Thursday, October 31, 2002

HAPPY haloHaloween

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

good talk
had a good talk today w/ my mentee Christine. we met @ the saac lounge after my ethnic studies class...then went to get some food @ muir (she treated me =) ) and talked a lot bout life and stuff and got to know each other better. after lunch, we went to her room to continue our conversation. my human sexuality class cut our conversation short...i woulda skipped it if i didnt have a midterm coming up next tues. but i came back after class to continue our chat. i had fun. i have a great mentee =)

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, October 28, 2002

what a weekend
so as i had mentioned before, i went to friendship games. it was an interesting experience. didnt get that much sleep on friday night, since we were left at 3am. i got a 2 1/2 hr nap in on friday evening and laid down for an hour before leaving. picked up Marianne @ ucsd and met up w/ ronnel, mark, and joe before leaving. got to fullerton @ 430, and tried to sleep in the car, but i kept getting woken up by people leaving the hotel early in the morning. finally gave up on sleep at around 6 when the ucsd heads @ the hotel were gathering in the lobby. practiced the roll call, then headed to csuf. we got there a bit late...but what do u expect from a group of filipinos? kinda made a fool of ourselves by chanting as we entered, especially since we were doing it while they were doing the national anthem. got through roll call (stomping to "grindin" and then a cha cha to"todo todo"). grabbed some food (rice, noodles, and meat sticks)...and the games were off. i watched the nasty before i decided that i couldnt go any further. so i headed over to our area and took a nice nap on the grass. kept waking up off and on. the stupid weather didnt wanna make up its was cold, then hot, then cold again. i woke up, planning to watch tidal wave...but everybody was laggin, so i just went back to sleep. finally woke up to see the booty shaking contest. at that point, i took marianne to the car so she could nap, then headed back to the games and wandered around for a bit, before deciding to head back to daygo. got back and ate at in & out...yeah yeah i know, im not a fan of in & out...but marianne wanted it, so i just ate it. dropped her off, then went home. showered and passed out. yay friendship games.

today i went to miramar lake to meet my new mentee...who is Christine Yuen, who i knew beforehand. funny how she's my mentee, especially since we dont have the same major...we were paired up based on our college. chilled there for a bit, before heading out. stopped by Tessa's apartment w/ Jill before heading home. i had planned on going to church, but my body had other i took a nap. woke up and read. that was my weekend. oh, did i mention that i went to pb bar and grill on thurs night? well...yeah i did.

my blog is becoming a "what i did" journal...not what i had in mind...but until i have somthing major i wanna put in here, this will have to do. im gonna watch some initial d on my computer then sleep...nite =þ

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, October 26, 2002

i'm off..
to fullerton now for friendship games...i'll post the details when i get back...if i have the energy

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, October 24, 2002

my excitement about going to friendship games has taken a nosedive. i was looking forward to going...but im not so sure anymore. too much stress and drama going on in my life. im not even sure if this drama is worth even dealing with...but still it exists. not sure what to do. oh well...time to go to school. but before i go....

Happy 20th Birthday Ronnel...don't go too crazy today =þ

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

just a thought...
good things will come to those who wait...i hope....
just be patient jeff, and everything will work out just fine...

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l

Monday, October 21, 2002

guess who just finished their paper...yup i did, and it's not even due til tues. all i have to do is get it proofread, and then edit it. yeah...i'm good, but its just cuz i wanna spend the last day of my 4 day weekend just chillin. wanna know how my weekend went? well if u dont, go ahead and close the window...cuz here it is...

stayed home pretty much all day until the night time. then i headed over to tgi fridays in la jolla w/ Joan & Kristina. after that, i dropped off joan, and headed to the mission valley tgi fridays (yeah friday is the day for fridays) to meet up w/ Gee, Shawn, Dren, Mark, & Chelle Peralta. after that, i was debating on whether i should head back home...but i decided to call up Ronnel and then headed over to his place and met up w/ him and Mark, Ant, Tina, Matt and others. we just chilled and had a few drinks...well, i had a few drinks, the others had more than a few drinks. mark was really gone...he did many crazy things (including trying to do some dance routines from formality and ascencion), but the alcohol got the best of him and he couldnt go any further. crazy things happened w/ me that might cause some people to lift an eyebrow...but unless u were there, or u were directly involved (or maybe if u ask me), youll never find out what happened w/ me. eventually things died down, and we all passed out @ his place til 9am the next morning when we got up and went home.

