another new year
is coming up, and i have not been blogging lately (so what's new?) well...2005 has been great and 2006 will hopefully be better. and maybe i might blog more...
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages ;)
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
it's a small world...
i was reading through Reggie's xanga and saw a picture of him and my friend Lily out celebrating his birthday. (Lily's in green, and Reggie is wearing the blue striped shirt). I just thought about how crazy it is that my friend from high school (Lily) and my friend from college (Reggie) who did not know each other this time last year...are now somewhere in the middle of the carribean, half a world away...and learning to be doctors together. meanwhile, i'm still in san diego...doing the same job that i was doing a year ago. they are both in a beautiful place learning how to do what they want to do...and i'm still here, doing a job that i thought i would never do. hmm...go figure
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
i was reading through Reggie's xanga and saw a picture of him and my friend Lily out celebrating his birthday. (Lily's in green, and Reggie is wearing the blue striped shirt). I just thought about how crazy it is that my friend from high school (Lily) and my friend from college (Reggie) who did not know each other this time last year...are now somewhere in the middle of the carribean, half a world away...and learning to be doctors together. meanwhile, i'm still in san diego...doing the same job that i was doing a year ago. they are both in a beautiful place learning how to do what they want to do...and i'm still here, doing a job that i thought i would never do. hmm...go figure
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
kinda plain
for now...i got tired of that watery stuff, so i just got rid of the background. when i am more motivated, i'll do something somewhat creative.
on a side note...anybody watch the Padres game tonight where they came back from losing 5-0 to the winning 8-5? i was frustrated by the score that i went to the movies, only to find out that they won! GO PADRES!

stay tuned...well be back after these messages =)
for now...i got tired of that watery stuff, so i just got rid of the background. when i am more motivated, i'll do something somewhat creative.
on a side note...anybody watch the Padres game tonight where they came back from losing 5-0 to the winning 8-5? i was frustrated by the score that i went to the movies, only to find out that they won! GO PADRES!

stay tuned...well be back after these messages =)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
what have i been up to?
i know i know...all you loyal readers have been waiting for this for...well since august 8th. well...i've just been too lazy to write my thoughts and random stuffs down on here. what i can tell you is that what i have been up to is nowhere as crazy as the people of Louisiana, Mississippi (yes i spelled it correctly), and Alabama have been up to with Hurricane Katrina. it's surreal to see that stuff on TV and the devastation that these people have faced/are facing. I've spoken to a lot of people affected at work (on the phone), and just listening to their stories are really...i dunno of a word to put to it...but you can prolly understand how crazy it's been for them. i cant imagine 4 stories of water coming in on me, and i hope i never have to. and the people taking advantage of the situation by hiking up the price of everyday items *ahem*gas*ahem* is inexcuseable (unexcusable?) i digress...
so what have i been up to you ask? same ol stuff...nothing but the grind of work, and coming home to relax. i did go to vegas this past weekend to surprise my parents. and yes they were surprised. but driving there was not so fun...not the actual drive itself, but the price of gas (see above) made my wallet unhappy. hmm...what else? eh...i dunno, maybe i should have blogged when it happened...oh well. oh btw...before i forget...
oops! =/
i shall return (when? we'll see)...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
i know i know...all you loyal readers have been waiting for this for...well since august 8th. well...i've just been too lazy to write my thoughts and random stuffs down on here. what i can tell you is that what i have been up to is nowhere as crazy as the people of Louisiana, Mississippi (yes i spelled it correctly), and Alabama have been up to with Hurricane Katrina. it's surreal to see that stuff on TV and the devastation that these people have faced/are facing. I've spoken to a lot of people affected at work (on the phone), and just listening to their stories are really...i dunno of a word to put to it...but you can prolly understand how crazy it's been for them. i cant imagine 4 stories of water coming in on me, and i hope i never have to. and the people taking advantage of the situation by hiking up the price of everyday items *ahem*gas*ahem* is inexcuseable (unexcusable?) i digress...
so what have i been up to you ask? same ol stuff...nothing but the grind of work, and coming home to relax. i did go to vegas this past weekend to surprise my parents. and yes they were surprised. but driving there was not so fun...not the actual drive itself, but the price of gas (see above) made my wallet unhappy. hmm...what else? eh...i dunno, maybe i should have blogged when it happened...oh well. oh btw...before i forget...
oops! =/
i shall return (when? we'll see)...stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Monday, August 08, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
happy 4th
i love grillin...i just wish we had a pool so i can go swimming! i'd go to the beach, but millions of others have that same idea. the thing that sucks though is i go back to work on the 5th. ah well...have a good one everybody!
8 days left yo!
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
i love grillin...i just wish we had a pool so i can go swimming! i'd go to the beach, but millions of others have that same idea. the thing that sucks though is i go back to work on the 5th. ah well...have a good one everybody!
8 days left yo!
