Wednesday, January 30, 2002

i must study, study must i...well not that much, but i gotta at least go over my notes, and remember what i wrote. i have a midterm tomorrow in HDP 110, but i'm not too worried, cuz its a lot of what i learned when i was in HDP 1 last quarter. i hope my cockiness doesnt result in a bad grade. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =X

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

mission accomplished
i have finished both my asian american lit paper, and my communications project...both before 130am. hooray for me. all i have to do now is catch up a little bit on my reading, but i think im gonna hold off on that. now i'm off to the freezer to grab me a congratulatory bowl of ice cream. yeah yeah, its fricken cold outside, but i deserve it! stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, January 28, 2002

531 words down for my paper that should be 800-1000 words long...i think its time for me to call it a night. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, January 27, 2002

the plan
ok here's the plan ladies and gentlemen...i'm gonna work on this asian american lit paper til around 3ish...go to sleep...wake up and do all that some more on my paper...go to work...interview Gloriecel's sister Lorraine for comm class...come home and finish my comm project...finish asian american lit paper...sleep. that sounds like a plan...i hope it comes through.

my progress so far...1/2 of my comm project done, 1/2 page of my lit paper done (out of 8), hdp 110 reaction paper done, reading not started. i shall continue. that is all...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =/

Saturday, January 26, 2002

busy week
lotsa things happening scholastically this week. asian american lit paper due tuesday, children and the media project/paper due tuesday, HDP 110 reaction paper due tuesday, HDP 110 midterm on thursday, various readings for all my classes all week. let's just hope that my brain doesnt explode this week. well, if Reggie can do it 7 days a week, i guess i can do it for a few days. ok, back to my work...I SHOULD BE OUT PARTYING, or at least out having fun somewhere!!! stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =/
The Debut Review
and so, as planned i saw The Debut, and i must say that i really liked that movie. i'm not gonna say too much about it other than it is so worth the $7.50 that i paid in advance online, and the drive down south, because i don't wanna give it away for those of you who haven't seen it yet. good thing i bought my ticket in advance online, cuz it sold out early. its also good to support this movie, since its the first filipino created, produced, and directed movie with filipinos in the starring roles, and its success would mean future filipino big screen i highly encourage everybody to watch this movie. so just in case you were wondering, i give this movie a rating of 9.5 boba balls (out of 10). i mean, it didnt have any special effects like The Matrix, but it did have a good storyline, and she was in it...haha..remind me to post my pic that i took with her in november...too bad she wasnt at the theatre tonight...but Bernadette Balagtas (Rose) was there, and she signed my ticket stub. along to enjoy the show with me were Ronnel, Anthony, Lauren, and all in all, not a bad night. well, i'm i shall sleep now. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Friday, January 25, 2002

The Debut of The Debut
The Debut is officially coming out in San Diego tomorrow. i'm catching the 1020 showing @ AMC Palm Promenade down that they had to cancel the showing @ AMC Mission Valley since thats much closer, and the theatre that i usually go to, but whatever's clever...gotta do my part to support, so i guess travelling down south will be worth it...well that and the chance to see her again...haha too bad she has a bf. look at me...i sound like crazy Gee and her obsession with NSTINK...but im not as bad as her. =)

carzy Nem thinks i wanna wear her shirt, but she really has it backwards...she wants to wear my shirt, but i wont let her, cuz i'm using it right now...haha =þ well i'm gonna go finish up watching Family Ties on nick at nite and then head to sleep since i have work tomorrow. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, January 24, 2002

testing something
i'm trying something that Gennie suggested on her site...just to see if it works. she suggested that i type in the words "Regis and Kelly" just to see if random people hit up my here it is, Regis and Kelly. and just in case you're wondering, i'm not desperate for hits, i just wanna see if this works....yeah yeah, i should be doing something more productive (like sleeping or studying) instead of this crazy test. i think i shall put myself to productive use, and go to sleep, since i do have 4 classes tomorrow =/...nite all...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

i know this is a few hours late...but u get the idea...*in a carl's jr birthday singing voice with the little faces* happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYY BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRTHDAY to Jeff Baker!!! hopefully your day turned out well.

quote: Armando will now be refered to as "Armando gutierrez-gomez-lopez-amor-amore-amarillo-armadillo...abanilla"- Lisa @ TGI Fridays when she was trying to figure out armando's last name...we just put all her guesses together to come up w/ armando's new last name.

stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

costa verde is a very evil place, especially the garages! haha...while we were on our way to Ian's place for a talent show meeting, Brian, Moneek, and i got lost cuz we just had to park in the garage. if we had actually followed ian's directions, we prolly wouldnt have gotten lost. oh least we had an adventure in costa stuff. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, January 21, 2002

since this is my forum, i decided that i needed to discuss something thats been bothering me...if this offends people somehow, well i guess thats the way things have to be, this is how i feel right now. no names will be mentioned...but feel free to comment.

