Tuesday, May 05, 2009

6 months later
after being off of work for 6 months, nothing has changed...no new job prospects, and i'm an alternate to get into the CBB program. gotta keep on keeping on...boo!

stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages =/

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

i'm getting interviewed!

from CBB Graduate Assistant
to Jeff Green
date Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:58 AM
subject CBB Interview

Dear Jeff,

This letter is to inform you that you have been selected to participate in a group interview for the Community Based Block Program in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology. The interview will be held on Saturday, March 21st at the Dede Alpert Ceter for Community Engagement, Suite 200 (Literacy Center - 4283 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92105), and will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The interview will include a small and large group exercise, a writing exercise, and a one-on-one experience. It will be conducted in a large group format (of about 35-40 people) and is potentially an emotionally intense experience. We ask that you arrive at least fifteen minutes early so that we may commence at the scheduled time.

Please note that this is a lengthy interview with very few short breaks. Please bring water and a snack to sustain you during the 4-hour process. If you accept our invitation to the interview, please inform us via e-mail, or leave a message at (619) 594-7729.

Maria Senour, Ph.D.

Director, Community Based Block Program

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's March already, and i thought i would give a brief update on the status of my goals that i have set forth at the beginning of the year.

1. Grad school...i have already applied for grad school, now just waiting for them to let me know if i got an interview which is tentatively scheduled for March 21. i hope i get to interview!

2. Love life...it has improved, but still has a lot of work to go. currently i'm interested in someone i met 8 years ago and lost touch with until recently. i have a feeling that there is mutual attraction, but certain life situations are holding both of us back. we shall see how that progresses, but hopefuly positively.

3. Work...no callbacks anywhere. i've been unemployed since november, and haven't made any progress with the job hunt. i'm going to keep going, but it's hard, especially when there are lots of people getting laid off on a daily basis.

i must keep my eyes on the prize. 2009 has had mixed results thus far, but hopefully it will all be worth it!

stay tuned, we'll be back after these messages! =p

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2008 2009
My main priority since the calendar switched over to the new year has been to finish my grad school application. I'm about 95% done with the application. I have already done 2 drafts of my personal statement and it's currently being edited by friends of mine. The application is due on January 15, but I'm aiming to turn it in on January 14.

Then I can switch my focus onto my 2 other goals that I mentioned in the previous blog. But sitting here on a Saturday night at home, I can't but help to wish I were focusing on goal # 2 right now...

oh well, priorities are priorities (that, and no one wanted to go out with me tonight)

stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =/

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolution
Well...not really a new years resolution, more like a new years hope. I am hopeful that 2009 will be a better year than 2008. I had a lot of ups and downs in 2008, but mostly downs. But there are 3 things that I am focusing on in 2009, which will make it a better year.

1. Get into the CBB Program @ SDSU
2. Have a better love life
3. Find a better job.

#1 is the grad school program that i am currently applying to...i really hope i get into it this year
#2 is self explanatory...it was a down year in the love life of yours truly...maybe i was still trying to get over the ex...maybe i was afraid to get back on the dating scene, but whatever the case, things will change in 2009.
#3 is a short term goal because i am hoping to get back to work and save money enough for when i have to cut down to part time while i'm in grad school.

oh yeah, 2009 will also be my 10 year reunion from high school...hard to believe that it's been 10 years since i graduated. more motivation for me to accomplish those 3 goals that i have set up for myself in 2009. let's see if i can make it happen. stay tuned...we'll be back after these messages =)