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Sunday, July 03, 2005
a quickie
how long has it been since i've marqueed a birthday wish on my blogger to someone...ahh the old days when i blogged like 3-4 times a week. but then again, that was also when i had more to report about my days. i did get to go to the beach yesterday for the first time this was a good turnout with quite a few people showing up at la jolla shores (other than the millions of people already at the beach). Richard (the new roomie) came, along with Mohan and his crew, Aldrin w/ his girlfriend Emily, and Ana. it was a nice day, but the waves sucked so i couldnt really boogie board too much...and i saw a jelly fish in the water, so that scared the shit out of me...i didnt want to get stung!
i have no plans for the upcoming 4th of july that is tomorrow (grammar schammar). i never have plans, i just usually go with the flow until the fireworks at night. and my 1 year anniversary at work is coming up this wednesday. can you believe i stayed this long? especially since i was hating it earlier this year. i guess it's not too bad anymore, although you kinda have to know how to play the politics in the office.
well..since i opened this post with a birthday wish, i shall end this with a birthday reminder. a person you and i both know will be celebrating his 24th birthday in a few days (9 to be exact). dont forget to stop by the store and pick up something nice ;) he likes the color blue! oh and he will be having a bbq at his house to celebrate on the 16th. y'all better be there!
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages ;)
how long has it been since i've marqueed a birthday wish on my blogger to someone...ahh the old days when i blogged like 3-4 times a week. but then again, that was also when i had more to report about my days. i did get to go to the beach yesterday for the first time this was a good turnout with quite a few people showing up at la jolla shores (other than the millions of people already at the beach). Richard (the new roomie) came, along with Mohan and his crew, Aldrin w/ his girlfriend Emily, and Ana. it was a nice day, but the waves sucked so i couldnt really boogie board too much...and i saw a jelly fish in the water, so that scared the shit out of me...i didnt want to get stung!
i have no plans for the upcoming 4th of july that is tomorrow (grammar schammar). i never have plans, i just usually go with the flow until the fireworks at night. and my 1 year anniversary at work is coming up this wednesday. can you believe i stayed this long? especially since i was hating it earlier this year. i guess it's not too bad anymore, although you kinda have to know how to play the politics in the office.
well..since i opened this post with a birthday wish, i shall end this with a birthday reminder. a person you and i both know will be celebrating his 24th birthday in a few days (9 to be exact). dont forget to stop by the store and pick up something nice ;) he likes the color blue! oh and he will be having a bbq at his house to celebrate on the 16th. y'all better be there!
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages ;)
Monday, June 27, 2005
1st birthday to my car...well this past friday
24th birthday to Monica...sorry i couldnt make it to your birthday party thing
i need to lose weight...i must hit the gym
but i'm gonna hit the sack first
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
1st birthday to my car...well this past friday
24th birthday to Monica...sorry i couldnt make it to your birthday party thing
i need to lose weight...i must hit the gym
but i'm gonna hit the sack first
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Friday, June 17, 2005
long time no post...something like 2 months? yeah, i have been neglecting on my updates. i guess i've been lazy. what has happened over the last 2 months? hmm...let me see...
in no particular order...
-i went through 1 cycle at work (this is my 12-9 week at work again)
-i went to vegas for my mom's birthday
-i watched pcc at ucsd
-i went to apsa grad banquet
-i bought me an ipod
-i watched the longest yard, and mr. and mrs. smith
-what is up with all of these earthquakes?
-i went to theSan Diego County Del Mar Fair...the deep fried snickers was a disappointment.
-Padres winning in may...losing in june
-graduations at cousin also graduated high school
-i was acting supervisor at work while my supervisor was on vacation/sick
-Jed got hired at my job
-i got sick...kinda
-a buncha stuff happened...but i forget
hopefully i'll update more, if i'm not lazy. oh yeah...a friendly reminder...someone's turning 24 in less than a dont forget to stop by the store to buy something ;) stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
long time no post...something like 2 months? yeah, i have been neglecting on my updates. i guess i've been lazy. what has happened over the last 2 months? hmm...let me see...
in no particular order...
-i went through 1 cycle at work (this is my 12-9 week at work again)
-i went to vegas for my mom's birthday
-i watched pcc at ucsd
-i went to apsa grad banquet
-i bought me an ipod
-i watched the longest yard, and mr. and mrs. smith
-what is up with all of these earthquakes?
