Monday, April 29, 2002
Saturday, April 27, 2002
Waterfalls (Rap chorus)
i tried to post this yesterday, but blogger wouldnt let me here it is now...
I seen a rainbow yesterday
But too many storms have come and gone
Leavin' a trace of not one God-given ray
Is it because my life is ten shades of grey
I pray all ten fade away
Seldom praise Him for the sunny days
And like His promise is true
Only my faith can undo
The many chances I blew
To bring my life to anew
Clear blue and unconditional skies
Have dried the tears from my eyes
No more lonely cries
My only bleedin' hope
Is for the folk who can't cope
Wit such an endurin' pain
That it keeps 'em in the pourin' rain
Who's to blame
For tootin' caine in your own vein
What a shame
You shoot and aim for someone else's brain
You claim the insane
And name this day and time
For fallin' prey to crime
I say the system got you victim to your own mind
Dreams are hopeless aspirations
In hopes of comin' true
Believe in yourself
The rest is up to me and you
-Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes
ive always loved those lyrics ever since i first heard them in 1995. i dunno, for some reason those lyrics, especially the last part, has been significant to me. but now theyre more significant since the person who i first heard it from is now dead. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
i tried to post this yesterday, but blogger wouldnt let me here it is now...
I seen a rainbow yesterday
But too many storms have come and gone
Leavin' a trace of not one God-given ray
Is it because my life is ten shades of grey
I pray all ten fade away
Seldom praise Him for the sunny days
And like His promise is true
Only my faith can undo
The many chances I blew
To bring my life to anew
Clear blue and unconditional skies
Have dried the tears from my eyes
No more lonely cries
My only bleedin' hope
Is for the folk who can't cope
Wit such an endurin' pain
That it keeps 'em in the pourin' rain
Who's to blame
For tootin' caine in your own vein
What a shame
You shoot and aim for someone else's brain
You claim the insane
And name this day and time
For fallin' prey to crime
I say the system got you victim to your own mind
Dreams are hopeless aspirations
In hopes of comin' true
Believe in yourself
The rest is up to me and you
-Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes
ive always loved those lyrics ever since i first heard them in 1995. i dunno, for some reason those lyrics, especially the last part, has been significant to me. but now theyre more significant since the person who i first heard it from is now dead. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Friday, April 26, 2002
Another life cut short
it's funny how we never notice the tragic deaths that happen until it happens to someone famous. this time Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes from TLC tragically lost her life in an accident in Honduras. i remember when TLC first came out, i totally loved their music...i still listen to them from time to time. i just cant believe that the L from TLC is no longer around to make music. i was in disbelief when Mona told me about it, cuz the website that she showed me was the only one that had news about it...but once i heard more news, and heard it on the radio, disbelief became reality, sad but in peace Left Eye...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =(
it's funny how we never notice the tragic deaths that happen until it happens to someone famous. this time Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes from TLC tragically lost her life in an accident in Honduras. i remember when TLC first came out, i totally loved their music...i still listen to them from time to time. i just cant believe that the L from TLC is no longer around to make music. i was in disbelief when Mona told me about it, cuz the website that she showed me was the only one that had news about it...but once i heard more news, and heard it on the radio, disbelief became reality, sad but in peace Left Eye...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =(
Wednesday, April 24, 2002
boba controversy
ok, so Kristhine and i had this debate tonight at the APSA meeting about the proper name of those balls that float around in beverages. she says it's pearl, i say it's boba. we took a random survey of peeps standing around in the room and found out that most peeps from the bay (yay, hella, norcal, etc) area call it pearl or bubble, while the cooler people from southern cali refer to it as BOBA!!!. so, i decided to take a survey from the people who read my blog. so answer my lovely poll to settle this debate. *hint* the correct answer is boba =)
and while youre at it, sign the's gotten rather lonely lately. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
ok, so Kristhine and i had this debate tonight at the APSA meeting about the proper name of those balls that float around in beverages. she says it's pearl, i say it's boba. we took a random survey of peeps standing around in the room and found out that most peeps from the bay (yay, hella, norcal, etc) area call it pearl or bubble, while the cooler people from southern cali refer to it as BOBA!!!. so, i decided to take a survey from the people who read my blog. so answer my lovely poll to settle this debate. *hint* the correct answer is boba =)
and while youre at it, sign the's gotten rather lonely lately. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, April 22, 2002
where i'm from

Take the WHAT PART OF SAN DIEGO AM I FROM? Quiz besta recognize haha...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)

Take the WHAT PART OF SAN DIEGO AM I FROM? Quiz besta recognize haha...stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Saturday, April 20, 2002
did u know?
