Thursday, September 30, 2004

so i figure that it's time for another post
after all, it is the end of the month and i havent blogged since like the middle of the month. how many of you have missed my random ramblings? eh...prolly not too many, but oh well. so what is new with yours truly? nothing really, just the same ol stuff. work, home, work, home...and i'm gaining weight. doing the same ol routine and not being too physically active adds poundage to my physique, and that is definitely not a good thing. i seriously want to start going to the gym, but the routine of going to work, and then going home has become common place to me, and im not feeling much like deviating from it...but i should...and i will, just lead me the way to the nearest 24 hour fitness, so i can sign up.
in other news, we got a new roommate to replace mr. abanilla, who left at the end of august. mr. Marvin Tarroja is the newest member of the Cord Lane household...a huge load off of all our backs. we were worried that we wouldnt fill that room, or that we would get some random person move in. so now the only thing to worry about is finding a new washer and getting our oven fixed.

so i have been watching the san diego padres all season long, and they have been doing really well this whole season. theyve had their first winning season in like 5 years...that's a good thing...sucky though that despite all the winning they have been doing, they havent done enough, and chances are that they will not be going to the playoffs. they had a chance, but they lost to sf they dont have too much more of a chance. let's hope that next year they will do better.

friday is tomorrow...meaning the weekend is just about here!!! i may actually go back to ucsd tomorrow to see the fall fest @ rimac...dilated peoples and jimmy eats world are performing. let's just hope they accept my id card, after all i did graduate...they dont swipe the cards, and there is no date on the card, so i should be alright right? right! well...i must prepare for bed and watch fresh prince of bel's friday tomorrow! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

i'm back once again
so i haven't updated in i havent been doing too much of this summer. but as always, nothing has been happening. well...i take that back, we did have an end of summer/house rewarming bbq get together this past saturday. pretty good turn out as a buncha ucsd, hs, and work folk showed up to join in on the festivities. good meat, good drinks, good people, good times.

so lately, i've been going to church a lot. i guess it's not that i'm gonna be this devout catholic who reads the bible on a nightly or semi-nightly basis. i guess, it just feels good to go back to church and take in all of the Godliness of the whole thing. this used to be a regular thing for me...mind you not by choice, but because my mom made me. but i guess, despite being "forced" to go, i liked it inside...and i guess for awhile, i forgot about that aspect. so i started going to church again when i moved out on my own. not because i was forced to go, but because it was my choice...and i must admit, it feels good to go back and soak it all in. it's also a good thing to see people that i havent seen in awhile, some of whom were in my early CCD classes that i took in elementary school. needless to say, i'm enjoying coming back to church.

work is work...nothing's changed there...although it's nice to expand my networks by meeting new people around the department each day. i'm glad i've been able to break my shell to meet these new people. it's also interesting to see the new people go through what i went through 2 months ago in training. one of the newbies went to mira mesa high school, and graduated a year before me. he's one of those people who i would see, but didn't know on a personal basis...but he's on my work i'll prolly get to know him a bit better.

speaking of work...time to sleep, so i can get up to go to work tomorrow. i'm getting old, and becoming more of an adult! sleeping early used to be unheard it's a way of life. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p

Friday, September 03, 2004

It's September already?!?!?!?!!
wow...this year is moving by really fast. i havent really updated this thing in awhile, cuz really nothing has been going on. My daily routine consists of waking up at 7am, showering, getting dressed, going to work, come home, try to do the errands that i needed to do that day, fix/eat dinner, relax, iron for the next day, go to sleep, repeat. i feel so adult for some reason. but now in addition to all that i do in a day, lately we have been looking for a new roommate cuz Armando moved out last weekend, so i've been trying to move along the process to find a #4 for the house. other than that, it's been normal routine.

so rumor has it that UCSD is starting school in a couple of weeks. it feels kinda weird that i am not getting ready to go back to school as has been my normal routine around this time for the past 18 years. this year's opening day of school will not be one that i will be celebrating since i have graduated from college. part of me misses the routine of getting ready for school, reuniting w/ friends i havent seen in 3 months, welcome week festivities, and even the first day of school where it's just a kickback day of intros and expectations. but alas...none of that will be had by me, since i am a working man w/ a degree. speaking of which...where's my diploma??? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p