i slept til around 2, got up and started working on my paper. i got about halfway done w/ it when i talked to ronnel once more and he told me about his pre birthday celebration @ his house. so it was part 2 of the fun...only this time i didnt drink anything...i just chilled, and watched a bunch of people that i didnt know (and a few that i did know) get inebriated. i didnt stay til the very end...leaving at about 230 and came home.

got up and went over to jeff baker (aka habartolog) and Jas's apartment to discuss some stuff about APSA high school conference. came home to watch my CHARGERS beat the raiders in overtime. went to church, and then came back to work on my paper. mark dropped by to borrow my UCSD id so he could get into rimac. i took a short nap and was awakened by a phone call. i talked for a couple of hours, and then finished my paper.

that was my weekend in a nutshell...i ate and went pee in between some of those events. enjoy, i'm now off to bed. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

new layout instead of studying and working on my paper...i decided to change the layout on my blog...yes i am a procrastinator, but gimme some feedback on the for now it's time for me to sleep. class is in 6 hours!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, October 14, 2002

so what's new?
nothing really has been going on, which is why there has been a lack of posts. it's either that, or i'm just plain ol lazy to post anything. i think it might be the latter, cuz i always think to myself "do i really wanna post?" each time i look at my page, and then usually i just decide that i will post later, and end up not posting. ah well...i'm posting now when i should really be studying. i guess my blog is just something for me to do when i'm procrastinating from doing schoolwork or when im really bored. dont worry, i procrastinate and get bored a i'll try not to make my haloHalo too stale. pics finally work...thanks Aldrin ya big numbnut =þ

maybe i should get back to work so i can go to sleep, wake up to go to RIMAC, and then meet w/ Jill to work on our papers. eh...i have no class tomorrow, so maybe i might just do all of my studying tomorrow...we'll see...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =þ

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Pics from Gee's Shindig

me and gee

me, gee, and another JEFF that i met that night...there are too many of us i tell ya =þ but he's cool

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Happy 19th birfday to my carzy Family Ties/ Cosby Show partner in crime Nem, dont get too carzy, and keep pickin your teef in public =)

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

i'm wondering...
why cant life go in a straight line? it goes along a certain path, and then goes off into its own tangent...many times into an undesired course. these tangents can be either good or bad...but more times than not, it heads into the wrong direction and all it affects is either screwed or placed into a mindnumbing situation. these lines of life also sometimes breaks off into multiple parts, creating more problems and outcomes. i would really like things in my life to be simplified...but for some reason, it keeps getting complicated.

friends can be a great amount of support...but what happens when friends become more than friends and then back to friends...all in the span of a short time? can things be shared between these two people as if they were always just friends? can one talk to the other about new relationships that are happening in their lives as if nothing had occurred between them? or could it just be too much information for the other side to handle? would it be karma if this relationship were placed at a crossroads shortly after it is discussed with the friend who was once more than just a friend?

i have hit that proverbial bump in the road that i discussed in my last blog. where this situation takes me...i can only hope for the best. one person can only do so much to keep that road or line straight without help from others who are on that road, and from others who may be travelling that road with that person. im just tired of opening myself up for disappointment. my hopes get high, only to come crashing down. at this hopes are falling, but havent hit rock bottom just yet. i'm looking for something along that fall to catch me before my hopes completely crash and burn.

dont mind my random babble...i dont know what to make of it...i dont know what to make of life....a complete opposite of my last post a couple of days ago. maybe i should stop setting my hopes so high, and just work with what i got. or maybe, i should just stop hoping and just live life expecting to be disappointed. i havent lost all hope...and i am gonna try my best to work things out the best way i can, and hopefully get positive results.

i know im being very vague, but thats just because this blog is open to the whole world...and only a few people who know me should fully know whats going on with me. if u know me...please feel free to ask what is going on in this crazy life of a confused college student. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/