sometimes i wonder who are my real friends. thats what i have been thinking about all weekend. people who i thought have been good friends have lately been making me question whether or not they really are good friends. certain conversations ive had with certain people in APSA last week really got me thinking about this. when someone you think is a friend is going away for awhile and has a little get together to say goodbye, wouldnt you think they would invite everyone they consider a friend, including you? but then you could say that maybe they had no way of contacting you. but what if you were one of the easiest persons to get a hold of? what then? another question to ponder...wouldnt you think that other friends who know about said "get together" would talk about it openly around you instead of playing it off like its someone you dont know? or would they ask you something like "are you invited?" as if theyre surprised that you know about it? these types of things would make it seem like you're not allowed to say goodbye. with that said, i missed my opportunity to say goodbye to a friend of mine (or at least someone who i had considered a friend...but what does she consider me?) this weekend. the above said circumstances came into play last week, and as a result, i didnt feel like i was welcome to say goodbye. sound stupid? well, to me it wasnt. sometimes i feel like people who i just barely met have been better friends lately than people who i have known all throughout college. this isnt to say that im walking away from any friendships, or that other people have walked away from their friendship with me. im just questioning how they view their friendships with me, or if they value their friendships with me as i value my friendships with them. putting it in simpler i wasting my time in being their friend? i hope not. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, January 20, 2002

something to say
i have a few things i wanna say on here (something of substance)...but right now i'm just too lazy to sit here and type it out. so maybe later on when i'm not quite as lazy, i will update and fill u in on what's on my mind. but until then...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =|

Thursday, January 17, 2002

my poor hands are all messed work (for now) is having us put together computers...and the computer parts have sharp edges, so that mixed w/ the small spaces of a computer case, and the number of computers that ive had to put together (no i'm not a computer nerd, i just know how to put em together) means a lot of cuts on my hands. thats your haloHalo for the it's time for me to rest up for the 4 classes that i have for tomorrow. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Robitussin works wonders
i'm feeling a bit better thanks to my special friend that i picked up at vons...robitussin you perves!!! well, the generic version of it...but it's doing pretty well in making me feel better. i am still feeling a bit sick, but not as bad as i was feeling yesterday, or even this coulda been the naps that i took in my 4 classes today, but at least im not quite as sniffly as i was before.

quote of the day: "She has a hurty boobie" -Armando talking about Jayne-Kim to the remaining APSA heads left @ the CCC after the meeting.

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

random ramblings
being sick sucks, i hate taking medicine!!! u know how hard it is to absorb school information when youre sick???...4 classes tomorrow=brain pain...could it be that she hasn't blogged in 2 days?!? what is this world coming to? back at work for at least the rest of this week, but things dont look good for the future =(...hanging out w/ my high school buddy Michelle on wednesday, thats gonna be fun...time to sleep so i can be kinda fresh for my 4 classes tomorrow, nite...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =/

Monday, January 14, 2002

im sick...definitely not a good thing...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =/

Sunday, January 13, 2002

The Debut
anybody down to seeing The Debut with me? it's coming to San Diego on January 25th...and i really wanna see it. i can't wait, especially since i've heard good reviews from friends who have seen it. this site even says that she's gonna be at the premiere. i got a picture w/ her, and played red light, green light with her when her theatre group hereandnow was here for APSA's high school conference in November. now all i gotta do is develop those pictures. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, January 10, 2002

am i crazy?
try this...3 back to back to back 1hr 20 min classes, then have a 1 1/2 hr break, then have another 1hr 20 min class. do u know how draining that is? i do...and i did just that today...and i do that every tuesday and thursday. and did i mention that theyre all upper division classes? well they are...including HDP 110, which i added to fill in for ANLD 2, which i dropped...i told ya i addition to that, im taking asian american literature, children and the media, and adolescent literature. and these classes have a lot of reading...and i do mean a lot. i just hope my brain doesnt explode! well to answer my question that i asked at the beginning...i may be crazy, but at least i only go to school on tuesdays and thursdays =þ...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

1st day of class
1 lecture down, 19 more to go. today was my first day of class...a very interesting day. after today, i've come to the conclusion that i like 3 of my 4 classes. the class that i dont like, and am seriously thinking of dropping is ANLD2 (Anthropology)... mainly because it doesnt seem too interesting to me, and i can take another class instead next quarter. also, i dont know anybody else in the class, which isnt a good thing, especially if i decide that i dont wanna go to class one day...i wont know anyone to take notes for me, a bad thing especially since the midterm and final are based on lectures. normally that wouldnt stop me...i would just try to get to know people around me and hopefully get notes from them...but it's kinda hard to do that since i have classes right before and right after this class, so i dont really have any time to get to know anyone before or after class...and obviously i cant get to know them during class. so, chances are that i'm going to drop this class. it will drop me down to 12 units, but oh well, i'm still full time. ah well...time to sleep, no class tomorrow, but i gotta take my car in tomorrow to get the door fixed >=0. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, January 07, 2002