-i went to the
-Padres winning in may...losing in june
-graduations at cousin also graduated high school
-i was acting supervisor at work while my supervisor was on vacation/sick
-Jed got hired at my job
-i got sick...kinda
-a buncha stuff happened...but i forget
hopefully i'll update more, if i'm not lazy. oh yeah...a friendly reminder...someone's turning 24 in less than a dont forget to stop by the store to buy something ;) stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Thursday, April 21, 2005
shift sucks! it throws off my whole day. im usually too tired to do anything after i get off. and then i gotta work this weekend. but at least i get to go to a company paid trip to dave & busters tomorrow during work. the trade off? gotta go to work @ 8am! g'night! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S
shift sucks! it throws off my whole day. im usually too tired to do anything after i get off. and then i gotta work this weekend. but at least i get to go to a company paid trip to dave & busters tomorrow during work. the trade off? gotta go to work @ 8am! g'night! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
just an observation
while reading blogs just now...i find it funny how my friend who has 2 blogs can say something in 1 blog and then turn around and say something completely contradictory in the other blog, and only a day apart. not a gripe...just an observation...makes me smile. you know who you are =) stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
while reading blogs just now...i find it funny how my friend who has 2 blogs can say something in 1 blog and then turn around and say something completely contradictory in the other blog, and only a day apart. not a gripe...just an observation...makes me smile. you know who you are =) stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Saturday, April 09, 2005
just a thought
but does anybody still read this thing? i'm not writing this for an audience, but i still do wonder if anybody reads this. especially after all the breaks i take from writing in here and the lack of real updates. if you do...thanks. if you dont...well i guess i dont need to say anything cuz most likely youre not reading this.
so what's new with me you ask? nothing really. just tired of my job as usual. i do have a few more responsibilities at work so that makes work a little bit more exciting, but the micromanagement structure still exists...almost like the employees in my department are little children who cant make decisions for themselves. the newest thing theyre doing is a scorecard where every minute is being scored, and if we stay on task 97% of the time in a day...we'll get a good rating. 95% is a decent rating...and anything below that is not satisfactory. now there are some exceptions (like employee asistance, or computer malfunctions), but things like unscheduled pee breaks for like 2 minutes and unscheduled days off (if we call in sick) count against us. this company is making it increasingly difficult for me to want to make it to my 1 year mark before i quit. their justification is that we need to meet business needs and we are obligated to our customers to be at our desks every single minute that we are in the office. honestly, the health of my bladder, and the safety of my sanity are not worth some of the people i deal with. if i have to pee, i have to pee, and i'm gonna go pee, and some deadbeat daddy in alabama is not gonna stop me, and neither is my boss's boss's boss. you would think the higher ups in my company would get the clue when there are 15+ openings and a supervisor position open in my department...i guess they dont cuz they keep getting stricter with our time.
there are only 2 things worth staying there. the people, and the pay. the people i work with are great, and they help keep my sanity (well, except for a couple of annoying people..but that's another blog). the pay is also pretty good for a starting level job...and it pays my bills well. but those 2 things can only go so far.
aren't you glad you don't work where i work? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
but does anybody still read this thing? i'm not writing this for an audience, but i still do wonder if anybody reads this. especially after all the breaks i take from writing in here and the lack of real updates. if you do...thanks. if you dont...well i guess i dont need to say anything cuz most likely youre not reading this.
so what's new with me you ask? nothing really. just tired of my job as usual. i do have a few more responsibilities at work so that makes work a little bit more exciting, but the micromanagement structure still exists...almost like the employees in my department are little children who cant make decisions for themselves. the newest thing theyre doing is a scorecard where every minute is being scored, and if we stay on task 97% of the time in a day...we'll get a good rating. 95% is a decent rating...and anything below that is not satisfactory. now there are some exceptions (like employee asistance, or computer malfunctions), but things like unscheduled pee breaks for like 2 minutes and unscheduled days off (if we call in sick) count against us. this company is making it increasingly difficult for me to want to make it to my 1 year mark before i quit. their justification is that we need to meet business needs and we are obligated to our customers to be at our desks every single minute that we are in the office. honestly, the health of my bladder, and the safety of my sanity are not worth some of the people i deal with. if i have to pee, i have to pee, and i'm gonna go pee, and some deadbeat daddy in alabama is not gonna stop me, and neither is my boss's boss's boss. you would think the higher ups in my company would get the clue when there are 15+ openings and a supervisor position open in my department...i guess they dont cuz they keep getting stricter with our time.
there are only 2 things worth staying there. the people, and the pay. the people i work with are great, and they help keep my sanity (well, except for a couple of annoying people..but that's another blog). the pay is also pretty good for a starting level job...and it pays my bills well. but those 2 things can only go so far.
aren't you glad you don't work where i work? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
i was hella in the bay
for like 4 days. i was such a tourist...going to all the typical touristy places and taking "hella" pictures. i was in a total of 5 counties. i even went to Safeway! eh...Vons is better yo! no rice-a-roni (the san francisco treat) however. i shall update my photo album soon to give visuals. ah well...i'm off to enjoy the rest of my spring break from work. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
for like 4 days. i was such a tourist...going to all the typical touristy places and taking "hella" pictures. i was in a total of 5 counties. i even went to Safeway! eh...Vons is better yo! no rice-a-roni (the san francisco treat) however. i shall update my photo album soon to give visuals. ah well...i'm off to enjoy the rest of my spring break from work. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Top 3 Grad school options for when i go back to school
so i plan on going back to school in fall of 2006...most likely to SDSU. here are the top programs that i am interested no particular order...