that i dont have anything really interesting to say, maybe cuz i'm lazy...but, nothing major of note to report. in other news, i have allergies...damn pollen!!! i am now sneezing, my throat itches, and my nose is stuffy. this always happens in april! grr...i think i shall sleep now, so i can rest up for pcc practice. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages >=O
that i dont have anything really interesting to say, maybe cuz i'm lazy...but, nothing major of note to report. in other news, i have allergies...damn pollen!!! i am now sneezing, my throat itches, and my nose is stuffy. this always happens in april! grr...i think i shall sleep now, so i can rest up for pcc practice. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages >=O
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Saturday, April 13, 2002
random ish
haven't felt the need to blog lately for some reason. yeah there have been a lot of things that have been going on, but i havent really felt like sitting down at my computer and putting it up for all to read. not that i'm defeating the pupose of having an online blog...ive just been too lazy. to briefly recap things...fusion was cool, pcc (Pilipino Cultural Celebration) practice is hectic and tiring, school is eh...lotsa reading, and STUDENTS FIRST dominated the AS elections (mad props to them), and i've filled up 1 frequent flyer card @ Quickly's boba shop since i started drinking boba again after giving it up for lent less than 2 weeks ago, i almostdied burnt in class (see last post), and i performed my pcc dance (Habanera) today @ Thurgood Marshall College's Cultural Celebration. now i'm pooped and hungry. i'm off to enjoy my bacon cheddar potato wedges from jack in the crack. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)
haven't felt the need to blog lately for some reason. yeah there have been a lot of things that have been going on, but i havent really felt like sitting down at my computer and putting it up for all to read. not that i'm defeating the pupose of having an online blog...ive just been too lazy. to briefly recap things...fusion was cool, pcc (Pilipino Cultural Celebration) practice is hectic and tiring, school is eh...lotsa reading, and STUDENTS FIRST dominated the AS elections (mad props to them), and i've filled up 1 frequent flyer card @ Quickly's boba shop since i started drinking boba again after giving it up for lent less than 2 weeks ago, i almost
Tuesday, April 09, 2002
today was a normal day at school. i go to class, i sit in class, i try to learn, and the cycle continues til 5 pm. but today was an unusual day. everything was going normal...until i get to my 2nd class of the day, cogsci 11 @ warren lecture hall 2208. my professor starts the class as normal. about 5-10 minutes into class, we hear a screeching sound coming from outside. well, since warren lecture hall is by a construction site, we assume that the noise is coming from there, so my professor asks someone to close the door, which is successful in quieting the noise, and continues with her lecture. about 2 minutes later, the tech guy who is setting up the projector for our class walks in casually to finish his work, and says calmly "oh by the way, the fire alarm is going off...everybody is leaving the building." my professor asks "does that include us?" and the guy replies by saying "i think so." she then tells us "i think that maybe we should leave." with a phD in neurology, she sure is wise when it comes to emergencies. so we proceed to evacuate the classroom and gather by the construction site. my point? well, my point is that in the case of an actual fire, the mini halls of warren lecture hall are not equipped w/ fire alarms, and the doors are soundproof enough to drown out the sirens of the alarms that are outside. so, if there had been a real fire during our lecture about cognitive development in neurons, we would havedied burned! aint that lovely? stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
today was a normal day at school. i go to class, i sit in class, i try to learn, and the cycle continues til 5 pm. but today was an unusual day. everything was going normal...until i get to my 2nd class of the day, cogsci 11 @ warren lecture hall 2208. my professor starts the class as normal. about 5-10 minutes into class, we hear a screeching sound coming from outside. well, since warren lecture hall is by a construction site, we assume that the noise is coming from there, so my professor asks someone to close the door, which is successful in quieting the noise, and continues with her lecture. about 2 minutes later, the tech guy who is setting up the projector for our class walks in casually to finish his work, and says calmly "oh by the way, the fire alarm is going off...everybody is leaving the building." my professor asks "does that include us?" and the guy replies by saying "i think so." she then tells us "i think that maybe we should leave." with a phD in neurology, she sure is wise when it comes to emergencies. so we proceed to evacuate the classroom and gather by the construction site. my point? well, my point is that in the case of an actual fire, the mini halls of warren lecture hall are not equipped w/ fire alarms, and the doors are soundproof enough to drown out the sirens of the alarms that are outside. so, if there had been a real fire during our lecture about cognitive development in neurons, we would have
Saturday, April 06, 2002
status quo
nothing major of note to report. first week of spring quarter has come and gone...meaning that there's only 9 weeks and finals week left til summer break. this year will be my first year since i was in high school that i will not be taking summer school. funny saying that, since i had never taken summer school til i got into college, and now summer school had become a routine...well, not this year. this year, i'm gonna enjoy my summer break, all i'm gonna do is work a bit, chill even more, and do summer bridge (thats work, but not really work cuz i really enjoy it).
