and so i have a midterm for HDP 110 tomorrow, and what did i decide to do today? that's right, i hung out with Mona today. i ditched work, and just hung out with her. it was pretty fun might i add. wandering around south san diego aimlessly was definitely better than studying or going to work. i did manage to get about an hour and a half worth of studying done today at the Southwestern College library cuz she had to go to class...i didnt wanna go home or head to UCSD and i still wanted to hang out with her some more after she got out of class, so i studied there. yeah, it was a fun day today...with more to hopefully come =). now i'm home and ive been studying for a couple of hours...but now what am i doing? yeah, i'm blogging. i'm such a procrastinator...wish me luck on my test tomorrow...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =) + =/
Thursday, February 28, 2002
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
it happened again!
for only the second time that i have been in college, one of my classes was cancelled. my adolescent lit class was cancelled today because my professor was sick. good thing i checked my email during my break today, otherwise i woulda wasted an hour waiting around only to find out that my class was cancelled. so what did i do with my free time? well, i wandered around campus (between AP&M and the cog sci building) trying to find someone to authorize me to get into a class for next quarter. the stupid thing said that i was not in a major that was eligible to take that class, but the thing is, this class is a requirement for my HDP major. so i wandered around and finally i got the permission that i needed to add this class. so now i'm enrolled..yay me =) after that i napped, and went to the APSA meeting. when i got home from there, i worked on my children and the media project. i am now proud to say that i have finished my project..yay me again =)
i lead an interesting life don't i? stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
for only the second time that i have been in college, one of my classes was cancelled. my adolescent lit class was cancelled today because my professor was sick. good thing i checked my email during my break today, otherwise i woulda wasted an hour waiting around only to find out that my class was cancelled. so what did i do with my free time? well, i wandered around campus (between AP&M and the cog sci building) trying to find someone to authorize me to get into a class for next quarter. the stupid thing said that i was not in a major that was eligible to take that class, but the thing is, this class is a requirement for my HDP major. so i wandered around and finally i got the permission that i needed to add this class. so now i'm enrolled..yay me =) after that i napped, and went to the APSA meeting. when i got home from there, i worked on my children and the media project. i am now proud to say that i have finished my project..yay me again =)
i lead an interesting life don't i? stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, February 25, 2002
quite content (for the most part)
tonight was a nice made me smile like this =D...something i had been hoping to happen, happened tonight, now let's hope that things in regards to that situation will continue on this happy note. i shall elaborate about what happened at a later time...i dont wanna jinx anything right now *knocks on wood* =X. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =D
tonight was a nice made me smile like this =D...something i had been hoping to happen, happened tonight, now let's hope that things in regards to that situation will continue on this happy note. i shall elaborate about what happened at a later time...i dont wanna jinx anything right now *knocks on wood* =X. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =D
Sunday, February 24, 2002
something's wrong
i think my internet explorer is acting wont let me view any blogger, geocities, or tripod pages. i cant even open the main blogger page with it. a page comes up saying that the page cannot be displayed (you know...that annoying white page w/ text on it) the only way for me to view these pages is by signing onto AOL...and we all know how much i hate AOL. so this sucks...the only way for me to read my daily reads is by signing onto AOL...i seriously hope this problem is fixed soon, otherwise im gonna be using AOL a whole lot more...which i dont wanna. anyways, its late...time to sleep...g'nite all. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
i think my internet explorer is acting wont let me view any blogger, geocities, or tripod pages. i cant even open the main blogger page with it. a page comes up saying that the page cannot be displayed (you know...that annoying white page w/ text on it) the only way for me to view these pages is by signing onto AOL...and we all know how much i hate AOL. so this sucks...the only way for me to read my daily reads is by signing onto AOL...i seriously hope this problem is fixed soon, otherwise im gonna be using AOL a whole lot more...which i dont wanna. anyways, its late...time to sleep...g'nite all. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Friday, February 22, 2002
Thursday, February 21, 2002
Broccoli w/ Mayonnaise?
