Monday, January 27, 2003

future teacher
this quarter i'm taking TEP 138...a tutoring class in which i go to the Preuss School @ UCSD, and tutor and assist where needed. last week one of the teachers that i'm assigned to wasnt really able to be in class because she was running around doing science fair things, and she had a substitute teacher come in to watch the class. they would not listen to a word that he was saying to them, but when i stepped in and had them sit down to do their work...they actually listened to me! i mean, there were a few who still tried to wander around and stuff, but for the most part they listened. i was really nervous, but i tried to not let that get to me, and it worked. i know that there is more to teaching than just getting them to listen to me, but still, that made me happy to know that they listen to me.

well, this year is the year that i'm gonna have to start looking beyond UCSD, and into my career, since i'm graduating next year. i decided a couple of years ago that i want to go into teaching, so now it's time for me to look into teacher's credentialing programs. so far, i've already ruled out UCSD's teaching program, cuz theyre too damned picky with what they want from its undergrad applicants. i'm really interested in SDSU's teaching program or maybe even UCLA...but we'll see how things go. i'm already excited in what's to come from my teaching career...but i know it's gonna be a lot of hard work. dorkyjanet you better help me out with what i need to do to get in! stay tuned..we'll be back after these messages =)

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