speaking of work....i hate it! i wanna quit my job really bad. i dunno, i guess working there for over 2 years really burnt me out. it prolly wouldnt be as bad if they hadn't considered laying us off a couple of months ago. ever since they almost laid us, i havent been as happy working there as i once was. the idea of being expendable even after working there for over 2 years, just because i'm a student worker does not sit well with me. its funny, cuz even though i'm not permanent staff, i've been more permanent than even the permanent staff...shoot, i've even been there longer than my boss. the only thing that is keeping me at this job is the money...i need it. but even w/ that...i think i'm gonna quit after this quarter. money aint everything (but it sure is nice), especially when youre seen as nothing more than a "student worker." stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
nothing major of note to report. first week of spring quarter has come and gone...meaning that there's only 9 weeks and finals week left til summer break. this year will be my first year since i was in high school that i will not be taking summer school. funny saying that, since i had never taken summer school til i got into college, and now summer school had become a routine...well, not this year. this year, i'm gonna enjoy my summer break, all i'm gonna do is work a bit, chill even more, and do summer bridge (thats work, but not really work cuz i really enjoy it).
speaking of work....i hate it! i wanna quit my job really bad. i dunno, i guess working there for over 2 years really burnt me out. it prolly wouldnt be as bad if they hadn't considered laying us off a couple of months ago. ever since they almost laid us, i havent been as happy working there as i once was. the idea of being expendable even after working there for over 2 years, just because i'm a student worker does not sit well with me. its funny, cuz even though i'm not permanent staff, i've been more permanent than even the permanent staff...shoot, i've even been there longer than my boss. the only thing that is keeping me at this job is the money...i need it. but even w/ that...i think i'm gonna quit after this quarter. money aint everything (but it sure is nice), especially when youre seen as nothing more than a "student worker." stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/
Tuesday, April 02, 2002
Rip Off!
DO NOT sell your books to the UCSD bookstore, unless u wanna get ripped off!!! I sold 2 books that i used last quarter, and bought for at least $25 each. well, i sold them today...and all they gave me was $5.75...FOR BOTH BOOKS, not each!!!
UCSD Bookstore, "Saves Students Millions, Rips off Students Billions" -Luis Lopez
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
DO NOT sell your books to the UCSD bookstore, unless u wanna get ripped off!!! I sold 2 books that i used last quarter, and bought for at least $25 each. well, i sold them today...and all they gave me was $5.75...FOR BOTH BOOKS, not each!!!
UCSD Bookstore, "Saves Students Millions, Rips off Students Billions" -Luis Lopez
stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages >=O
The End
the end has come for my spring break. while most others had class today, i on the other hand did not...since i don't have classes on mondays or fridays (and possibly on wednesdays if my lower div profs dont require sections)...anyways, to make things short, i cant wait til this quarter's over, since summer is just around the corner. what better way to spend the last day of my break, than w/ a special someone =) *SAPPINESS alert* (you dont get much of these, so enjoy it while it lasts) dont think im psycho or weird or anything like that, but yeah...u know that good feeling in your stomach that wont go away, kinda like butterflies...well i have that, and i like it...i hope it doesnt go away...
with that said, i shall turn in so i may rest up for my first day of the third quarter of my third year in college. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
the end has come for my spring break. while most others had class today, i on the other hand did not...since i don't have classes on mondays or fridays (and possibly on wednesdays if my lower div profs dont require sections)...anyways, to make things short, i cant wait til this quarter's over, since summer is just around the corner. what better way to spend the last day of my break, than w/ a special someone =) *SAPPINESS alert* (you dont get much of these, so enjoy it while it lasts) dont think im psycho or weird or anything like that, but yeah...u know that good feeling in your stomach that wont go away, kinda like butterflies...well i have that, and i like it...i hope it doesnt go away...
with that said, i shall turn in so i may rest up for my first day of the third quarter of my third year in college. stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =)
Monday, April 01, 2002
boba in my tummy
today marked the end of my boba fast of 42 days (42, cuz i havent had boba since 2 days before ash wednesday)...and so i went buckwild, like i said i would. as of right now, i have a 4 stamps on my Quickly's card...the newest boba place, located conveniently down the street from me (of course, 1 of those stamps is from Ronnel's boba that i picked up for him). the rest of my day was pretty cool although i lost $40 @ Sycuan and Barona...but oh well, i had boba today...and i spent the day with a special someone and her family =)
a special "wholesome" shoutout goes to my Family Ties partner in crime Nem Pelonia who made a special appearance in my guestbook...stay tuned we'll be back after these messages =)
today marked the end of my boba fast of 42 days (42, cuz i havent had boba since 2 days before ash wednesday)...and so i went buckwild, like i said i would. as of right now, i have a 4 stamps on my Quickly's card...the newest boba place, located conveniently down the street from me (of course, 1 of those stamps is from Ronnel's boba that i picked up for him). the rest of my day was pretty cool although i lost $40 @ Sycuan and Barona...but oh well, i had boba today...and i spent the day with a special someone and her family =)
a special "wholesome" shoutout goes to my Family Ties partner in crime Nem Pelonia who made a special appearance in my guestbook...stay tuned we'll be back after these messages =)