future teacher
this quarter i'm taking TEP 138...a tutoring class in which i go to the Preuss School @ UCSD, and tutor and assist where needed. last week one of the teachers that i'm assigned to wasnt really able to be in class because she was running around doing science fair things, and she had a substitute teacher come in to watch the class. they would not listen to a word that he was saying to them, but when i stepped in and had them sit down to do their work...they actually listened to me! i mean, there were a few who still tried to wander around and stuff, but for the most part they listened. i was really nervous, but i tried to not let that get to me, and it worked. i know that there is more to teaching than just getting them to listen to me, but still, that made me happy to know that they listen to me.
well, this year is the year that i'm gonna have to start looking beyond UCSD, and into my career, since i'm graduating next year. i decided a couple of years ago that i want to go into teaching, so now it's time for me to look into teacher's credentialing programs. so far, i've already ruled out UCSD's teaching program, cuz theyre too damned picky with what they want from its undergrad applicants. i'm really interested in SDSU's teaching program or maybe even UCLA...but we'll see how things go. i'm already excited in what's to come from my teaching career...but i know it's gonna be a lot of hard work. dorkyjanet you better help me out with what i need to do to get in! stay tuned..we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, January 27, 2003
Monday, January 20, 2003
random 430 am picture
i just finished reading, and instead of sleeping...i bring to you a random picture that i found while i was surfing the net...
engrish can be so funny when u dont know what youre saying...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
i just finished reading, and instead of sleeping...i bring to you a random picture that i found while i was surfing the net...

engrish can be so funny when u dont know what youre saying...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Sunday, January 19, 2003
my crazy dad
and so i was going to church today (during the oakland vs tennessee game)...and i told my dad that i was leaving and will catch the last part of the game when i got back. as i was leaving...he asked me why i have become so church oriented (he hasn't gone to church in years). i said that i just want to go. he then says "i think you're meeting someone over there" as if i were going out on a date. i just asked him what kind of a date would going to church be? he changed the subject, and said "it's good that you're going." i just left after that. as i walked to my car, i couldnt help but laugh at what my dad said. like i said...crazy dad. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
and so i was going to church today (during the oakland vs tennessee game)...and i told my dad that i was leaving and will catch the last part of the game when i got back. as i was leaving...he asked me why i have become so church oriented (he hasn't gone to church in years). i said that i just want to go. he then says "i think you're meeting someone over there" as if i were going out on a date. i just asked him what kind of a date would going to church be? he changed the subject, and said "it's good that you're going." i just left after that. as i walked to my car, i couldnt help but laugh at what my dad said. like i said...crazy dad. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Saturday, January 18, 2003
dave and buster's
yeah...u heard it here first, i am no longer a Dave and Buster's virgin. i went there last night with Gee, Alfred, Christian, and Mark Ejanda...my morse high 99er friends. i had called gee up at around 8pm, and she was just chillin w/ alfred in the parking lot at their work. we decided to meet up, and go to DnB's...so they told me to meet em at their work. so i drove over there and saw them just chillin there. they had been there for 2 hours by the time i got there. we just chilled there for awhile, just looking at my pictures, and talking. we were waiting for others to join us there. Nem showed up, and they decided to go inside so nem could relieve her bladder. meanwhile, alfred and i just chilled in the parking lot and talked. while we were waiting, gee's stalker came out, and got into his car and started staring at us (prolly wondering why we were chillin by gee's car). he was there for quite awhile, pretending to be on the cell phone, but really just staring us down. after awhile, he left and we continued our conversation...until gee's object of desire showed up to work(ask her for his name...cuz i dunno if i can share here). gee chickened out in talking to him...so she and nem came back out to the parking lot. by that time, christian had showed up. after deciding what our strategy for the night was...we finally headed off to Friday's in Mission Valley to eat before going to DnB. Mark n Chelle joined us there to eat after mark got off work. we laughed, ate, and were merry (especially gee...who was having textual intercourse w/ her dude the whole time). after eating...we said our goodbyes to nem (who was too young to go to DnB), and chelle (who was tired) and headed to DnB. i had never been there...but it was really fun there...almost like a chuck e. cheese's for adults. i pretty much played the ticket games, which were pretty cool. i saw a few other friends there enjoying themselves. all in all, i had a pretty good night. kept my mind off of things that were kinda bothering me. i shall return to DnB's...anybody wanna come? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