1. Masters in Education and Student Affairs...i think i would enjoy working with students, specifically college students, outside of the classroom and being involved with student life
2. Masters in Education in Multi-Cultural Counseling (via the Community Based Block @ SDSU). my roommate Chris is going thru that right now, and i know a lot of alumni. it seems like an intriguing process which will allow me to grow interpersonally. going hand in hand with my old job as an ATC @ UCSD.
3. Masters in Education and Secondary Instruction (emphasis in Biology). my original plans for after i graduated from UCSD. those plans got put on the backburner because i didnt meet certain requirements to get into a program that i wanted to. i've been wanting to be a high school teacher for the past 5 years.
if you notice...all of my potential programs deal with education. i definitely cannot continue with my current job. it's driving me crazy, and not what i pictured myself doing with my life. i want to make a difference in peoples lives...not in the pocketbook of a big company like the one i currently work for. i'm tired of trying to meet "business needs" of my company. especially in the department i work feels like theyre treating us like children...and it's the freakin entry level position of the company. i dont like the fact that we are pretty much being timed for what we do. i suppose i'd be alright with it if they gave us an incentive to adhere to their time restraints...but the bonus and incentives were recently cut as they adopted these timing standards.
well...this blog got longer than i planned for it. must shower so i can adhere to my schedule for work...wouldnt wanna be late. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
so i plan on going back to school in fall of 2006...most likely to SDSU. here are the top programs that i am interested no particular order...
1. Masters in Education and Student Affairs...i think i would enjoy working with students, specifically college students, outside of the classroom and being involved with student life
2. Masters in Education in Multi-Cultural Counseling (via the Community Based Block @ SDSU). my roommate Chris is going thru that right now, and i know a lot of alumni. it seems like an intriguing process which will allow me to grow interpersonally. going hand in hand with my old job as an ATC @ UCSD.
3. Masters in Education and Secondary Instruction (emphasis in Biology). my original plans for after i graduated from UCSD. those plans got put on the backburner because i didnt meet certain requirements to get into a program that i wanted to. i've been wanting to be a high school teacher for the past 5 years.
if you notice...all of my potential programs deal with education. i definitely cannot continue with my current job. it's driving me crazy, and not what i pictured myself doing with my life. i want to make a difference in peoples lives...not in the pocketbook of a big company like the one i currently work for. i'm tired of trying to meet "business needs" of my company. especially in the department i work feels like theyre treating us like children...and it's the freakin entry level position of the company. i dont like the fact that we are pretty much being timed for what we do. i suppose i'd be alright with it if they gave us an incentive to adhere to their time restraints...but the bonus and incentives were recently cut as they adopted these timing standards.
well...this blog got longer than i planned for it. must shower so i can adhere to my schedule for work...wouldnt wanna be late. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Top 3 Grad school options for when i go back to school
so i plan on going back to school in fall of 2006...most likely to SDSU. here are the top programs that i am interested no particular order...
1. Masters in Education and Student Affairs...i think i would enjoy working with students, specifically college students, outside of the classroom and being involved with student life
2. Masters in Education in Multi-Cultural Counseling (via the Community Based Block @ SDSU). my roommate Chris is going thru that right now, and i know a lot of alumni. it seems like an intriguing process which will allow me to grow interpersonally. going hand in hand with my old job as an ATC @ UCSD.
3. Masters in Education and Secondary Instruction (emphasis in Biology). my original plans for after i graduated from UCSD. those plans got put on the backburner because i didnt meet certain requirements to get into a program that i wanted to. i've been wanting to be a high school teacher for the past 5 years.
if you notice...all of my potential programs deal with education. i definitely cannot continue with my current job. it's driving me crazy, and not what i pictured myself doing with my life. i want to make a difference in peoples lives...not in the pocketbook of a big company like the one i currently work for. i'm tired of trying to meet "business needs" of my company. especially in the department i work feels like theyre treating us like children...and it's the freakin entry level position of the company. i dont like the fact that we are pretty much being timed for what we do. i suppose i'd be alright with it if they gave us an incentive to adhere to their time restraints...but the bonus and incentives were recently cut as they adopted these timing standards.
well...this blog got longer than i planned for it. must shower so i can adhere to my schedule for work...wouldnt wanna be late. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
so i plan on going back to school in fall of 2006...most likely to SDSU. here are the top programs that i am interested no particular order...
1. Masters in Education and Student Affairs...i think i would enjoy working with students, specifically college students, outside of the classroom and being involved with student life
2. Masters in Education in Multi-Cultural Counseling (via the Community Based Block @ SDSU). my roommate Chris is going thru that right now, and i know a lot of alumni. it seems like an intriguing process which will allow me to grow interpersonally. going hand in hand with my old job as an ATC @ UCSD.
