what have i been up to?i know i know...all you loyal readers have been waiting for this for...well since august 8th. well...i've just been too lazy to write my thoughts and random stuffs down on here. what i can tell you is that what i have been up to is nowhere as crazy as the people of Louisiana, Mississippi (yes i spelled it correctly), and Alabama have been up to with Hurricane Katrina. it's surreal to see that stuff on TV and the devastation that these people have faced/are facing. I've spoken to a lot of people affected at work (on the phone), and just listening to their stories are really...i dunno of a word to put to it...but you can prolly understand how crazy it's been for them. i cant imagine 4 stories of water coming in on me, and i hope i never have to. and the people taking advantage of the situation by hiking up the price of everyday items *ahem*gas*ahem* is inexcuseable (unexcusable?) i digress...
so what have i been up to you ask? same ol stuff...nothing but the grind of work, and coming home to relax. i did go to vegas this past weekend to surprise my parents. and yes they were surprised. but driving there was not so fun...not the actual drive itself, but the price of gas (see above) made my wallet unhappy. hmm...what else? eh...i dunno, maybe i should have blogged when it happened...oh well. oh btw...before i forget...
oops! =/
i shall return (when? we'll see)...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p