this is random, but i don't see myself eating that. i know of 2 people who eat that, and they say it's good. the first person who i met that eats that is Lisa, and then i found out that my best friend Chie eats it too. funny thing is that they're both i'm that a japanese thing? i had never heard of that before until now...nothing wrong with eating it, i just dont see myself eating it...but then again, i didnt think i would like boba when i first tried it. well i dont think im gonna try broccoli w/ mayo anytime soon.
well, i just finished my asian american lit paper, and i have a headache. that is all...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
this is random, but i don't see myself eating that. i know of 2 people who eat that, and they say it's good. the first person who i met that eats that is Lisa, and then i found out that my best friend Chie eats it too. funny thing is that they're both i'm that a japanese thing? i had never heard of that before until now...nothing wrong with eating it, i just dont see myself eating it...but then again, i didnt think i would like boba when i first tried it. well i dont think im gonna try broccoli w/ mayo anytime soon.
well, i just finished my asian american lit paper, and i have a headache. that is all...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Sunday, February 17, 2002
Note to self
i helped out at the KP high school conference yesterday, and i learned one very important thing. never eat adobo, pancit, and rice that was made by UCSD catering...that stuff was really nasty. the rice was porridge-like, the pancit smelled and tasted funny, and the adobo was anything but. the catering people even asked us if we wanted to eat it w/ chopsticks!!! we aint chinese...we dont eat filipino food w/ chopsticks...if anything, we eat w/ our hands. but other than that, the conference was a success...way better than last year. good job KP, and good luck to Dianne Que who organized this thing. *sniff sniff* my original APSA programming partner in crime is growing up *sniff sniff*. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
i helped out at the KP high school conference yesterday, and i learned one very important thing. never eat adobo, pancit, and rice that was made by UCSD catering...that stuff was really nasty. the rice was porridge-like, the pancit smelled and tasted funny, and the adobo was anything but. the catering people even asked us if we wanted to eat it w/ chopsticks!!! we aint chinese...we dont eat filipino food w/ chopsticks...if anything, we eat w/ our hands. but other than that, the conference was a success...way better than last year. good job KP, and good luck to Dianne Que who organized this thing. *sniff sniff* my original APSA programming partner in crime is growing up *sniff sniff*. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Friday, February 15, 2002
Valentine's recap
and so another valentine's day has come and gone...just another day to add to the countless number of days that i've been single. i've always hated this day...the hearts, the redness, the lubbydubbiness of the day. just another reminder that there isnt a special someone for me to share this day with. as i speak right now, there are prolly a lot of people capping off their night with their special someone. as for me, i'm typing this blog...sad u say? i dont. as i woke up this morning, i thought to myself, oh boy, today will be full of lubbydubbiness, and none for me. so i went to my classes as if it were a normal thursday...nothing special there (other than getting my midterm back, and doing better than expected)...talked to a few people, ran a few errands after class. by the time i was done w/ my errands, and got to the cross for the APSA talent show meeting, i was tired and about to pass out on the meeting table. but when i saw the room fill up with people who also had nothing else to do and treated today like it was just another day, that reenergized me...even the ones w/ sig figs showed up...and the room was full of joyful energy...maybe it was cuz we were revealing each other's crazy cupid, but it still made me feel better. at times, i even forgot what the day was...i just thought of the crazy cupid stuff as a bunch of friends getting together to give their secret pals a gift. as the meeting started, Ian told us to tell everybody our name, major, college, committee, and best valentine memory. well when it was my turn, i said that today was the best one, just cuz no other valentine's day stood out in my memory, and today was just like the others. but now, a few hours after that meeting...i realize now that this was the best valentine's day ive had...not because we were celebrating the day of love with our sig figs (or by ourselves)...but because we were celebrating it with each other, and having a good time too. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