3. Masters in Education and Secondary Instruction (emphasis in Biology). my original plans for after i graduated from UCSD. those plans got put on the backburner because i didnt meet certain requirements to get into a program that i wanted to. i've been wanting to be a high school teacher for the past 5 years.
if you notice...all of my potential programs deal with education. i definitely cannot continue with my current job. it's driving me crazy, and not what i pictured myself doing with my life. i want to make a difference in peoples lives...not in the pocketbook of a big company like the one i currently work for. i'm tired of trying to meet "business needs" of my company. especially in the department i work feels like theyre treating us like children...and it's the freakin entry level position of the company. i dont like the fact that we are pretty much being timed for what we do. i suppose i'd be alright with it if they gave us an incentive to adhere to their time restraints...but the bonus and incentives were recently cut as they adopted these timing standards.
well...this blog got longer than i planned for it. must shower so i can adhere to my schedule for work...wouldnt wanna be late. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
i wonder
how many people will be reading this blog as a form of procrastination from finals. right now as i type this, thousands of ucsd students are studying for them dreaded finals...something i am not currently worrying about. i like the feeling of not pulling all nighters, caffeinating my blood, and camping out at CLICS. funny thing is...part of me misses it...a small part of me, not that big...but still a part. although i am not a student anymore...i am celebrating spring break next week. i scheduled an entire week off of work next week, so i'll be a bum just like the rest of ya ucsd students. so what do i have planned you might ask? (you may not have asked it...but i'll answer it for you)...i'm flying up to San Francisco and i'm gonna be a tourist. you see...i've only been up there 1 time in 2003, and that was for 36 hours with 11 other people who had different yet similar i didnt really get to look around where i wanted to look and go. so for a few days, i'll be doing that. also i'm gonna catch up on some sleep and rest that i don't get from work (remember, i'm not a fan of my job). and i may do some other odds and ends, maybe even redesign this blog. it definitely will not be a cheap week for me, but i suppose a bit of fun will make it worth it. i know i will definitely be dreading March 28th when i have to go back to work...but so will all you bum students who will be going back to school as well. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
how many people will be reading this blog as a form of procrastination from finals. right now as i type this, thousands of ucsd students are studying for them dreaded finals...something i am not currently worrying about. i like the feeling of not pulling all nighters, caffeinating my blood, and camping out at CLICS. funny thing is...part of me misses it...a small part of me, not that big...but still a part. although i am not a student anymore...i am celebrating spring break next week. i scheduled an entire week off of work next week, so i'll be a bum just like the rest of ya ucsd students. so what do i have planned you might ask? (you may not have asked it...but i'll answer it for you)...i'm flying up to San Francisco and i'm gonna be a tourist. you see...i've only been up there 1 time in 2003, and that was for 36 hours with 11 other people who had different yet similar i didnt really get to look around where i wanted to look and go. so for a few days, i'll be doing that. also i'm gonna catch up on some sleep and rest that i don't get from work (remember, i'm not a fan of my job). and i may do some other odds and ends, maybe even redesign this blog. it definitely will not be a cheap week for me, but i suppose a bit of fun will make it worth it. i know i will definitely be dreading March 28th when i have to go back to work...but so will all you bum students who will be going back to school as well. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Monday, February 28, 2005
Sunday, February 27, 2005
so sore
from playing APSA alumni/undergrad sports day. we pretty much had a reunion of sorts today @ muir field @ ucsd. our defeat the undergrads at a few games of sports. first off, we played basketball and handily defeated the youngins in a nice game of 21. this day also marked my first time back on the courts since high school days when i constantly got injured. i didnt make much of an impact, however i did have 2 steals...but i also had 2 giveaways...but i suppose that's pretty good considering i havent played since i was 15 (other than a few shootaround games, nothing too the math 23(my age now)-15(the age when i last played ball) i did pretty well considering. the point is...undergrads won. we played dodgeball as well...basically the oldies lost bad...but we were greatly outnumbered, so we had a few of the older undergrads join us to make it a lil more even...but i think they sabotaged our game so the youngins could win...but that's just me. another game of bball was brewin while we were playing dodgeball, and from what i hear the grads won that game as well. finally we got together to play a rousing game of soccer. i didnt play too much, but i hear the grads slaughtered the undergrads so much that the game became a mixed game. i joined to play the final 20 or so minutes as a goalie. all in all...good times were had as i caught up with so many familiar faces from my times in APSA. but as i said at the beginning of this...i'm sore! must get more active on a regular basis to be less sore.
last night was also APSA talent show. like i said in the last was weird being a spectator...but i held back my nostalgia and took in the show (i didn't even help put away the chairs after the show was over =p) the show was pretty well done...although it would have been better if tech had been on their game...there were so many technical difficulties, the show lagged on longer than planned.
sometimes i miss college life...but then i extra work for me when i get home! but i do plan on going back to school....after at least another year off to work...fall of 2006 is the plan.