and the news keeps getting better
guess who doesnt have a job anymore. well if u didnt guess's me. yup, i just found out that all the student workers got the boot today. seems that they dont have anymore money in the budget to pay us. kinda sucks too, cuz i really need this job...and i dont have time to be looking for another job. what a way to start a new year and a new quarter...without a job. happy new year to me. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =(
all good things must come to an end
whoever said that musta been a party pooper. with that said...i am sad to report that my vacation has come to an end. although it doesnt officially come to an end until tuesday when i start class (i have mondays and fridays off), i do however get to go back to work tomorrow...yay. well...what did i do to end this mostly uneventful break you might ask? well i left the country. haha...i went to tj last night w/ Ronnel and Mark, and others...although i have been to tj before, this was my first nighttime excursion to tj. i must say that it was a lot of fun, although i smelled like cigarettes by the time i got back home (7am this morning). its weird being on the freeway at that hour, just cuz the sun is rising, and everything is colored differently (and no it wasn't the alcohol, i was sober way before i crossed back over) just starting to notice skylines a whole lot more, just cuz i think its pretty cool to look at when the sun is at that right position where it's awestriking. ah well...enough babbling on...i gotta get some sleep...i have work tomorrow =/. well, actually i'm gonna finish watching Family Ties w/ Nem...if she ever finds her "channel clicker", and then sleep. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, January 05, 2002

another day
nothing much really has been happening, just been pretty boring...which kinda sucks cuz this should be time to be doing a whole bunch of fun stuff since school starts this monday (tuesday for me =)). i was kicked out of my house today though...not cuz i was in trouble, but because my complex is getting remodeled, and so they were recoating the entrance way. so it was either get out @ 8am in the morning, or be stuck here til 5 in the afternoon, and i didnt wanna get stranded here. so i got my bum outta bed @ 740ish, showered, and went to Joan's house and chilled there. i went to Ronnel's pad when she had to go to work. on my way home, i saw my reoccuring high school crush Liza outside her house (her house is on my way home from la jolla)...i pulled over for a bit, and we talked for a bit (i still have a crush on her everytime i see her). dropped by starbucks, then came home and started cleaning the other half of my room which i got too lazy to do earlier in the week (i still didnt finish...there's a bunch of papers and stuff on my floor). went to Friday's and ate w/ joan. that was my day...i lead an interesting life. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Thursday, January 03, 2002

tuition & work
i seriously hope i am not screwed. you see, my college tuition is paid for by the VA, since my dad is retired from the navy. but the only catch is that i can't make more than the national poverty level. the whole entire time i had been looking at my net amount that i have made in 2001 (social security & taxes taken out of my income), and it seemed like i was coming in under the limit. but then some people got me thinking that what they look at is the total amount of my income (without taxes and social security taken out)...if that's true, then i'm seriously screwed for next year..cuz i barely passed the level...meaning my calvet could be revoked for my 4th year. i seriously hope that this isnt the case. i really wish i knew which column on my paystub that i should have been looking at, cuz if i had known, then i wouldnt be having this problem. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
side note
Nem is a blogaholic...check it out...youll see what i mean...
niters...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

edited 1/3/02 1037pm
ok...nem isnt a blogaholic...but she blogs a lot =)
Another Night at the Movies
i went to the movies today w/ Alexis, one of my students from summer bridge. we had been planning to hang out for awhile now, and today was our day. so i picked her up, and we headed to Fashion Valley to see what was playing there. we ran into Kris, another one of my students, while we were looking at what was playing. we decided to watch Ocean's Eleven, and we bought our tickets. since we had about another 2 hours til the movie started, we went to grab something to eat @ Sam Woo. after we ate, we headed back to watch the movie. funny thing happened...the film broke apart right in the middle...even funnier was that it broke apart right as they were blowing something up in the movie. well, after about 20 minutes, they fixed the film, and the movie was up and running. at the end of the movie, they gave us a free pass to see any movie we wanna watch in the future.

now comes my review...this movie was basically about some guys who are plotting to rob a vault common to 3 casinos in las vegas (pretty ironic considering i just came from there). this movie goes about tracking what they plan to do, and how they carry it out. it had a lot of big time hollywood stars, including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, and for you Mayrin, that one dude who plays Pacey in Dawson's Creek. my mentee Maribeth recommended this movie to me, and she didnt disappoint me. i really liked this just kinda sucked how i couldnt watch the entire movie from beginning to end (since it tore up right in the middle)...but i would definitely watch this movie again. my rating...9 boba balls (out of 10).

well...i should go to sleep now, since i have to take my car in for servicing and to get my door handle and lock replaced at 830, so for now i bid all adieu...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

Best Friends
i would have to say that Chie has to be the bestest friend a guy can have. remember how someone tried to break into my car yesterday while it was parked in front of her house? well, she felt really bad about it happening. i had told her that she didnt need to worry about it...cuz it wasnt her fault. but despite my assurances to her, she still felt bad. so today, she called me on my cell to tell me that she was gonna drop by to give me something. about an hour later, she called me to tell me that she was out front. so i went and met her, and she gave me a $10 gift certificate to Jamba Juice to help me feel better. that really made my day (and my year so far)...not that she got me a jamba juice certificate, but that she got them to make me feel better. i am so lucky to have a best friend like her =)
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)