yeah...u heard it here first, i am no longer a Dave and Buster's virgin. i went there last night with Gee, Alfred, Christian, and Mark Ejanda...my morse high 99er friends. i had called gee up at around 8pm, and she was just chillin w/ alfred in the parking lot at their work. we decided to meet up, and go to DnB's...so they told me to meet em at their work. so i drove over there and saw them just chillin there. they had been there for 2 hours by the time i got there. we just chilled there for awhile, just looking at my pictures, and talking. we were waiting for others to join us there. Nem showed up, and they decided to go inside so nem could relieve her bladder. meanwhile, alfred and i just chilled in the parking lot and talked. while we were waiting, gee's stalker came out, and got into his car and started staring at us (prolly wondering why we were chillin by gee's car). he was there for quite awhile, pretending to be on the cell phone, but really just staring us down. after awhile, he left and we continued our conversation...until gee's object of desire showed up to work(ask her for his name...cuz i dunno if i can share here). gee chickened out in talking to him...so she and nem came back out to the parking lot. by that time, christian had showed up. after deciding what our strategy for the night was...we finally headed off to Friday's in Mission Valley to eat before going to DnB. Mark n Chelle joined us there to eat after mark got off work. we laughed, ate, and were merry (especially gee...who was having textual intercourse w/ her dude the whole time). after eating...we said our goodbyes to nem (who was too young to go to DnB), and chelle (who was tired) and headed to DnB. i had never been there...but it was really fun there...almost like a chuck e. cheese's for adults. i pretty much played the ticket games, which were pretty cool. i saw a few other friends there enjoying themselves. all in all, i had a pretty good night. kept my mind off of things that were kinda bothering me. i shall return to DnB's...anybody wanna come? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, January 13, 2003
something i noticed
i have talked very highly of the summer bridge program many times in my blogs and to people that i come across both on and off campus. i talk about the great relationships that i built while i was a student in the program, and the fun memories that we shared during that month in 1999 at argo hall in ucsd. even the summer bridge pride that i carried on throughout my first 2 years at ucsd were expressed because of the great experiences that i had. but something that i have noticed over the past couple of years is that i have grown distant from many of the my summer bridge friends that i made during that summer before my first year. and after thinking about it a little further, i begin to wonder whether or not i was fully included among the groups that formed from bridge. as recently as this past friday, i was at a birthday party for Christine Lucero (who didnt go to summer bridge), there were a lot of people there who went to my bridge. i noticed that many of the people who hung out together during and after bridge, were still hanging out with each other. they were dancing, and having a good time together. i even saw some people that i hung out with, hanging out with other people...or chillin with others who i was close with during the program. it got me thinking...why don't i hang out with them anymore? why arent the bonds that i formed with these people just 3 1/2 years ago, not as strong as they once were? why don't i talk to my suitemates anymore? why are other peoples bonds that were formed at the same time mine were, still there? i used to think that i would be close with all of these people because we had summer bridge love for each other...and the summer bridge pride was really flowing during my first couple of years. but now...i feel like i have drifted away from many of these people. i mean, there are a few who i still talk to, and still chill with (you know who u are), and we all still have summer bridge '99 pride and love...but i'm disappointed that my bonds with almost everybody else has weakened to passing familiarity. maybe it's cuz i was a commuter for all 4 years i've gone to ucsd, and the others had easy access to each other since they lived close to each other on campus...maybe it's cuz we just grew apart. i dunno what happened. if i could turn back time to my first year here at ucsd...i would have tried to maintain those bonds that i formed during bridge, and made myself more accessible to those who i had relationships with. time is running out at ucsd for the graduated high school class of 1999, since about half are graduating in june, and the rest of us have up to a year left here...i will still remain true to the spirit of SB '99...let's see how things turn out with them '99ers. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
i have talked very highly of the summer bridge program many times in my blogs and to people that i come across both on and off campus. i talk about the great relationships that i built while i was a student in the program, and the fun memories that we shared during that month in 1999 at argo hall in ucsd. even the summer bridge pride that i carried on throughout my first 2 years at ucsd were expressed because of the great experiences that i had. but something that i have noticed over the past couple of years is that i have grown distant from many of the my summer bridge friends that i made during that summer before my first year. and after thinking about it a little further, i begin to wonder whether or not i was fully included among the groups that formed from bridge. as recently as this past friday, i was at a birthday party for Christine Lucero (who didnt go to summer bridge), there