Tuesday, December 31, 2002

the end is near
for 2002. tomorrow will be 2003, meaning that a new year is upon us. this year has been full of its ups and downs, hopefully the new year will have more ups than downs. well, however it goes, i'll make the best of it all. tonight i'm going to have some fun w/ some friends from high school, and ring in the new year. don't worry, i dont plan on getting drunk. just gonna have a good time with them. be safe everyone...and see ya in 2003. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

maligayang pasko...naimbag a pascua...meri kurisumasu...feliz navidad...mele kalikimaka...in other words, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! =D

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

random babble
i've rediscovered how cool the later TGIF shows are/were. thanks to the magic of the disney channel, i'm able to enjoy the entertaining qualities of Boy Meets World and Sister, Sister. i think i didnt see too many episodes towards the last years that they were on, prolly cuz they were on during the latter years of my high school life...when i was really busy with yearbook, asb, and class council, as well as with friends. right now i'm watching the christmas episode of Boy Meets World from their first year of college, where mr feeny plays the ghost of christmas future, and past. ahh...the memories. merry christmas eve!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

jury duty
so i had jury duty for the past 2 days. i got assigned to a case, so i had to come back for an extra day. the judge that i had was the same judge who did the Westerfield case (that little girl named Danielle Van Dam, who got killed), Judge Mudd. i didn't wanna get assigned...but i did, which sucked at first cuz it took up part of my winter break, but it ended up being kinda fun. i wouldn't do it again right away, but it was an interesting experience. funny thing was that 1 of the jurors was in summer bridge 2001 when i was a resource counselor, and another juror was a professor that i had 2 years ago...so at least i knew some people. well, now that i'm done w/ jury duty...my winter break can start once again. NO MORE JURY DUTY FOR ME FOR 3 YEARS!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Monday, December 16, 2002

i got...
jury duty at 745 am...which is in about 3 1/2 hours from now...why am i awake? maybe it's cuz i'm nocturnal, and i cant go to sleep before 4am anymore...i mean, i did go to sleep at about 2...but after trying to sleep for an hour and a half, i got up and got on the computer. maybe it's also cuz i got something on my mind. i guess, i need some resolution with some people, and its driving me crazy. 1 is with a good friend of mine, 1 is with someone that just met and i'm trying to get to know (actually, i dunno if there is a problem with this person...it's just me worrying...prolly bout nothing). but at any rate, i just hate it when i got things on my mind...it throws me completely off. i'm pretty sure that things will work out in the end...i will take action, cuz it's the holiday season, i dont need any drama hanging over my head. i'm just gonna quit blogging about it...and take some action to resolve things...and quit worrying. ah well...i'm gonna try to get some sleep so i can do my civic responsibility, and report to jury duty. tata for now...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

edit ok...so the drama with the other person was just me worrying bout nothing...so i'm good there =þ

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

finals has shown its ugly face again...so i think it's appropriate for me to post these levels of stress anxiety that i got from my friend Steph (who is now back in daygo after a year long stay abroad in new zealand.)

Levels of finals anxiety...by Stephanie Aguon
level 1-"ha..i have finals"
level 2-"hmm...i should study..."
level 3-"they're not gonna be that bad..."
level 4-"shit, I have finals"
level 5-"I'm gonna get crapped on!"

i think i'm between level 1 and 2...i wish my finals were earlier in the week, instead of thurs and fri...cuz ive been feeling ok about these finals, but now that it's so late in the week, im likely to procrastinate, which i have been doing a lot of. only 2 finals to study for too...ethnic studies on thurs, and human sexuality on fri...so not too bad. also if it were earlier in the week, i would be done w/ em, and my winter break will start early. oh well...i guess i just have to wait til the end of the week to take em. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Saturday, December 07, 2002


even ann thinks so. and no...i didn't pay her to say that, and i didn't photoshop it myself =þ stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

no title
it's 5AMish...i just finished my 10 page paper...i'll finish the reflection paper later...g'nite/morning...whatever
10 page papers will be the end of me
yes...i have a 10 page paper and a 3 page reflection paper due on thurs for my HDP 135 class. i got about another 2 pages left on the paper, and the reflection paper left to do. i had 3 hours of sleep last night, and have lasted all day through class, apsa meetings, and doing this paper...all without a nap, or falling asleep. i'm so proud of myself...now let's see if i can finish this paper before i go to sleep. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l