the long overdue 2004 year in reviewso as promised, i was gonna recap on 2004...the highs, the lows, and the randomness that the last 366 days...49 days late
the =( stuff
-Long distance relationships suck (i totally forgot about that one until i re-read my blog)
-Not being picked up to work @ Macy's after the holidays (i wanted to still work there)
-My friend
Rachelle's father being killed after falling off of the
Coronado Bridge-APSA board issues
-having more issues with certain females that i was seeing throughout the year
-Getting rejected from Teach for America
-Feeling unappreciated by some people
-The "friends" strategy
-Getting my car towed @ the NERD/Black Eyed Peas concert
- Last Intersuite 450 meeting
-Not getting hired to be on Summer Bridge 2004 staff
-Saying goodbye to my comfort zones at UCSD
-My car getting stolen on graduation night
-Not getting into any teaching programs
-Moving out
-Finding a new roommate to take the empty room
-Not learning anything anymore
-Gaining weight from working a desk job
-San Diego Padres not making the playoffs
-My dad selling the condo and moving to Las Vegas
-Cingular sucks!!!
-Somebody threw a rock at the roof of my new car
-Getting sick
-East Asian Tsunami
The =) stuff
-Taking the CSET and passing it
-Being a master procrastinator during my last months @ ucsd
-Declaring graduation
-Being on APSA Board
-Eating oatmeal (yes i blogged about it)
-Finishing my major and minor a quarter before i graduated
-Going multiple times to Disneyland w/ my annual pass
-Going to the NERD/Black Eyed Peas Concert
-Students First
-PCC practice (most of it)
-Observing my 3rd grade teacher's classroom
-Seeing my ATC
Jesson at PCC
-Remembering Eric
Chie's graduation
-Last undergrad sungod
- Grad banquet
This commercial
-Graduation from UCSD
-Getting hired at Homecomings Financial (my first job out of college)
-Getting my brand new 2004 RSX Type S
-Turning 23
-Moving out
-The Amazing race, excellent TV programming
Marvin to fill the void in our house
-Not having to start school
-San Diego Padres having a great year
-Crazy Vegas weekend
-Thanksgiving in Vegas
-San Diego Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper Chargers winning the AFC west
-Christmas in Vegas
well that's it for you, my 2004 year in review...not a bad fact 2004 was a better year for me than 2004 was. What does the rest of 2005 have in store for me? we shall soon find out.
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)