were a lot of people there who went to my bridge. i noticed that many of the people who hung out together during and after bridge, were still hanging out with each other. they were dancing, and having a good time together. i even saw some people that i hung out with, hanging out with other people...or chillin with others who i was close with during the program. it got me thinking...why don't i hang out with them anymore? why arent the bonds that i formed with these people just 3 1/2 years ago, not as strong as they once were? why don't i talk to my suitemates anymore? why are other peoples bonds that were formed at the same time mine were, still there? i used to think that i would be close with all of these people because we had summer bridge love for each other...and the summer bridge pride was really flowing during my first couple of years. but now...i feel like i have drifted away from many of these people. i mean, there are a few who i still talk to, and still chill with (you know who u are), and we all still have summer bridge '99 pride and love...but i'm disappointed that my bonds with almost everybody else has weakened to passing familiarity. maybe it's cuz i was a commuter for all 4 years i've gone to ucsd, and the others had easy access to each other since they lived close to each other on campus...maybe it's cuz we just grew apart. i dunno what happened. if i could turn back time to my first year here at ucsd...i would have tried to maintain those bonds that i formed during bridge, and made myself more accessible to those who i had relationships with. time is running out at ucsd for the graduated high school class of 1999, since about half are graduating in june, and the rest of us have up to a year left here...i will still remain true to the spirit of SB '99...let's see how things turn out with them '99ers. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
macgyver on nick's tv land. i havent seen that show in forever. that guy can make a bomb outta gum and toothpicks! i wish i could do that, then...hmm...i dunno what i would blow up...maybe my books from school. but then again, i spend so much on those books...so scratch that idea...maybe my old notebooks. speaking of school...1st day of school for me is tomorrow...today was the 1st day of school for everybody else...but i dont have mon/weds/fri classes...so i just chilled today and ran a few errands. i got me some new speakers for my computer, since my old one were annoying me too much. ah well...back to macgyver. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
macgyver on nick's tv land. i havent seen that show in forever. that guy can make a bomb outta gum and toothpicks! i wish i could do that, then...hmm...i dunno what i would blow up...maybe my books from school. but then again, i spend so much on those books...so scratch that idea...maybe my old notebooks. speaking of school...1st day of school for me is tomorrow...today was the 1st day of school for everybody else...but i dont have mon/weds/fri classes...so i just chilled today and ran a few errands. i got me some new speakers for my computer, since my old one were annoying me too much. ah well...back to macgyver. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, January 06, 2003
Sunday, January 05, 2003
the end of winter break
and so, the end to another christmas break has come. UCSD starts again tomorrow. my AIM buddy list is once again full of people who have returned to san diego to go back to school. college life is once again back. yay...time to study =/ im gonna miss just sitting around and not doing anything but stare at the computer or the tv...or just sleeping in. this quarter is the worst...cuz there isnt much of a vacation waiting at the end...just 1 week for spring break, and then back to school. ah well...i'll make the most of this quarter.
upcoming events
-pcc tryouts
-apaac @ uci
-apsa talent show
-other various events
well i should be pretty busy this quarter, especialy since i still have to deal with class. i'm enrolled in 4 classes for 14 units...but i'm trying to add another one...so that will bring my total up to 18 units. i'm also still looking for a job...so if i get one, add work to my busy schedule. let's hope i survive this quarter...cuz i have 1 more after this one til summer comes. i'm supposed to be graduated in june...but i'm staying another year so i can take my time, and not stress too much. but i can now truthfully say that i'm graduating NEXT YEAR stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
and so, the end to another christmas break has come. UCSD starts again tomorrow. my AIM buddy list is once again full of people who have returned to san diego to go back to school. college life is once again back. yay...time to study =/ im gonna miss just sitting around and not doing anything but stare at the computer or the tv...or just sleeping in. this quarter is the worst...cuz there isnt much of a vacation waiting at the end...just 1 week for spring break, and then back to school. ah well...i'll make the most of this quarter.
upcoming events
-pcc tryouts
-apaac @ uci
-apsa talent show
-other various events
well i should be pretty busy this quarter, especialy since i still have to deal with class. i'm enrolled in 4 classes for 14 units...but i'm trying to add another one...so that will bring my total up to 18 units. i'm also still looking for a job...so if i get one, add work to my busy schedule. let's hope i survive this quarter...cuz i have 1 more after this one til summer comes. i'm supposed to be graduated in june...but i'm staying another year so i can take my time, and not stress too much. but i can now truthfully say that i'm graduating NEXT YEAR stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)