Thursday, November 28, 2002

Happy Turkey day everybody!!! eat a lot...but dont get too fat...unless u want to ;)

Monday, November 25, 2002

who will be #10,000 to hit up my site? look down to the left to see what number u are. if youre cool and that lucky'd tag my board over there on the left. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Sunday, November 24, 2002

oh yeah...
i forgot to mention that i did not get the job @ GAP....grr to them...i had to call them to ask, since they wouldn't call me...i'm not gonna shop at the one @ utc anymore....until i need a new pair of jeans that are on sale ;) stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
sorry for the delay
i've just been really occupied w/ APSA High Schol Conference, which was yesterday. I was the programming chair w/ Aldrin, so both he and I were really busy making the programs...which turned out to be a big hit...we made it look like a credit card. I was also a facilitator for the conference w/ Monica, someone who was pretty new to APSA. i was also out trying to ruin the world, or at least the learning environment @ UCSD, when i became Lex Luthor in APSA's version of Smallville. i also learned a dance routine for the entertainment portion of the conference w/ my poppin partner Melissa and my tango partner Jen Rivor. hereandnow came back to entertain us too...but sadly, Joy Bisco wasn't able to make it, cuz she was busy taping Port Charles...but i was able to redeem myself for falling during red light, green light last year. Jon, the head of hereandnow, remembered me from before (im not sure if it's from red light green light...we've talked before), and called me up on stage to play. a really busy couple of weeks full of APSA stuff. now it's time to get back to business...finals are just around the corner. gotta get focused so i dont bomb finals. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Port Charles
i don't like this show...i'm not even a soap opera watching type of guy...but i still watch this show late at night. not that i watch this show for its content...usually i just block it out and do other things (like what i'm doing right now by blogging). the only reason that i even bother turning that show on is because of one person...JOY BISCO! =) i dunno, ever since she came to ucsd last year and picked me out of the crowd to go on stage w/ her, i have been such a huge fan. i dont even know what the point of this show is...i just watch just to see joy. yeah, i'm pathetic...but everybody has their obsession...including all u n*sync freaks out there.
what do u think? well...whatever, i like her =). by the way...her character's name on Port Charles is Marissa.

i wanna see 8 mile...i was supposed to see it today, but peeps couldnt go cuz of the rain, so i just stayed home and chilled. hopefully i see it sometime this weekend...since this weekend will be devoted to non-academic activities on my part. well...i'm gonna go do something not academic...either that, or just go to sleep. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

frustration sets in...
as i sit here typing this, my mind is wandering. thinking about what's going on...and hating the fact that i'm thinking too hard about this situation with a friend. let's just say that this female friend and i have been getting to know each other lately, but it seems like things have hit a brick wall...meaning that i'm getting the silent treatment...thing is...I DUNNO WHAT THE HELL I DID WRONG...last time we talked, things seemed ok, and then next thing i communication. i hate it when things like this happens...whether it be a long time friend...or someone that i'm trying to get to know better. we're just friends people...but does a friend do that to another? makes me feel like...grr i dunno, but its just not a good feeling. why am i worrying so much about this when i got an ethnic studies midterm on thursday to study for? yes person i may seem ok...i guess it's just a front, which may or may not be healthy...but inside, i got issues...just like everybody else.

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Monday, November 04, 2002

the gap
and so i got an interview at the gap in UTC this wednesday. wish me luck...i need a job for the holidays, so i hope i get it. i got a human sexuality midterm i must get back to studying. more about haloHaloween later...

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l