i stink from today...must shower...maybe the heat will make me less sore...maybe. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
from playing APSA alumni/undergrad sports day. we pretty much had a reunion of sorts today @ muir field @ ucsd. our defeat the undergrads at a few games of sports. first off, we played basketball and handily defeated the youngins in a nice game of 21. this day also marked my first time back on the courts since high school days when i constantly got injured. i didnt make much of an impact, however i did have 2 steals...but i also had 2 giveaways...but i suppose that's pretty good considering i havent played since i was 15 (other than a few shootaround games, nothing too the math 23(my age now)-15(the age when i last played ball) i did pretty well considering. the point is...undergrads won. we played dodgeball as well...basically the oldies lost bad...but we were greatly outnumbered, so we had a few of the older undergrads join us to make it a lil more even...but i think they sabotaged our game so the youngins could win...but that's just me. another game of bball was brewin while we were playing dodgeball, and from what i hear the grads won that game as well. finally we got together to play a rousing game of soccer. i didnt play too much, but i hear the grads slaughtered the undergrads so much that the game became a mixed game. i joined to play the final 20 or so minutes as a goalie. all in all...good times were had as i caught up with so many familiar faces from my times in APSA. but as i said at the beginning of this...i'm sore! must get more active on a regular basis to be less sore.
last night was also APSA talent show. like i said in the last was weird being a spectator...but i held back my nostalgia and took in the show (i didn't even help put away the chairs after the show was over =p) the show was pretty well done...although it would have been better if tech had been on their game...there were so many technical difficulties, the show lagged on longer than planned.
sometimes i miss college life...but then i extra work for me when i get home! but i do plan on going back to school....after at least another year off to work...fall of 2006 is the plan.
i stink from today...must shower...maybe the heat will make me less sore...maybe. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Back to the Future: Part X
aka. APSA Talent Show is tonight. this will be my first talent show since i graduated, and the first one ever that i'll be watching as a spectator. usually i've been behind the scenes on the show and have never really watched it from the seats before. let's see how APSA: the next generation does this. oh yeah and alumni/undergrad sports day is tomorrow...i'm gonna go to that too. yeah! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
aka. APSA Talent Show is tonight. this will be my first talent show since i graduated, and the first one ever that i'll be watching as a spectator. usually i've been behind the scenes on the show and have never really watched it from the seats before. let's see how APSA: the next generation does this. oh yeah and alumni/undergrad sports day is tomorrow...i'm gonna go to that too. yeah! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
gripe about work
so at work today, my supervisor emails me that i wasn't productive enough on friday, and that my results show that my customer time on the phone was less than my personal & after customer work time combined. excuse me for helping other co-workers out with their issues which took me away from the phone and added to my after customer work time...if there were other supervisors around to assist then my actual productivity would have been increased...but since the more senior people decided play hookey because it was the day before a 3 day weekend and there were no supers were available, i had to assist my coworkers! i should be praised for being of assistance instead of being scolded for not being productive enough. it's not like i spent my time surfing the internet or staring off into the distance and picking my nose. i too could have called in sick or something like that...but i actually showed up for work. >end gripe<
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
so at work today, my supervisor emails me that i wasn't productive enough on friday, and that my results show that my customer time on the phone was less than my personal & after customer work time combined. excuse me for helping other co-workers out with their issues which took me away from the phone and added to my after customer work time...if there were other supervisors around to assist then my actual productivity would have been increased...but since the more senior people decided play hookey because it was the day before a 3 day weekend and there were no supers were available, i had to assist my coworkers! i should be praised for being of assistance instead of being scolded for not being productive enough. it's not like i spent my time surfing the internet or staring off into the distance and picking my nose. i too could have called in sick or something like that...but i actually showed up for work. >end gripe<
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
Monday, February 21, 2005
it's raining...
it's pouring, and i gots me no work tomorrow...time to sleep in and not do anything tomorrow. maybe i'll do my laundry...maybe...hmm...maybe not! =p maybe i'll concoct something in the kitchen like i did tonight. i made me some Jack Daniel's steak...TGI Fridays ain't got nothin on what i made. i bought the sauce, but found that it contained no Jack, so i corrected that problem. but i can't take all t he credit...i must give partial credit to Mr. George Foreman himself, for allowing me the usage of his ever so famous grill, you sir added that extra grilling touch my Jack Daniel's steak needed. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
it's pouring, and i gots me no work tomorrow...time to sleep in and not do anything tomorrow. maybe i'll do my laundry...maybe...hmm...maybe not! =p maybe i'll concoct something in the kitchen like i did tonight. i made me some Jack Daniel's steak...TGI Fridays ain't got nothin on what i made. i bought the sauce, but found that it contained no Jack, so i corrected that problem. but i can't take all t he credit...i must give partial credit to Mr. George Foreman himself, for allowing me the usage of his ever so famous grill, you sir added that extra grilling touch my Jack Daniel's steak needed. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =p
Saturday, February 19, 2005
So i blog some more
I forgot to mention this...but happy 71st birthday to my dad...i know you'll prolly never read this, but i hope you have a great one, even though i wont be celebrating with you. he was supposed to come to sd this weekend to celebrate with me, but this on again/off again rain we keep getting cancelled his plans. it woulda been perfect for him to drive down too, since he has a rental car (a motorcycle hit the side of his car last week and ran off without sharing his contact and insurance info)
In other news...this is a 3 day weekend for office so graciously gave us president's day off this coming monday, and then on tuesday i work from 11-9, with an hour of extra overtime. yeah, my schedule at work is differernt, ever since they put us on a rotating basically some weeks i come in at 8 and stay til 5...some weeks i do the 9-6, 10-7, or 12-9 thing...and when i do the 12-9 week, they make us come in on sunday of that week, but i was able to next saturday, i'm working instead of next sunday. sucks doesnt it? oh well, what can i's not like i can complain about it...we already tried, but the company overruled us and said that we need to meet "business needs." i don't see how rotating people's schedules is more convenient to the company than just having straight schedules with people staying in their respective shifts...what do i know, i'm just an employee.
