home...but not for long
moved half of my stuff that i need for the month into argo hall today after training...didnt get the room i was expecting to get, but cant do anything about it, so imma just make the most of it. weird that i'm gonna be the atc of the suite that i was in when i went through summer bridge, way back in the summer of 99. didnt feel like staying there tonight, cuz not too many people are staying there tonight...most likely i'll be there tomorrow night though. gonna cut this post short cuz i got training at 8am, meaning that i gotta get up at the buttcrack of dawn so i can make it to training on time. and u know i'm definitely not a happy camper when it comes to getting up at the buttcrack of dawn...thats the time i usually go to bed =p thats what i get for not staying @ argo tonight...oh well. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =S
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Monday, July 28, 2003
another quickie
got my car back yesterday...they forgot to connect one of my back lights...grr =/
installed a new stereo...Panasonic cq-df583u...from Circuit City...in my car today it plays mp3 cd's =)
bbq @ Edsel's today...made yummy pork chops...proved why they call me "Cheffrey" haha
retreat @ Julian for summer bridge was great...had lots of fun, and got me some caramel apples
k...time to sleep...training @ 9am tomorrow =/
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
got my car back yesterday...they forgot to connect one of my back lights...grr =/
installed a new stereo...Panasonic cq-df583u...from Circuit City...in my car today it plays mp3 cd's =)
bbq @ Edsel's today...made yummy pork chops...proved why they call me "Cheffrey" haha
retreat @ Julian for summer bridge was great...had lots of fun, and got me some caramel apples
k...time to sleep...training @ 9am tomorrow =/
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
a quick blog because...
i gotta go to sleep so i can get up @ 730 to start training for Summer Bridge tomorrow. yup...training starts tomorrow, and the program starts a week from saturday...fun times ahead.
more movies to add to my list of movies
Johnny English
Bad Boys 2
yep my summer is full of movies. went to Irvine yesterday to watch Johnny English with Ellen and hang out with her at Dave and Busters at the Irvine Spectrum...lotsa fun, lotsa randomness...i like =)
then visited Jen Minimo & Rachelle Casinio @ their apts in Irvine, and caught up on each other's lives...more good times
watched Bad Boys 2 today with Liziel, my friend and student from bridge 2 years ago, then went to Dave and Busters in Mission Valley to meet up with Ronnel, Joanne, Annie, Ant, Eugene, & Matt did i mention that i'm becoming a DnB junkie too? didnt think so. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
i gotta go to sleep so i can get up @ 730 to start training for Summer Bridge tomorrow. yup...training starts tomorrow, and the program starts a week from saturday...fun times ahead.
more movies to add to my list of movies
Johnny English
Bad Boys 2
yep my summer is full of movies. went to Irvine yesterday to watch Johnny English with Ellen and hang out with her at Dave and Busters at the Irvine Spectrum...lotsa fun, lotsa randomness...i like =)
then visited Jen Minimo & Rachelle Casinio @ their apts in Irvine, and caught up on each other's lives...more good times
watched Bad Boys 2 today with Liziel, my friend and student from bridge 2 years ago, then went to Dave and Busters in Mission Valley to meet up with Ronnel, Joanne, Annie, Ant, Eugene, & Matt did i mention that i'm becoming a DnB junkie too? didnt think so. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Saturday, July 19, 2003
coming to u live from...
LAS VEGAS!!! right now i'm blogging from the kitchen of my mom's house on my laptop. boo to dial-up connection...it's sooooo fricken slow i tell ya. it's so hot here...but weird cuz it was raining and lightning last night. i've been here since thursday night...right after i turned my car in to get fixed, i got my rental Pontiac Grand Am, and headed up the 15 with my auntie lyn and my cousin romeo to vegas. got here round midnight on thurs night/fri morning. the thing that sucks though is that i came down with a cold on thursday, and ive been trying to recover since then. i'm feeling much better now...but im still recovering lil bit. also, i'm missing Mr. Baker's going away bonfire in SD tonight...oh well...sorry mang.
