Friday, November 30, 2001

word of the day
ok..this is my first endeavor into words of the day...i dunno how often i will have em...but here it is...this word is dedicated to my buddy Steph...the word is...

ok that was random...but i felt like it...niters...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, November 29, 2001

not as bad as i thought
well...i took an ochem midterm the tuesday before thanksgiving...and i left with a feeling that i flat out bombed it...which got me thinking that i need to crack the books some more...i felt like the next 2 weeks were gonna be pure hell, especially since ochem is gonna be my last final, and i would have to pretty much ace it to get at least a B in the class. well, yesterday i got my midterm back, and not to my surprise, i bombed it...but to my surprise, so did the rest of the class. the mean on the test was 65 out of 150, i got 67...and according to my professor (who curved the mean to a B-), i got a B-!!! i seriously lucked out there...and that relieved a lot of stress. but that's not to say that i'm gonna slack off studying...i still got 50% of a grade to earn for that class on the final...wish me luck!

in other news, Kaibigang Pilipino had the revealing of secret pals tonight. i had some guy named Chad who i had never met before. well, all i had gotten him up until the big surprise was 2 king-sized snickers bars. well, tonight i got him a new backpack (he asked for it, and then said not to get what was i to do?) and inside of it, there was some unagi (eel sushi)...and he turned out to like the stuff i got him, which was good. my secret pal turned out to be Cyrus. the past 2 days he got me 2 bite-sized snickers, and wiper fluid for my car. today he got me this huge box stuffed w/ newspaper and a small pack of candy, and then he got me the real gift, which turned out to be fuzzy dice for my car, and a shot glass. he had me fooled for a bit, getting me to think that all he got me was a box full of newspaper. haha...thanks cyrus (if u ever read this)...ah well...time to sleep....stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, November 26, 2001

10th week
this past weekend was pretty cool...even though i did absolutely nothing but sit around on my bum...and then reality hit...10th week!!! you know what that means right? a week and a half of pure stress and hell. i figured that this quarter would be pretty easy, and then something called 'midterms' hit. and the results of a few of them were not very favorable...well at least to my satisfaction. i just can't wait til 1100am on december 7 hits, cuz then i'll be on winter break!!! and it will truly be a break, cuz i dont really plan on working during this break...mainly cuz im making too much money, and calvet might get cut off if i don't watch it. so that means 4 weeks or boredom? we shall see...but for now i must focus on the task at hand...getting ready for finals...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =/

Thursday, November 22, 2001

stuffed like a...well u know what
i am sooooooo stuffed...lotsa food in my belly. today was such a lazy day...didnt do much at all, except eat and sleep. ah off to my aunts house now...stay tuned...we'll be back aftr these messages =)
short lil note
this one will be short....i promise!!! but i just wanna say happy thanksgiving...i can't wait to get stuffed. also i wanna wish Kathy Padaoan, Kathy Phan (haha, roomies), and my mentee Maribeth happy birthday. each of em are celebrating their birthdays...what better way to celebrate it than with a turkey drumstick in one hand, and a gift in the other. enjoy your day!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

the night before turkey
why have my blogs been few and far between? well, for one, i have been really busy...haha...i always say that...but it's true. this past week has been the busiest i have been this whole quarter. the main thing that happened was APSA high school conference. since i was programming co-chair w/ Aldrin (haha aldrin...there i plugged your site), we were up late on wednesday and thursday trying to finish the program on time. then i took the program to the printer's bright and early on friday that they could get it done in time for the work party that night. so after that i went to work (note to the reader...since i started talkin bout my week, im prolly gonna talk about the rest of my week up to now, so skip to the end if u dont wanna read it). they finaly put me into an office at work...meaning that i dont have to work in the lab area anymore, i have my own place to work...although i have to share the office w/ 3 other least i have my own desk and workspace. so...after work, i chilled for a bit, then picked up the programs. when i got to the cross...Aldrin and i kept the programs in the box til Mindy got back w/ the long stapler, so everybody had to wait to see our surprise. well, when we finally revealed our surprise (color covers for the program), everybody's jaws dropped. so then we put the rest of the programs together, and continued w/ the work party...which included practicing for the infamous dance routine. before the night was over, Janet got a call from Susie asking if we could pick up some LA area students from her apartment, so Jason and i went to pick em up. after doing that i went home @ about 130am and crashed...only to wake up @ 630 to get to ucsd by 730.

