Monday, March 25, 2002

peeps have been wondering why a lot of my online stuff (eg.AIM sn, email addy, blog) is based on haloHalo, and not boba, since i tend to enjoy boba and have it more often than haloHalo. my ate Cat actually made me think about it, and actually gave me this idea to blog about it, so here's the explanation...well, the simple reason is...before there was boba, there was haloHalo. haloHalo has a lot of meaning to's not just dessert. the literal meaning of haloHalo is "mix mix," and that certainly describes me...i'm mixed, filipino and what better and shorter way to describe me, than by that term...haloHalo. it was also a small lil joke when i was in hs...i guess, it kinda started like junior year when i walked into a room one day, and greeted everybody with a random word that came out of my mouth...that word..."haloHalo" w/ a filipino accent...and it got peeps crackin up for some reason, and i guess that stuck with me.

so it's not just a tasty dessert, it really means something, but i will also be accepting donations of boba...starting this sunday....til then i'll stick to haloHalo. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)

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