right now my mom, my aunt, and my cousin went to chinatown las vegas while i just stayed here to rest a lil bit. so right now, i'm listening to NAS's "If I ruled the World" video on BET on the tv in the background and blogging away. i caught up to my nephew Rajen and my niece Sydnee last night, and took them out to Circus Circus, even though i was snotty and coughity...but they had fun. Sydnee came home with a few new stuffed animals to add to her collection, thanks to a few of the 50 cent midway games we played. i enjoyed seeing her smile each time we won a stuffed animal for her...i shall post pics of her soon. well...im gonna go back to veggin in front of the TV, so i can feel a bit better. might go out to aladdin tonight...we'll see how i feel. but i definitely wanna feel better by tomorrow, cuz that's when i head back. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l
LAS VEGAS!!! right now i'm blogging from the kitchen of my mom's house on my laptop. boo to dial-up connection...it's sooooo fricken slow i tell ya. it's so hot here...but weird cuz it was raining and lightning last night. i've been here since thursday night...right after i turned my car in to get fixed, i got my rental Pontiac Grand Am, and headed up the 15 with my auntie lyn and my cousin romeo to vegas. got here round midnight on thurs night/fri morning. the thing that sucks though is that i came down with a cold on thursday, and ive been trying to recover since then. i'm feeling much better now...but im still recovering lil bit. also, i'm missing Mr. Baker's going away bonfire in SD tonight...oh well...sorry mang.
right now my mom, my aunt, and my cousin went to chinatown las vegas while i just stayed here to rest a lil bit. so right now, i'm listening to NAS's "If I ruled the World" video on BET on the tv in the background and blogging away. i caught up to my nephew Rajen and my niece Sydnee last night, and took them out to Circus Circus, even though i was snotty and coughity...but they had fun. Sydnee came home with a few new stuffed animals to add to her collection, thanks to a few of the 50 cent midway games we played. i enjoyed seeing her smile each time we won a stuffed animal for her...i shall post pics of her soon. well...im gonna go back to veggin in front of the TV, so i can feel a bit better. might go out to aladdin tonight...we'll see how i feel. but i definitely wanna feel better by tomorrow, cuz that's when i head back. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =l
Thursday, July 17, 2003
movies seen so far this summer
The Italian Job
Finding Nemo
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Terminator 3
yes i've been watching a lot of movies this summer...i still want to see Bad Boys 2, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2, and American Wedding. yeah, it's costing a lot of money, but i enjoy watching movies with friends. if u wanna watch with me...just call me up...i'm always down to go. thankfully, summer bridge training starts next week, meaning that i'll be getting paid soon...these movies DO cost money, and it would be nice to have some money in my account. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
The Italian Job
Finding Nemo
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Terminator 3
yes i've been watching a lot of movies this summer...i still want to see Bad Boys 2, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2, and American Wedding. yeah, it's costing a lot of money, but i enjoy watching movies with friends. if u wanna watch with me...just call me up...i'm always down to go. thankfully, summer bridge training starts next week, meaning that i'll be getting paid soon...these movies DO cost money, and it would be nice to have some money in my account. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Sunday, July 13, 2003
yes i'm 22
thank you everybody for the birthday wishes..and thanks for those of u who made i t out to my bbiirthday celebraetions @ joe's crab sahck and e st. alleya...just got home, and im n ot really typing strainght..im not really buczzed anymore or drunk...jjust really tired and my hands are out aof orsder right now...honestly, havent dankr since way earleir, i just dont want to correcet my mistakes right nowa. happy birthday to me...stya tuned..we'll be aback after these messagaes =)_
thank you everybody for the birthday wishes..and thanks for those of u who made i t out to my bbiirthday celebraetions @ joe's crab sahck and e st. alleya...just got home, and im n ot really typing strainght..im not really buczzed anymore or drunk...jjust really tired and my hands are out aof orsder right now...honestly, havent dankr since way earleir, i just dont want to correcet my mistakes right nowa. happy birthday to me...stya tuned..we'll be aback after these messagaes =)_
Sunday, July 06, 2003
after many weeks of complaining bout not going to the beach...i finally went yesterday. Darrell, Ann, and her friend Dennis came with me, as well as a few of Darrell's friends (i forget their names). i got the opportunity to test out my new boogie board...and might i say it was quite fun...my tan is developing quite nicely...a few more trips to the beach, and i shall have a somewhat normal tan for a black filipino ;)

after the beach, we went to Hooters and then thesan diego county del mar fair (it will always be the del mar fair, not the san diego county fair) NFG performed, and they were pretty good...especially when they played the Karate Kid clasic "The Glory of Love."