well the day went pretty well, especially since my co-facilitator Stacy seemed to really be into it...but my students didnt seem to be into it. it felt like i got all the students that were in the facilitator training scenario (pessimist, cant get enough of girlfriend, quiet one, the one who disappears) but we did have 1 person who seemed to be getting something out of it. but as long as someone got something out the day, it makes everything worthwhile. the performance by hereandnow was in a they opened the show by playing childhood games like this pushing game, and red light green light, and they had audience participation. i was chosen by Joy Bisco who was also in The Debut to play red light green light. well as soon as i got up there, i made a fool of myself by falling over when they shouted red light, and had to start over from the beginning. but eventually i was able to almost make it and win...but oh well...but that gave me even more desire to watch The Debut. but as i was saying...hereandnow rocked the house w/ their performance. after a lovely dinner from catering, entertainment was up, and we performed the infamous dance routine. mad props to Cat for taking the dance routine under her wing, especially since she's just a 1st year. the entertainment was pretty cool, and then we got our groove on @ the dance. after the dance, Barstow high school's bus was delayed, so a bunch of us waited around until the bus finally came. another shoutout to Cat for accidently finding the bus, and for the rest of us who waited w/ the Barstow peeps til the bus came. well when i got home, i ate, and then passed out.

well, the next day i had a midterm review, so i had to get up @ 1000 to get to the 1100 session. i soooooooo did not wanna go, but i did anyways...but when i got there i found out that it had been pushed to 5pm that night!!! man...i got up for i chilled til then and got my study on. after that, i went out w/ Kristen to find a gift for Thomas my secret pal for summer bridge, then i headed home. the next day was the summer bridge holiday party, where we gave our secret pals the gift, my secret pal ended up being Raul, and he gave me a book of happiness quotes...pretty cool might i add. we also did a white elephant gift exchange. i ended up w/ a bottle of goldbond powder. after that i went home and studied for my midterm. tuesday, i had a midterm in organic chem, which really sucked...and the rest of the day, i just chilled. today was a pretty laid back day, where i slept late, since i only had 1 class.

well, that was a long first in a long time. i was gonna put some randomness here, but i think this went on long enough. im gonna go relax watch tv. HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody!!! stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, November 08, 2001

well...i never blogged about this, maybe cuz it slipped my mind (bad Jeff) but i have a new mentee for APSA. her name is Lin (hi Lin...if you ever read this). i feel bad, cuz we havent really done any real mentor/mentee bonding activities, since she wasn't at mentor/mentee day @ Balboa park...but have no fear, i shall take her out to get boba, and other mentorly activities. APSA now has this new concept for the mentor/mentee program, which is mentor/mentee families where we mentor each one of our family of mentees. so, i would like to say a friendly hello to my family of fellow mentors Jenni, Nisha, and Emily, and to my family of mentees John, Tricia "w/ a C" , April, and of course Lin. i hope that we all get together at least once a quarter and do something with "the family" a family night out or something. gonna go back to watching TV...btw, im watching Jay Leno right now, and he has the "Dancing Osamas" doing their thing...pretty hilarious. well for now...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, November 03, 2001

i dont really have any major stories to mention on my i figured, that since i havent had randomly babbled in awhile...its time for another installment of random thoughts...enjoy!!!

registration is coming up for me on friday, and if i can get the classes i want, i can have 4 day weekends again...i didnt do as well as i wanted to do on my midterms, but i still did alright, just gotta study harder for finals...where were u when the earthquake hit? guess where i was, yeah i was online, i am such an addict...Janet cracks me up, she was running around frantically when the quake hit, and was telling me about it...i've been recently introduced to mah-jong, and now im kinda hooked, i suck, but im practicing online, who knows, one day i might get up to triple k status (mah jong group...not the racist group) we shall see...high school conference is coming up, i hope we get a huge turnout (we already got 200 preregistered)...magkasama was today, i got there towards the end, so i didnt see too many performances, much props to KP for the event...visit my ate Cat's website that was inspired by yours truly...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)