and so another valentine's day has come and gone...just another day to add to the countless number of days that i've been single. i've always hated this day...the hearts, the redness, the lubbydubbiness of the day. just another reminder that there isnt a special someone for me to share this day with. as i speak right now, there are prolly a lot of people capping off their night with their special someone. as for me, i'm typing this blog...sad u say? i dont. as i woke up this morning, i thought to myself, oh boy, today will be full of lubbydubbiness, and none for me. so i went to my classes as if it were a normal thursday...nothing special there (other than getting my midterm back, and doing better than expected)...talked to a few people, ran a few errands after class. by the time i was done w/ my errands, and got to the cross for the APSA talent show meeting, i was tired and about to pass out on the meeting table. but when i saw the room fill up with people who also had nothing else to do and treated today like it was just another day, that reenergized me...even the ones w/ sig figs showed up...and the room was full of joyful energy...maybe it was cuz we were revealing each other's crazy cupid, but it still made me feel better. at times, i even forgot what the day was...i just thought of the crazy cupid stuff as a bunch of friends getting together to give their secret pals a gift. as the meeting started, Ian told us to tell everybody our name, major, college, committee, and best valentine memory. well when it was my turn, i said that today was the best one, just cuz no other valentine's day stood out in my memory, and today was just like the others. but now, a few hours after that meeting...i realize now that this was the best valentine's day ive had...not because we were celebrating the day of love with our sig figs (or by ourselves)...but because we were celebrating it with each other, and having a good time too. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Wednesday, February 13, 2002
Ash Wednesday
Happy Ash Wednesday all! i overslept, and now i missed the mass on campus that i was gonna go to...i feel bad now. maybe i'll catch the one tonight @ Good Shepherd, that's if i can get free. well...time to head to campus now for a quick lunch @ rubio's (no meat today!) and then head to work...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Happy Ash Wednesday all! i overslept, and now i missed the mass on campus that i was gonna go to...i feel bad now. maybe i'll catch the one tonight @ Good Shepherd, that's if i can get free. well...time to head to campus now for a quick lunch @ rubio's (no meat today!) and then head to work...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
sigh of relief
rejoice everybody...i'm done with my paper!!! i just finished it about 5 minutes ago, and i am relieved. i dunno, that was supposed to be the easiest paper that i have ever done since it's on one of the easiest books that i have ever had to read in college FUDGE-A-MANIA by Judy Blume, but it was actually harder than i thought it was gonna be cuz it isnt a regular book report that we all had to write in elemantary school, i had to develop a paper topic and and analyze the book in the context of my class. so what i ended up doing was write 1 or 2 sentences, and then surf the net...write another couple of sentences then go eat...write a paragraph, and then talk on AIM. the final paper was supposed to be 1500 words, but it turned out to be just a little over 1400 words, but oh well, i dont think my professor is gonna mind too much (i hope!).
my last blog was a bit weird cuz i was refering to myself in the third person...but oh well, i was procrastinating and thought it would be fun to refer to myself in the third person...yeah i'm weird, but you dont know that =þ stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
rejoice everybody...i'm done with my paper!!! i just finished it about 5 minutes ago, and i am relieved. i dunno, that was supposed to be the easiest paper that i have ever done since it's on one of the easiest books that i have ever had to read in college FUDGE-A-MANIA by Judy Blume, but it was actually harder than i thought it was gonna be cuz it isnt a regular book report that we all had to write in elemantary school, i had to develop a paper topic and and analyze the book in the context of my class. so what i ended up doing was write 1 or 2 sentences, and then surf the net...write another couple of sentences then go eat...write a paragraph, and then talk on AIM. the final paper was supposed to be 1500 words, but it turned out to be just a little over 1400 words, but oh well, i dont think my professor is gonna mind too much (i hope!).