after the concert, we walked around the fair where i indulged in a deep fried snickers bar...an overpriced, yet tasty experience. they were $3.50, i prolly coulda made my own for under $1...but its all good since it IS fair food. i also got my caramel apples. =)
twas quite a fun day, thanks Darrell (and the other APhiO peeps), Dennis, and Angeli for yesterday's fun. yes folks...summer fun is here again!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
after many weeks of complaining bout not going to the beach...i finally went yesterday. Darrell, Ann, and her friend Dennis came with me, as well as a few of Darrell's friends (i forget their names). i got the opportunity to test out my new boogie board...and might i say it was quite fun...my tan is developing quite nicely...a few more trips to the beach, and i shall have a somewhat normal tan for a black filipino ;)
after the beach, we went to Hooters and then the
after the concert, we walked around the fair where i indulged in a deep fried snickers bar...an overpriced, yet tasty experience. they were $3.50, i prolly coulda made my own for under $1...but its all good since it IS fair food. i also got my caramel apples. =)
twas quite a fun day, thanks Darrell (and the other APhiO peeps), Dennis, and Angeli for yesterday's fun. yes folks...summer fun is here again!!! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
Saturday, July 05, 2003
Happy 4th of July...and whoever hit me, fuck you!
yeah...so today was the 4th of july...i was looking forward to having fun with all the festivities, and my friends. i walk up to my car, and what do i see?

yeah...i was shocked. at first i thought it was a big bird who decided to use my car as a bathroom, but i dont think bird crap has some red in it (unless the bird had bloody crap). some bastard decided to park in our complex and scrape my car...and didnt have the decency to leave a note of apology. it was prolly someone's drunk ass who decided to park in our complex to watch the mira mesa 4th of july parade, and left in a huge hurry. damn it! this is the 3rd time in the last 18 months that my car has been damaged when i wasnt even in the car...im sick of putting it in the shop for repairs. thankfully the insurance company is being patient with all of these "incidents"...just sucks that each time i have to front $250 for the deductable...i hate it! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
yeah...so today was the 4th of july...i was looking forward to having fun with all the festivities, and my friends. i walk up to my car, and what do i see?
yeah...i was shocked. at first i thought it was a big bird who decided to use my car as a bathroom, but i dont think bird crap has some red in it (unless the bird had bloody crap). some bastard decided to park in our complex and scrape my car...and didnt have the decency to leave a note of apology. it was prolly someone's drunk ass who decided to park in our complex to watch the mira mesa 4th of july parade, and left in a huge hurry. damn it! this is the 3rd time in the last 18 months that my car has been damaged when i wasnt even in the car...im sick of putting it in the shop for repairs. thankfully the insurance company is being patient with all of these "incidents"...just sucks that each time i have to front $250 for the deductable...i hate it! stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
Thursday, July 03, 2003
perfect beach weather
and yet i havent been to the beach yet this summer. ive been wanting to go, but everyone is busy with summer school, work, or plain ol laziness. hopefully i get to go to the beach before i turn 22...by the way i turn 22 in 9 days, just in case u forgot...but no worries, u still got plenty of time to get me a birthday gift ;) i've become a dave & buster's junkie...i've been there twice within the last week...funny how i'm spending money, and yet i dont have any sort of income coming from a job. ah well...summer bridge training is a lil over 3 weeks away, can't wait. oh well...back to being a bum, hopefully i wont get too broke. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
and yet i havent been to the beach yet this summer. ive been wanting to go, but everyone is busy with summer school, work, or plain ol laziness. hopefully i get to go to the beach before i turn 22...by the way i turn 22 in 9 days, just in case u forgot...but no worries, u still got plenty of time to get me a birthday gift ;) i've become a dave & buster's junkie...i've been there twice within the last week...funny how i'm spending money, and yet i dont have any sort of income coming from a job. ah well...summer bridge training is a lil over 3 weeks away, can't wait. oh well...back to being a bum, hopefully i wont get too broke. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)