so...what do i have planned for this weekend? nothing too exciting...the weather is really limiting things that i can do. i have been wanting to go shopping for some new shoes...but i havent been able to find a pair that i would want at a somewhat decent price. why am i being so cheap? i got a job that pays pretty well! i suppose it's because i dont like overspending on something i could prolly find at a cheaper price elsewhere. just cuz i'm working doesnt mean that i want to throw away my money. besides, i'm planning on putting a spoiler on my car maybe sometime this week...something i've always wanted, and i figure that now is the time to do it.
hmm...what to do during spring break...i scheduled time off from work at the same time UCSD has their spring break, so what am i gonna do? as of right now, i'm not too sure. i had wanted to go to the bay area to explore it, but i'm not too sure how that will play out for now. any suggestions? anyone?
wow...i'm actually updating this thing...we'll see how long this motivation to blog will last. i'm kinda considering changing the background...i've had this one for awhile, and i'm getting tired of it. ok...enough blogging, i shall return later. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
I forgot to mention this...but happy 71st birthday to my dad...i know you'll prolly never read this, but i hope you have a great one, even though i wont be celebrating with you. he was supposed to come to sd this weekend to celebrate with me, but this on again/off again rain we keep getting cancelled his plans. it woulda been perfect for him to drive down too, since he has a rental car (a motorcycle hit the side of his car last week and ran off without sharing his contact and insurance info)
In other news...this is a 3 day weekend for office so graciously gave us president's day off this coming monday, and then on tuesday i work from 11-9, with an hour of extra overtime. yeah, my schedule at work is differernt, ever since they put us on a rotating basically some weeks i come in at 8 and stay til 5...some weeks i do the 9-6, 10-7, or 12-9 thing...and when i do the 12-9 week, they make us come in on sunday of that week, but i was able to next saturday, i'm working instead of next sunday. sucks doesnt it? oh well, what can i's not like i can complain about it...we already tried, but the company overruled us and said that we need to meet "business needs." i don't see how rotating people's schedules is more convenient to the company than just having straight schedules with people staying in their respective shifts...what do i know, i'm just an employee.
so...what do i have planned for this weekend? nothing too exciting...the weather is really limiting things that i can do. i have been wanting to go shopping for some new shoes...but i havent been able to find a pair that i would want at a somewhat decent price. why am i being so cheap? i got a job that pays pretty well! i suppose it's because i dont like overspending on something i could prolly find at a cheaper price elsewhere. just cuz i'm working doesnt mean that i want to throw away my money. besides, i'm planning on putting a spoiler on my car maybe sometime this week...something i've always wanted, and i figure that now is the time to do it.
hmm...what to do during spring break...i scheduled time off from work at the same time UCSD has their spring break, so what am i gonna do? as of right now, i'm not too sure. i had wanted to go to the bay area to explore it, but i'm not too sure how that will play out for now. any suggestions? anyone?
wow...i'm actually updating this thing...we'll see how long this motivation to blog will last. i'm kinda considering changing the background...i've had this one for awhile, and i'm getting tired of it. ok...enough blogging, i shall return later. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
the long overdue 2004 year in review
so as promised, i was gonna recap on 2004...the highs, the lows, and the randomness that the last 366 days...49 days late
the =( stuff
-Long distance relationships suck (i totally forgot about that one until i re-read my blog)
-Not being picked up to work @ Macy's after the holidays (i wanted to still work there)
-My friend Rachelle's father being killed after falling off of the Coronado Bridge
-APSA board issues
-having more issues with certain females that i was seeing throughout the year
-Getting rejected from Teach for America
-Feeling unappreciated by some people
-The "friends" strategy
-Getting my car towed @ the NERD/Black Eyed Peas concert
- Last Intersuite 450 meeting
-Not getting hired to be on Summer Bridge 2004 staff
-Saying goodbye to my comfort zones at UCSD
-My car getting stolen on graduation night
-Not getting into any teaching programs
-Moving out
-Finding a new roommate to take the empty room
-Not learning anything anymore
-Gaining weight from working a desk job
-San Diego Padres not making the playoffs
-My dad selling the condo and moving to Las Vegas
-Cingular sucks!!!
