quick bitsi decided to post a somewhat insightful blog about what has been going on in my life....read on!
-still unemployed...but making progress...only thing getting in the way right now is that i am on call for jury duty for at least the next week, or until they call me in.
-i am enjoying my bum status for now...but gotta pay the bills
-Summer Bridge reunion this weekend...not sure if i'm excited to go (not really wanting to mention my unemployment status with other who have most likely moved on to more exciting things...also a bit disappointed with some people about the organization of the event)
-just went through the clickages on the right side...more than half of the links are either no longer valid, or the people have abandoned their blogs (some havent written in them since 2005!)
-been thinking about my future...decided that if i don't find a job to my liking and that i would see myself devoting my career to it, i will go back to school in 2008 to get my masters degree.
-several friends getting married, having children, and having amazing careers...yes i'm unemployed
-positive thing about being unemployed is not having to answer to any boss
-extremely happy being with ana for the past 2 1/2 years...amazed that she puts up with me...she is very amazing, and i'm not sure what i would do without her (the mushy side of me comes out!)
-extremely annoyed with the stubbornness (and sometimes hypocritical nature) of my mother in the way she views our family
-i need to lose some weight...but laziness prevails...but not for long!
ok...i think that's it. hopefully my 2 faithful readers out there will have enjoyed this bit of randomness. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p