my last blog was a bit weird cuz i was refering to myself in the third person...but oh well, i was procrastinating and thought it would be fun to refer to myself in the third person...yeah i'm weird, but you dont know that =þ stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, February 11, 2002
and so jeff has a 1500 word (or about 5 pages) paper due tomorrow @ 355pm. he has about 600 words (2 pages) done. so what does he decide to do? yeah you guessed yeah yeah...he's a procrastinator...but he doesnt care...he sticks his tongue out at papers =þ like that. but now he thinks that he should be going back to his paper now, so he will just stop blogging right now. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =þ
and so jeff has a 1500 word (or about 5 pages) paper due tomorrow @ 355pm. he has about 600 words (2 pages) done. so what does he decide to do? yeah you guessed yeah yeah...he's a procrastinator...but he doesnt care...he sticks his tongue out at papers =þ like that. but now he thinks that he should be going back to his paper now, so he will just stop blogging right now. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =þ
Sunday, February 10, 2002
Saturday, February 09, 2002
what to do?
as i sit here and ponder this dilemma of mine, i wonder why i'm stressing so much over it...i mean i got other things to worry about, and yet at the top of my list is this dilemma...i'm just hoping that the best comes from this, and my pessimism will be wasted worry. i do have to say that my outlook for my dilemma has gotten a bit better since yesterday. i just realized that if i want what i want to happen, i just have to take it on as a challenge, and overcome it...i will succeed (i hope). sorry if i'm not going to far into details, but this is something that i don't care to post on the web in detail for everybody and their mom to gawk at. and i certainly don't want someone IMing me saying that "i know what youre going through" or even having pity on me. no offense to anybody who may be reading this, but this is something that i need to ponder on my own, and if anybody really wants to know what it is, it would have to be through a genuine conversation, and not a passing IM. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
as i sit here and ponder this dilemma of mine, i wonder why i'm stressing so much over it...i mean i got other things to worry about, and yet at the top of my list is this dilemma...i'm just hoping that the best comes from this, and my pessimism will be wasted worry. i do have to say that my outlook for my dilemma has gotten a bit better since yesterday. i just realized that if i want what i want to happen, i just have to take it on as a challenge, and overcome it...i will succeed (i hope). sorry if i'm not going to far into details, but this is something that i don't care to post on the web in detail for everybody and their mom to gawk at. and i certainly don't want someone IMing me saying that "i know what youre going through" or even having pity on me. no offense to anybody who may be reading this, but this is something that i need to ponder on my own, and if anybody really wants to know what it is, it would have to be through a genuine conversation, and not a passing IM. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Friday, February 08, 2002
i hate it when i feel like this =/ damn comtemplations...i wish things could be simpler, instead of having to constantly figure things out. no it doesnt relate to any of my previous posts...well maybe the colorgenics profile thing (which i didnt post)...but if u really wanna know, just ask and maybe i'll tell...maybe =X. hopefully time will tell, and things turn out to be good. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
i hate it when i feel like this =/ damn comtemplations...i wish things could be simpler, instead of having to constantly figure things out. no it doesnt relate to any of my previous posts...well maybe the colorgenics profile thing (which i didnt post)...but if u really wanna know, just ask and maybe i'll tell...maybe =X. hopefully time will tell, and things turn out to be good. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Wednesday, February 06, 2002
try the colorgenics profile of yourself...i just did, and it totally described me, and what i'm feeling right now, not a single word about it was incorrect...ok some of you may be thinking i'm weird now, and i sound like one of Miss Cleo's testimonials, but this really described what i'm feeling. i dunno how it did it, all i know is that it did. well, i hope what it recommends for me to do works too. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
try the colorgenics profile of yourself...i just did, and it totally described me, and what i'm feeling right now, not a single word about it was incorrect...ok some of you may be thinking i'm weird now, and i sound like one of Miss Cleo's testimonials, but this really described what i'm feeling. i dunno how it did it, all i know is that it did. well, i hope what it recommends for me to do works too. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Tuesday, February 05, 2002