-Somebody threw a rock at the roof of my new car
-Getting sick
-East Asian Tsunami
The =) stuff
-Taking the CSET and passing it
-Being a master procrastinator during my last months @ ucsd
-Declaring graduation
-Being on APSA Board
-Eating oatmeal (yes i blogged about it)
-Finishing my major and minor a quarter before i graduated
-Going multiple times to Disneyland w/ my annual pass
-Going to the NERD/Black Eyed Peas Concert
-Students First
-PCC practice (most of it)
-Observing my 3rd grade teacher's classroom
-Seeing my ATC Jesson at PCC
-Remembering Eric
-Chie's graduation
-Last undergrad sungod
- Grad banquet
-This commercial
-Graduation from UCSD
-Getting hired at Homecomings Financial (my first job out of college)
-Getting my brand new 2004 RSX Type S
-Turning 23
-Moving out
-The Amazing race, excellent TV programming
-Finding Marvin to fill the void in our house
-Not having to start school
-San Diego Padres having a great year
-Crazy Vegas weekend
-Thanksgiving in Vegas
-San Diego Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper Chargers winning the AFC west
-Christmas in Vegas
well that's it for you, my 2004 year in review...not a bad fact 2004 was a better year for me than 2004 was. What does the rest of 2005 have in store for me? we shall soon find out.
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
so as promised, i was gonna recap on 2004...the highs, the lows, and the randomness that the last 366 days...49 days late
the =( stuff
-Long distance relationships suck (i totally forgot about that one until i re-read my blog)
-Not being picked up to work @ Macy's after the holidays (i wanted to still work there)
-My friend Rachelle's father being killed after falling off of the Coronado Bridge
-APSA board issues
-having more issues with certain females that i was seeing throughout the year
-Getting rejected from Teach for America
-Feeling unappreciated by some people
-The "friends" strategy
-Getting my car towed @ the NERD/Black Eyed Peas concert
- Last Intersuite 450 meeting
-Not getting hired to be on Summer Bridge 2004 staff
-Saying goodbye to my comfort zones at UCSD
-My car getting stolen on graduation night
-Not getting into any teaching programs
-Moving out
-Finding a new roommate to take the empty room
-Not learning anything anymore
-Gaining weight from working a desk job
-San Diego Padres not making the playoffs
-My dad selling the condo and moving to Las Vegas
-Cingular sucks!!!
-Somebody threw a rock at the roof of my new car
-Getting sick
-East Asian Tsunami
The =) stuff
-Taking the CSET and passing it
-Being a master procrastinator during my last months @ ucsd
-Declaring graduation
-Being on APSA Board
-Eating oatmeal (yes i blogged about it)
-Finishing my major and minor a quarter before i graduated
-Going multiple times to Disneyland w/ my annual pass
-Going to the NERD/Black Eyed Peas Concert
-Students First
-PCC practice (most of it)
-Observing my 3rd grade teacher's classroom
-Seeing my ATC Jesson at PCC
-Remembering Eric
-Chie's graduation
-Last undergrad sungod
- Grad banquet
-This commercial
-Graduation from UCSD
-Getting hired at Homecomings Financial (my first job out of college)
-Getting my brand new 2004 RSX Type S
-Turning 23
-Moving out
-The Amazing race, excellent TV programming
-Finding Marvin to fill the void in our house
-Not having to start school
-San Diego Padres having a great year
-Crazy Vegas weekend
-Thanksgiving in Vegas
-San Diego Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper Chargers winning the AFC west
-Christmas in Vegas
well that's it for you, my 2004 year in review...not a bad fact 2004 was a better year for me than 2004 was. What does the rest of 2005 have in store for me? we shall soon find out.
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
2005 has been awhile. almost a month into 2005, and this is my first blog of the year?!?!?! this has to be the longest that i've gone without blogging since i first started blogging in 2001. so why the hiatus? to be honest...i dont have an answer. i guess you could say a bunch of different reasons: laziness, repetition of my routine, nothing to say, no need for blogging as a procrastination activity, not wanting to be on a computer after sitting at one 40 hours a week...pick one, or make up your own. does this mean the end of halohalo happenings? perhaps not...more than likely no, but i know that there is nothing noteworthy going on in my life, and so my blogs will be not quite as frequent, at least for now. and as for the highlights of'll just have to wait until my next blog...hopefully sometime this week. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =) has been awhile. almost a month into 2005, and this is my first blog of the year?!?!?! this has to be the longest that i've gone without blogging since i first started blogging in 2001. so why the hiatus? to be honest...i dont have an answer. i guess you could say a bunch of different reasons: laziness, repetition of my routine, nothing to say, no need for blogging as a procrastination activity, not wanting to be on a computer after sitting at one 40 hours a week...pick one, or make up your own. does this mean the end of halohalo happenings? perhaps not...more than likely no, but i know that there is nothing noteworthy going on in my life, and so my blogs will be not quite as frequent, at least for now. and as for the highlights of'll just have to wait until my next blog...hopefully sometime this week. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)