Friday, February 07, 2003

it's been awhile
school is keeping me in i havent really been posting in awhile..i really need to focus more, cuz i took 2 midterms last week, and i got my grades back this week. let's just say they werent grades that i was expecting to get...and that isnt a good thing. nothing really has been going on in my life. i'm still confused about things, and how things should be running in my life. i need to figure out what's right for me, and if i should move on to better things, in all aspects of my life (especially one part). the people in my life are a big question to me right now. for some reason i feel like everybody is moving on and doing their own thing, while i'm left to fend for myself, which is sometimes a good thing...but i feel like im being left out of other people's plans...i want to still be in their lives, cuz my friends and the people i communicate with are big parts of my life...ack...enough of my random ramblings, i'm prolly confusing you in the same way that i'm confusing myself

well...other than that, things are good. despite my confusion, i am still hanging in there, and trying to have a good time while i'm at it. it's another 4 day weekend for me, i'm gonna go out and make the most of it before midterm season comes back for round 2 in a couple of weeks. anybody have plans for this weekend? call me up if u know the digits...if not, i'll hopefully find something that's mentally stimulating and entertaining.

jumpin music
slick dj's
smoke machines and...
laser rays...
look out weekends cuz...
here i come
because weekends were...
made for fun!

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

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