there's always a first for HDP110 class was cancelled today, making it the first time in the 2 1/2 years that i have been @ UCSD that a class of mine has been cancelled. it's always nice to have an hour and a half of unexpected free time during the day to do whatever. well, i just thought i would mark this monumental occasion w/ a blog. now i'm off to go study for my midterm that i have @ 1245 today. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
there's always a first for HDP110 class was cancelled today, making it the first time in the 2 1/2 years that i have been @ UCSD that a class of mine has been cancelled. it's always nice to have an hour and a half of unexpected free time during the day to do whatever. well, i just thought i would mark this monumental occasion w/ a blog. now i'm off to go study for my midterm that i have @ 1245 today. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
i was having this debate earlier w/ Gennie about who has the better schedule. she feels that her 8am-12am classes mon-thurs are better than my 935-515 (w/ a break from 205-355) tues/thurs classes. i on the other hand tend to disagree...cuz of a couple of reasons...1. 8am class, enough said! 2. only 1 day off in the week compared to my 3 days (and weekends). 3. she has 4 straight classes. although i am usually exhausted at the end of the day tuesday and thursday and i do agree that finishing before lunch is a good thing, there is no way that finishing before lunch and 8am classes can beat having 3 days off in the week...u can keep your schedule gennie, i'll keep mine. speaking of which, i had better get to sleep cuz my long day is tomorrow, so for now...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
i was having this debate earlier w/ Gennie about who has the better schedule. she feels that her 8am-12am classes mon-thurs are better than my 935-515 (w/ a break from 205-355) tues/thurs classes. i on the other hand tend to disagree...cuz of a couple of reasons...1. 8am class, enough said! 2. only 1 day off in the week compared to my 3 days (and weekends). 3. she has 4 straight classes. although i am usually exhausted at the end of the day tuesday and thursday and i do agree that finishing before lunch is a good thing, there is no way that finishing before lunch and 8am classes can beat having 3 days off in the week...u can keep your schedule gennie, i'll keep mine. speaking of which, i had better get to sleep cuz my long day is tomorrow, so for now...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Sunday, February 03, 2002
Superbowl XXXVI!!!
congrats to the New England Patriots for winning the superbowl. it was a pretty cool game, and at the end it was pretty close, until the Patriots scored in the last play w/ a field goal. all in all, a good game. the commercials were also pretty good. the britney spears one was pretty i want a pepsi (not really)...speaking of which, i had my first soda in 6 months today, it wasnt that great, so i think i'm gonna go back to not drinking soda any more. continuing on on my commercial discussion...for some reason i really liked the yahoo commercial w/ the dolphin that talked...and the budweiser one where he slips off of the bed and out of the house, those were pretty cool. i was curious about one thing though...what is that mlife thing? i went to their website, and it was closed...way to go, advertise a website that doesnt even work...nice way to spend a million bucks for every 30 seconds. and the commercials didnt really explain what it is. well if anybody knows what it is, it would be greatly appreciated if you would share that knowledge with me. so with that said, i shall go on a commercial break...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
congrats to the New England Patriots for winning the superbowl. it was a pretty cool game, and at the end it was pretty close, until the Patriots scored in the last play w/ a field goal. all in all, a good game. the commercials were also pretty good. the britney spears one was pretty i want a pepsi (not really)...speaking of which, i had my first soda in 6 months today, it wasnt that great, so i think i'm gonna go back to not drinking soda any more. continuing on on my commercial discussion...for some reason i really liked the yahoo commercial w/ the dolphin that talked...and the budweiser one where he slips off of the bed and out of the house, those were pretty cool. i was curious about one thing though...what is that mlife thing? i went to their website, and it was closed...way to go, advertise a website that doesnt even work...nice way to spend a million bucks for every 30 seconds. and the commercials didnt really explain what it is. well if anybody knows what it is, it would be greatly appreciated if you would share that knowledge with me. so with that said, i shall go on a commercial break...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Saturday, February 02, 2002

Take the Final Fantasy X personality test here!
yeah yeah..i'm bored, so i'm taking these personality test things...pretty cool, cuz i get some cool graphics for my blog for once. go take some of these tests, and lemme know the results.
![]() I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You? |
hmm...well, i do like to be in control of myself, but i dont think i dislike crowds...well maybe those "let's kill jeff" crowds. haha. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)