get comments over there, but it could also be used as an excuse for me since i really have nothing to blog about right now. but if the demand is high enough, maybe i can come up w/ something interesting enough for people to read and get their money's worth...but then again, you guys pay nothing to read my juicy tidbits of haloHalo happenings. gonna go christmas shopping right now...but while i'm away, comment over there ------------------------------->
and maybe i'll accomodate all y'all haloHalo junkies. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Thursday, December 18, 2003

so as i have mentioned before, i'm working @ macy's. im actually somewhat enjoying it...and the people i work with are pretty cool. but the thing that is really getting to me is the music they play. since it's christmas season, of course they have to play christmas music over AND over AND OVER again! i blocked it out for awhile, but it just got engrained into my head that now if i hear any christmas song outside of work, i just go crazy. among the songs that drive me crazy are jingle bell rock, holly jolly christmas, and the worst of em all...LITTLE DRUMMER BOY. my coworkers and i want to kill the people who wrote these songs...or at least tie them to a chair, and play these songs to them non-stop for 8 hours.

we do get bored sometimes when it gets slow in the store. to pass the time while we're working, my coworkers and i analyze some of these songs. we have come to the conclusion that santa claus is a stalker (he knows when youre sleeping, he knows when youre awake), and a pervert (he knows when youre naughty) and he likes to make out with mom (i saw mommy kissing santa claus). oh yeah...and rudolph aint nothing without his nose and i have no idea what the lyrics to little drummer boy are, even though i hear it 6 times a day. ah...the joys of retail...and the christmas music that drive workers in retail crazy. ok...time to sleep so i can shop tomorrow morning and then go to work to hear more about santa's perverted ways...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =p

Thursday, December 11, 2003

new layout
so i decided to put up a new layout...that last all black layout had been up for well over a year...i kinda got tired of it, and it kinda made my page it's not like i had anything else to do...i have pretty much finished my finals, except for my sign language finals. just look around...comment, and gonna go veg some more in front of the tv before i go to sleep. i got work @ macy's tomorrow...first day @ 12noon...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

this weekend was a marathon writing session...i had a 12 page paper due, which turned out to be 18 pages (with the added figures and stuff that was needed for the paper, but not "graded) for hdp 191 and a 5 page paper for tep 117 that i hadnt read for. both were due today at 12 noon and 6pm. let's just say that i was up for 30 1/2 hours (between 12 noon yesterday and 630 tonight) with no sleep. but yeah i got it done...and came home and slept for 5 hours. im still a lil tired, but i didnt wanna go to sleep for the night just i got up and vegged in front of the tv. let's just say that it feels damn good to be done. not completely done, cuz i still have my sign language conversation on weds, and a sign language final on friday...but that's pretty easy, so im not stressin, and im prolly not really gonna study...kinda nice that im taking that class pass/no technically i'm not done w/ school just yet, but pretty much, i'm free! training @ macy's tomorrow...maybe i should go to sleep now, so i can be fully fresh for that. peace and adobo grease...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Sunday, December 07, 2003

still awake
it's 430 in the morning, and i'm still awake and doing my 12 page HDP 191 paper. this thing is due in 32 31 1/2 hours! i've got the majority of it done...i guess that's cuz i locked myself in my office @ OASIS today from 2pm til OASIS closed @ 3am (with a few breaks here and there). even though i worked on it all day, i still got some stuff to polish up on it...i am determined to finish this paper before my head hits my pillow. that's cuz i got my 5 page TEP paper to do tomorrow, and that's due in 38 37 1/2 hours. so yeah, i got a lot more to do before i can finally relax. so what am i doing here typing this blog? =/

on another sad note...i just found out that one of my 2nd grade teachers passed away. i had 2 teachers who switched off during different days of the week to teach. Mrs. Beverly Trust died about a month ago from breast cancer at the age of 54. i dont remember everything that happened when i was a 2nd grader, but i do remember that i did like her as a teacher. i tell you, there are way too many deaths! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =(

Friday, December 05, 2003

my final fall quarter
is now (and yesterday) was hand clap day...meaning that there is no more class...only finals. for me, finals will come in the form of 2 papers...both due on monday. let's just day that i will be spending a lot of time staring at the screen this coming weekend. i am looking forward to monday night...yeah i have another final for sign language, but that is cake compared to the 5 pages i have to write for my TEP class, and the 12 pages for my HDP 191 class. yep, this weekend is gonna suck! on a side note...apsa stress relief is tonight @ the CCC, and xzhibit is performing for free at the price center tonight also. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

driving home
i really enjoy driving home from school each day. not because im on my way home to relax from a long day, but because it's a time when i can play loud music in my car, and just use that time to think and reflect about what happened that day, or think about other random things. its a good way for me to somewhat center myself, and brace myself for whatever i may or may not have to do when i get home (eg. homework, or sleep). ok...enough of the random blogs, i already blogged twice in the last 5 minutes...i got a 12 page paper to work on. stay tuned..we'll be back after these messages =l
hired holiday whore
i have officially sold my services for the holidays, for the lowly price of $7.50 an hour. i am now employed by Macy's @ UTC for the holidays (maybe more after...who knows?). lucky me, i dont start til after finals are over. look for me in the men's department of Macy's after december 14th...i think? had my interview, and they mentioned something bout my start date, but it wasnt too clear. i have orientation tomorrow night from 4-8...yep, im in to for the money (not that i will be making much). stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p