Thursday, October 25, 2001

the end of ugliness...til next time
guess what...I'M DONE WITH MIDTERMS!!!...*ahem*until thanksgiving week*ahem*...but oh well...who more worrying about studying for stuff until the next round of midterms. i finished my last midterm today, which happened to be HDP1, the class where everybody and their mom is in. that midterm was not too bad...but we shall see how well i really did. plus my other midterms werent too bad either. so now, im off to celebrate, by doing absolutely nothing academic this weekend. by the way...did i mention that i have 4 day weekends??? well...if u didnt u know. 4 days free of academic brain stimulation (aka brain pain). well im off to start my celebration. oh before i leave, i must say hi to Vaness, who wanted me to say hi, since i "never" say hi to her or get to see she mentioned me on her webpage. im off to galabant now...stay tuned we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, October 15, 2001

pro-cras-ti-nate (pro kras' te nat'), v., -nated, -nating . 1. to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost 2. to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. -pro-cras'ti-na'tion, n. -pro-cras'ti-na'tor, n.

haloHalo45 (2:29:54 AM): midterms this week?
doRkYjaNeT (2:30:31 AM): yes =P arughhh
doRkYjaNeT (2:30:35 AM): tuesdatyyyyyyyy
doRkYjaNeT (2:30:37 AM): what about u?
haloHalo45 (2:30:39 AM): same
haloHalo45 (2:30:41 AM): tues
doRkYjaNeT(2:30:51 AM): =P studied?
haloHalo45 (2:30:57 AM): yup
haloHalo45 (2:31:02 AM): 2 reviews this weekend
doRkYjaNeT (2:31:59 AM): ooh good =) on top of things
haloHalo45 (2:32:04 AM): haha
haloHalo45 (2:32:15 AM): <~~~still a procrastinator
doRkYjaNeT (2:32:27 AM): ditto.
haloHalo45 (2:32:31 AM): haha
doRkYjaNeT (2:32:35 AM): once a procr. always a procras.

my point was that although i went to 2 reviews for the same class, i didnt do much more than that...interesting...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =รพ

Friday, October 12, 2001

something new
someone famous (i dunno who) said that u should always try new things in life. well, tonight i decided to take their advice, and tried something new. i went over to the La Cima apartments, where i learned to play...MAH JONG!!! it was mah jong night at Reggie, David, Jas, and Steph's apartment. im still a bit shaky when i play, and i cant strategize to save my life, but i pretty much got the hang of it...even if i am slow....i even won 2 games! well...i just wanna thank reggie, david and Phil for helping me learn to play, and being patient with me when i made stupid moves. also along for the fun were Mayrin, Lauren & Kim, although Mayrin and Kim were busy watching Dawson's Creek...i have no idea what they see in that show, but eh. Lauren was pretty good at mah jong...but just soon as i get my strategization in order...i shall conquer mah jong!!! you'll see!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, October 08, 2001

where's jeff?
yeah yeah...i what? i've been really busy this quarter trying to stay as studious as jeffly possible...and so that means less blogs. don't worry, i havent totally disappeared, i will still update this thing when i find the time, but until then, stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)